Why are Twitter followers getting so much importance these days?

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In the last few years, Twitter and Facebook have dominated the social media scene, every day millions and millions of users use those networks to stay in touch with their friends and family, and also for keeping informed about whats going on on their communities and the world, according to many specialists, social media is now replacing the traditional media like newspapers, radio or even TV.

In the past, if a company wanted to let people know about its new product or service, they needed to use the mainstream media like a bridge to communicate with their customers, but now that bridge is disappearing, and the connection between businesses and people can be direct through social media, but for getting that connection you need to have a good number of followers.
Followers in Twitter are essentially power, the power to influence people, to sell your products or your brands, the power to control your reputation at ways you couldnt even imagine 15 years ago, and the more followers you have, the more power you get.
But you do you get that power exactly? By building a strong and solid following, and doing that is not easy, it can be a long and complicated process, here are some advice you can follow for that:
â-- Define your niche and segment your audience: Social Media has allow people to be in contact only with people that have the same interests than them; gamers only follow gamers, musicians follow other musicians, and so on, so the first thing you need to do is to decide what is going to be your niche in Twitter, and discover that niche´s audience.
You can do that by using the advanced Twitter search, a tool that can help you identify the influencers and people from your niche, after you know them, you just need to start engaging with them.
â-- Make high quality content: Did you know the average time a person takes to make a RT is 5 seconds? Thats it, only 5 seconds, so you need to create content that can convince a person to share it in that time, sounds complicated right?
Well, it actually isnt that complicated, you just need to be creative and smart, make a good research on what are the things that your audience like, see how your niche´s audience behave and get some ideas from them, try and make sure to improve what works and correct what doesnt work.
The hottests content right now on Twitter are gifs and videos, you can start working with them!.
â-- Focus on high value engagement: Once you know your niche and your audience, and you have your content strategy ready, start searching for high value engagement!
A good RT from the right user can boost your account in ways you cant even imagine, search for the top influencers on your niches and try to engage with them, offer them valuable content, comment about the things they are discussing, this will help a lot.
#days #followers #importance #twitter
  • Profile picture of the author Funtobesocial
    Twitter is very good for promoting business. I find that I get lots of good traffic to my website from Twitter.

    The more followers the better! The age of marketing we live in these days is so powerful!!
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