[ASK] Squeeze page SEO

2 replies
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hello warriors
i want to ask about how to optimize the squeeze page with form optin SEO.
Thanks for the answer

Warm regards,

Alif Umari
#page #seo #squeeze
  • Profile picture of the author AndrewHansen
    For the majority of squeeze pages, there's no optimizing to rank for a keyword. You can't do it well, and you shouldn't try.

    Your squeeze can almost never do two things.

    A squeeze page has to have great copy that converts sales and nothing else. If you start trying to optimize it to have certain keyword mentions, to do decent internal linking, to link out to other authority pages, and other things you might do to optimize a page for search engine purposes, you're going to hurt conversions.

    The best approach, if you have a squeeze page and you want search engine visitors to see it (which, in itself might not be your best, lowest cost source of leads) is to build up content around your squeeze page (on the same site), get that content to rank, and drive the traffic that those content pages generate, onto your squeeze page, by linking to it creatively.

    Hope this helps.

    More Affiliate Marketing & SEO Strategy For Free Than Most Courses Will Give You If You Pay... http://andrewhansen.name

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    • Profile picture of the author alifumari
      Originally Posted by AndrewHansen View Post

      For the majority of squeeze pages, there's no optimizing to rank for a keyword. You can't do it well, and you shouldn't try.

      Your squeeze can almost never do two things.

      A squeeze page has to have great copy that converts sales and nothing else. If you start trying to optimize it to have certain keyword mentions, to do decent internal linking, to link out to other authority pages, and other things you might do to optimize a page for search engine purposes, you're going to hurt conversions.

      The best approach, if you have a squeeze page and you want search engine visitors to see it (which, in itself might not be your best, lowest cost source of leads) is to build up content around your squeeze page (on the same site), get that content to rank, and drive the traffic that those content pages generate, onto your squeeze page, by linking to it creatively.

      Hope this helps.
      youre right andrew. I should try your suggestion immediately. If i have some problem. Can you help me ,please ? :p *kidding
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