Stop building your personal/business brand on X/Twitter

by Administrator
3 replies
The platform is dying slowly. And, major advertisers are pulling away from the platform. You are better off on other platforms. Perhaps TikTok is a start.

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#building #personal #stop #x or twitter
  • Profile picture of the author Thedogsale
    Building a personal or business brand on X/Twitter can be time-consuming and often distracting from more meaningful pursuits. Instead, focus on creating valuable content and fostering genuine connections. Overemphasis on X/Twitter can lead to a shallow online presence. Diversify your online presence and invest in platforms that align with your goals. Your brand's strength should be based on substance, not just social media metrics.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mar
    I hate Twitter nowadays - I always found it tricky but there were benefits. All these social sites work well if you are sociable

    As an example of how to destroy a business, it seems as if X/Twitter will be talked about for years. It's difficult to think that it could be resurrected or put back to where it was.

    So disappointing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I hate Twitter nowadays - I always found it tricky but there were benefits. All these social sites work well if you are sociable

    There is no Twitter.

    There is no X/Twitter.

    X/Twitter will be talked about for years

    While some 'talk about' it for years - others will adapt and learn to utilize the changes in the platform. Seems 'internet marketers' should be able to adapt to changes in the various platforms - that's part of doing business.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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