Online marketing first stage?????

by swanF
5 replies
Have nice day. I am a new member of "WARRIOR" forum. I am very interested about online marketing but I have no enough opportunity for learning. Hope I can get great support from all members. :confused:

#marketing #online #stage
  • Profile picture of the author jkcashflow
    Hi Swan F, great to see you here. We all have to start somewhere, and everyone on the site here has had to do the same at one point or another.

    It all depends on what you want to get out of online marketing,whether it is freedom from having to work where and when your employers states, or simply some extra money in your pockets. Whatever you want to do a professional and ethical stance is always the best way to go, as you can have a pride in your business and your dealings with other people. Give people value and then over deliver what they expected, and you will be a success.

    Don't be tempted to take a shortcut or short change people with shoddy goods or services, it will not pay off in the long run.

    My other advice is keep on learning and adapting, this business is a very fluid and dynamic business that changes a lot very quickly, so keep on reading and learning what other people are doing. Ideally find a successful mentor you can learn from and who will help you avoid too many mistakes.

    This is all about being professional, and if you treat it as a business it will repay you accordingly. If you think of it as a part time business around your work then it will often remain that way, although I would say at this point don't simply jack your job in to work on online marketing before you have comfortably made more than you are earning full time. (I am assuming you have a job now ?)

    Also, be professional when you are working on the business. treat people how you want to be treated, and also be specific in your hours you work on it, with a proper plan of action. Don't simply roll out of bed and work in slippers and pyjamas ( although this is possible it doesn't keep your own mind as professional as it can be)

    Lastly, invest in software, learning, and as much QUALITY knowledge as you can, and keep the clients view of what you do to be the best first impression possible. So learn WordPress and also about putting up sites onto servers etc, copywriting, and develop a visual style and keep it quality, after a while you may be able to outsource some things, but if you haven't done it yourself you won't know what to ask then outsourcer to do! The beauty of outsourcing means you can work ON your business, not IN it!

    Good software is also a great time saver. Yes, a lot of things can be done by hand, but they can be a LOT quicker by using good quality software. Be careful there is a lot of stuff out there that doesn't actually do what it says, so find recommendations like I have below.

    The look of your websites needs to be presentable, and I have recently discovered some great tools to make building websites and I would like to share them with you. If you take a look at my blog below here then I hope that will also help you.

    I wish you all the best, get in touch with me if you want to know more..
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Lee
    Welcome to the forum. The first thing you should do is make sure you check the different parts of the Warrior Forum, and get an understanding of the different methods of making online. It's great to ask questions, but don't buy anything until you have a better understanding of how each method works. Then you will have an idea on what interests you, and what doesn't. It's always good to start with something you are passionate about or something that you are generally interested in. The more you learn, the more you can participate and contribute here on the forum, and that can lead to leads & sales.
    "One of the Most Successful Offline WSO's Ever!
    Get More High $$$ Clients with this Small Business Marketing PLR Magazine
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  • Profile picture of the author kbclickbank

    Promotion campaigns have simple cycles. Get a promotion idea (new message, new channel), implement it, measure results, and update your main promotion strategy. There are four major steps of a promotion campaign:

    Value proposition and message. What promise are you making? Whom are you targeting?
    Content. How do you describe your product and its benefits?
    Channels. How do you reach prospective customers?
    Measurement & analysis. How effective is your campaign?
    Explore & exploit. What channels do market experts recommend? What channels work best for your competitors? Look for message that works. Look for channel that works. Then use them as much as you can. Use different channels for early adopters and mass market promotion.

    Have a nice day to you too
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    • Profile picture of the author Derelle1
      Take your time and learn as much as you can. The Warrior Forum is good place to find a lot of information although you can get information overload and not know where to start. I suggest a person such as mentor or coach. You can also find a good product that caters to newbies who are just starting out. I actually just created a video course that shows newbies how to create their own money making affiliate WordPress sites. I can't advertise it here but you can find it by visiting the link below. I hope you find what you are looking for. Good luck!
      ==> Have you tried to start your lucrative business In Internet Marketing... But Don't Know where to Start? Here’s What To Do...
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      • Profile picture of the author Matt Lee
        Originally Posted by Derelle1 View Post

        Take your time and learn as much as you can. The Warrior Forum is good place to find a lot of information although you can get information overload and not know where to start. I suggest a person such as mentor or coach. You can also find a good product that caters to newbies who are just starting out. I actually just created a video course that shows newbies how to create their own money making affiliate WordPress sites. I can't advertise it here but you can find it by visiting the link below. I hope you find what you are looking for. Good luck!
        self promote much?
        "One of the Most Successful Offline WSO's Ever!
        Get More High $$$ Clients with this Small Business Marketing PLR Magazine
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