Removing Border around WP125 Plugin

2 replies
Hi guys,

I'm using WP125 plugin. But it has a problem. It shows a framer border around ads on right columns, while no border on left column ads. How can we remove the framed border?

Second, how can we reduce the distance between the ads?

#border #plugin #removing #wp125
  • Profile picture of the author SHAB1412
    I found a resolution.
    Adding this at the end of CSS file removed the border.
    #wp125adwrap_2c .even { border:0; }

    I also figured out how to reduce the space between ads in 2 column layout (reducing the padding in CSS file). But when I reduce it, all my ads are slightly dragged upward, and start touching the top of sidebar. Any better way of doing this?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6783135].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author nobita436
    All you have to do is edit the css file.
    If you enough understanding over web design programming language than you can do that otherwise you should do that thing.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6783400].message }}

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