QR Codes- perfect mix of digital and bricks and mortar marketing?

6 replies
First post, so hopefully a useful one:
We put a QR code print out in our high street shop window linking to our main web site URL.
Very surprised how many people are already familiar with QR codes, judging by the number of people pointing their phones at the small black barcode in the shop window.

As people get more familiar with QR codes, I'm wondering about the potential for all sorts of things olther than printed media, including forum avatars, or places where you can post images which disallow (or no-follow) links....

Couple of questions if anyone has any ideas:
Does a smartphone scan QR codes off a computer screen as well as it does from a physical hard-copy?
QR codes and SEO?
#bricks #codes #digital #marketing #mix #mortar #perfect #qr codes
  • Profile picture of the author myob
    As long as there is good contrast it will scan off a computer screen.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin01736
    Originally Posted by jodib View Post

    Well done.. What shop do you have?
    Can you elaborate on your last paragraph please?


    Nothing exciting: we have a picture framing shop and web sites selling picture framing, picture mats, and plastic glass within the UK. I dont have enough posts to add links. But we have three web sites top 1-3 of serps in G and Bing for picture mounts (mats), plastic glass, and oak picture frames (UK) which are our "bread and butter" products.

    Elaborating on the last paragraph - I was asking how well they (QR codes) scanned from a PC screen as I was thinking about adding a QR code for our phone number on the web site contact pages. we already receive email enquiries we can see came from blackberrries (and similar mobile devices etc) and I'm going to try a few web site pages for mobile devices, and address usability issues for our sites with mobile devices.
    Re SEO: I was curious as to whether any of the search engine technologies are "reading" QR code images yet, or may be doing so later. Wondering whether I should alt-tag the QR code images as something like "QR code for URL example dot com" or whatever, as well as make it a clickable html image link. Figured that couldn't do any harm.

    While we are primarily shifting a physical product, the online side of our marketing (web based sales or leads generated from our web sites) is where we get the majority of our sales from.
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  • Profile picture of the author mancmusicman
    the answer to your question - yes it can scan it off a computer screen
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  • Profile picture of the author Quentin
    QR Codes are great and you can scan it from anywhere, computer screen, print, tshirt, mug etc.

    The secret for any QR Code you do is to track the info and send them to a mobile ready site.

    We have a complete tracking process which you can use for free at QR Codes Australia | QR Code Generator and Tracking Service.

    While we are targeting Australian businesses you can use it globally.

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