First offline run need a little help (cpa)

3 replies
My first thought was why isn't there more talk about offline marketing for short form, email, zip submits. Even though they pay only 2-5 dollars per wouldn't they convert more as well. This is where I need the help. I've got a list of offers and would like input, advise, critics, ect.

Offer list

1. Pledge to stop texting and driving. short form submit pays $2.50
2. $1000 in Victoria's Secret Gift Cards short form submit pays $2.00
3. M&M Favorite Color - Short Form pays $1.80

The problem with all of the above is they promote giving away some sort of gift card even the pledge one which makes it look a major spamy lie imoh. Maybe this is why hmmm....

Free Trial
Muscle X pays $30
Super acia -1200 pays $25

Cost to customer for both of the above $4.95

Paid Trial
Spray it away pays 18.75
cost to customer 29.95

Every time someone talks about a free trial offer we hear something like 35, 40, or even 50 dollar payouts where are those hiding?

The plan is to go to a local walmart and distribute fliers onto windshields. If it helps I have the choice of two different towns one is somewhat of a hick town and the other is more of a small city type town. Again any advise is greatly appreciated this is my first time trying anything like this so complete nub to the offline world.
#cpa #offline #run
  • Profile picture of the author Mehak
    Jay, I'm sorry to say this but my personal advice would be to stop offline marketing, or if you do- hire someone to distribute for you.

    The whole point is to work smarter not harder!

    Offline marketing costs a lot of time and money and is very untargeted! You're randomly approaching people who have possible very little or no interest in what you've got to offer.

    Think about it- if you're looking for an online business you'd search online-newspapers/etc
    the same applies to whatever you're promoting.
    Even if you were looking for an online business, if you saw a leaflet on your car it would possibly be off-putting and make you sceptical. If this person is really make x amount monthly why is he/she putting out flyers and what could they possibly teach you.

    So i'd suggest you stick to online targeted marketing. If you're skint try free marketing such as social networks because they work very well.

    All the best
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    • Profile picture of the author cbest
      I agree with not putting flyers on cars.. you can do a bit more targeted traffic checking out groups either talk online or go to their meet-ups which are often good for networking.

      Offline/Online Coupon App free coupon for your clients coming soon.

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  • Profile picture of the author jaymoney20
    Hmm not exactly what I was looking for in responses... Some people must work hard for what they get whether it be online or offline. If one were going to walmart anyways why not get a little exercise and make a few dollars that doesn't cost anything. At least that's what I thought. Will have to think on your reply's further. Thanks all the same.
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