3 replies
How do most telesales agents start their calls?

Big, exaggerated smile.

Cheesy tone of voice.

Condescending 'How are you?'

All that shit puts up their shields at full force.

You aren't being real..

But what if you went into the call to break rapport slightly?

Who can you think of that would use this tone of voice? A police officer, a customer, a CEO?

These are people of relative high social status.

People will take your approach seriously and will associate you with these other powerful people and perceptions.

Because all the caller ever knows about you is what you say to them, that is their entire reality. You can be as powerful as you want and they will have no choice but to accept this as fact.

I abandon unlikely sales situations regularly, and feel good when I do it too, especially if they're being rude. I enjoy the act of saying 'No.' to people; no to discounts, no to bad attitudes, no to entitlement issued gatekeepers.

If someone pisses you off, ****en tell them. For the love of god put them in their place.
It's what I do to feminists, and takes the wind straight out of their sails faster than a kick in the ....

  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Tone of voice is very powerful. However, newbies are nervous.

    The secret here is that you get connected to the person you sound most like. Sound like the janitor, you get to talk to nobody. Sound like their boss, and up you go.

    Absolutely you should kick out sales situations that aren't going to work. Find out fast and move on to your next prospect.
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  • Profile picture of the author hipeopo02
    cool name for a telemarketing forum
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    • Profile picture of the author midasman09
      One of the "Phone Prospecting" technques I used when I began my Burglar Alarm Business in the Northern Suburbs of Chgo...whether I phoned a home or business was to use the "Power of NO!"

      I knew that people I phoned would be ready to say "No!" if they felt I was trying to sell them something so....I turned a "No!" into a "Yes!" by asking a "No!" question;

      "Hello....I'm calling from Securitronics Corp here in x. We have a way to secure your home (business) from intruders. Would you have any objection to my mailing an Info Package to you?"

      If the answer is "No!"....you send the package and follow up with a call for an appointment for an Estimate.

      Also....when I started a "Storm Window" business in the mountains of Colorado I used the same "No!" technique.

      I got a Cross-Index Directory that listed homes and businesses by Address. This allowed me to "go right down the block".

      I phoned homes in the afternoon. Here's what I said; "Hello....I'm with Valley Storm Windows. Do you folks have storm windows?"

      If the response was "Yes!"....I thanked them for their time and hung up. If the answer was "No!" I then said that I'd be glad to stop by this evening to give them an estimate. Would 6 or 7 be better?"

      I'd get my 2 appts for the evening after just a few calls. That was about 25yrs ago HOWEVER....I'd bet I could NOW target any "older" suburb of any big city and get 2 appts every eve wth the same words.

      Don Alm
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