Request for help with getting back up in the search engines

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Hey Everyone,

Ok my site has been up for little over a month and I've done a lot of backlinking to it. When I first got started with the site I had no idea that building a lot of backlinks in a short amount of time could be bad for your website, so keep that in mind while I try and explain the dilemma here.

I'm using an article marketing software called AMA. You basically submit an article, and using a built in article spinner get to create unique articles that are then distributed to different blogs that are related to your topic.

You can also use these articles to submit to different article directories, which I did. So what I did is I submitted articles from the article spinner to the 5 top directories, as well as created a blog on blogger.

I didn't find out until yesterday, that on some of the articles I didn't do a very good job spinning them, and through copyscape was able to locate, for several of my submitted articles, articles that were very similar - all of which were mine.

Now my site started to peak at about 120 visitors per day within the first 3 or so weeks. And then immediately after that mark, after about 4 days of getting this kind of traffic, my traffic plummeted to around 20-35 visitors per day, and this has been static since then.

I'm no longer ranking for many of the keywords that I held first position for, therfore my traffic is pretty bad. So I wondered if this might be also related to a duplicate content penalty or something since, like I said some of the articles were very similar to one another as I found them in copyscape.

I tried searching for the article titles in google and they don't show up. I tried searching for the article titles that were on my blog and they don't show up.

I'm wondering if since they aren't in google, might google have removed them due to them being similar and having a lot of the same words as other articles that I've distributed throughout the internet?

If this might be a problem, could I remedy this situation by fixing all of the articles that are similar to one another and making them totally unique? Would that get them into the search engine? Do you think they are not in google because they are similar to other articles that I've distributed?

I honestly think my site has been sandboxed as many of the articles that I've distributed to create backlinks don't even show up in google. If this were googles "dance" wouldn't these links still show up anyways? For example, all of the articles that I've submitted to searchwarp aren't in google at all.

Would I be able to delete these articles, re-write them with unique content, new titles and everything, and get them into google???

Any input would be great

Thank you everyone
#back #engines #request #search
  • Profile picture of the author slvrsrfr
    hey there,

    google will never disclose to you the full amount of links you have pointing to your site.

    you say your site has only been up about a month. this is early still. i'd just continue creating backlinks and lenses and hubpages and eza submits. and don't worry about it.

    also update the content on your website to keep it fresh. i think what you're experiencing will happen to all new sites for the first 2 or 3 months until google figures out where you belong.

    keep linking to it and you'll start improving. i'm pretty certain of that.

    i don't think you could build too many links too quickly. you'd probably have to get thousands of links each day for days before that might even harm you.

    good luck,

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    • Profile picture of the author Peter Adamson
      It sounds like you may have been sandboxed. This can last for several months. It seems to be a technique to weed out search engine spam that is designed to get a quick hit. It is a very effective technique because a 'real' site from a real business that needs to be there will not go away, and G will give it back its rankings after a while. But the fly-by-nighters will usually take the site down since it doesn't earn anything.

      My advice for this site: keep building links at a reasonable rate. Do it every day and don't stop, and don't speed up. Just plod along and your site will come back.

      My advice for new sites: choose a reasonable link velocity and maintain it. Make sure your articles are truly unique before submitting. Build backlinks to your articles as though they were your site. Ditto for your squidoo lenses, blogs etc.
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      • Profile picture of the author Prateek Dwivedi
        Originally Posted by Peter Adamson View Post

        Build backlinks to your articles as though they were your site. Ditto for your squidoo lenses, blogs etc.
        How do you do this? Social Bookmarking?

        Also with my articles that are on searchwarp that aren't showing in google, would it be a bad idea to re-write them so that they are unique so that they do show up in google? or is this something that's out of my hands?
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