backlinking to subpages?

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I am wondering if it would be better to make an authority site with subpages targeted at different micro-niche keywords, and then backlinking and treating each subpage as a separate site? Assuming all the subpages/niches are related and it makes sense to have them on one site.

For example, maindomain/whiteshoes being optimized for "white shoes" and have its own backlinking campaign. This would help build up the pages in the root domain. But, would it also work to treat the subsite as a MNS? I understand that it might take some more backlinking, but does anybody think this would work? Better yet, is this working for anyone now?

Hopefully my question makes sense. Thanks in advance!
#backlinking #subpages
  • Profile picture of the author JonVinci
    I believe that with recent updates, Google is encouraging exactly this to happen. They would rather you build a larger authority site as opposed to 5-10 page microniche sites.

    Personally I think the more pages you have indexed and subpages backlinked, the easier it gets to rank new content with only on-page SEO. I have a site that has about 400 indexed pages that ranks new articles about page 2-3 with no backlinks (kw<8k exact match searches/month). Having said that, whatever google may say, I still feel like they give a small advantage to EMD so it does still have value.

    So it's really up to you. My suggestion would be to broaden your niche just a bit and make a site where you can really tackle 20-30 keywords that all have something to do with each other.

    Good luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author pncinternet
      Thank you!

      It seems like this would be a more efficient and cheaper way than buying another domain name for each little keyword, treating each subpage as if it were its own website and optimizing SEO for that keyword. I do still feel like there is preference for EMDs, but I think with proper backlinking it is possible and not too hard to overcome this.

      If anyone else has any other opinions, I would love to hear them!
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      • Profile picture of the author simpleonline1234
        Just remember that g ranks web pages not websites. Each page will have it's own ranking in g and each page will bring in different amounts of traffic.

        The more you flesh out your site with new content/pages the more traffic you will have coming into site as a whole.

        The other question you asked about "Is it better to have a website with 1000 pages or 1000 sites with 1 page each."

        This is really a catch 22.

        1 site with 1000 pages is cheaper as far as purchasing the domain goes, you can build authority from site and gain ground in your niche

        1000 sites with 1 page is more expensive to reserve the domain names, the power is limited because 1 page isn't as strong however should google not like your site and drop you from the engine you still have 999 more sites alive.

        With the one site with 1000 pages one click of the mouse on your domain's root and your entire empire just crumbled.

        There's many different way to view it but if it were me I would go authority with one site and build your sub pages for traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jordan Rhodes
    I do believe that backlinking to subpages is required to prosper in the Search Engine Results Page. It imitates the natural link building that Google wishes for webmasters to achieve.
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    • Profile picture of the author Nelapsi
      Both of my sites are of this nature and love it.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    OP, are you suggesting to make a site without internal links?

    Looks like everyone in the thread is talking about different things (If I understand what OP is asking).

    If you have different subjects for the site, you would be better off making sub-domains. You need internal links, otherwise your just trying to work way too much with external links, which isn't a good plan IMO.
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  • Profile picture of the author jasono
    Of course it's better to also to optimized your subpages. You would want people to also visit other pages of your website aside from just the home page.

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    • Profile picture of the author paulgl
      Doing things like is exactly how google tells
      you to do it.

      The more indexed content, the more authority. Build all your
      links to the main index page, linking to all inner pages on
      it, or some order, then interlinking all the rest.

      Case in point: Wikipedia.

      Wikipedia does not have PR or links to tons of their pages, and yet,
      they seem to be #1 for tons of this same stuff.

      If you want to be a big dog, run with the big dogs.

      Now does the same, but with subdomains.

      Authority flows downhill. Wikipedia, amazon, etc. do not
      rank their inner pages from backlinks and PR. They rank
      them because they have authority. Just like the WF.
      These threads are crawled and ranked instantly.

      This thread ranks #4 for backlinking to subpages
      No links except internal, PR n/a.



      If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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  • Profile picture of the author squadron
    I believe since the Penguin update having keywords in the url works very well eg.

    What this means is rather than building micro-sites on different domains or sub-domains, just create unique pages for each target search term. I have found this works very well for location or suburb based searches eg.

    You also need to optimise each pages. metatags and at least the page heading and then build a few links into each new page.
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