Can You Analyze Yelp, Merchant Circle, Citysearch, etc.?

2 replies
Has anyone done research on which of the local directories yield the best results? I'm trying to decide which (if any) merit an ad spend...with Yelp, Google Places, Yahoo Local, Merchant Circle, Citysearch, etc. out there, it is a challenge to make an investment decision. Obviously it may depend on business type and location.

Does anyone know of a way to analyze these sites to see which is receiving the most traffic for a given category in a specific location?
#analyze #circle #citysearch #merchant #yelp
  • Profile picture of the author LiquidSeo
    What is the business type you are considering running an ad? I'm not a big fan of paid ads on these sites, although I find tremendous value in building quality listings on each.

    If I had to guess, a Google Boost ad on Google Places would provide more real customers for your client -- assuming they are not already ranked in the page 1 of Google Places.
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    • Profile picture of the author bsuperiority
      In this example, I am working with an attorney. I have experienced success with "legal" specific sites ( and I'm wondering if these generalized "local markets" sites are worth it. Many have a case study, where an attorney on their site has experienced incredible growth through advertising with them...
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