Youtube video ranking with Facebook

6 replies
I've inspected the more succesfull Youtube video's that promote affiliate products.
Recently the most succesfull and efficient method seems to let it be shared on Facebook, and even get views from there.
(that's what you see when you check the stats under a video.)

My question is:
What's the easiest way, or the best exchange program to get it shared as much as possible? I tried Swapes, but it doesn't seem to be very effective.

(Please no off topic discussions about youtube ranking; I'm experienced and know the tricks yet. Please even no hints like: "just create good video's and people will share it".)
#facebook #ranking #video #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author Karan Rawat
    Yes thats very true, facebook is the best way to promote and share any thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hexiuss
    1. create a fan page w/ actionable quality content about your niche

    2. start actively following and talking to people who recently tweeted about your niche

    3. start making quality tweets about the actionable quality free content on your facebook fan page, but not 100% related to your fan page. I'd say 2-3 random tweets (weather, sports, etc.) for every business tweet, so your not like every other spammer on twitter.

    4. ask them to like your fan page (if your content is quality and actionable shouldn't be too hard)

    5. Once you have enough fans on fan page make sure 3/4 posts are (quality actionable content) and 1/4 are affiliate youtube videos.

    6. there you go targeted youtube views via facebook
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  • Profile picture of the author kazim
    facebook helps to get good page rank, for video ranking facebook is perfect.
    It's possible to get good traffic by facebook..
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  • Profile picture of the author roomservice
    Still no replies on the question: what's the best tool to get FB shares of youtube video's.
    It seems to be hard for people to keep on topic...
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  • Profile picture of the author crissie
    You need to create a "circle" of people working with you to create a "wave" of exposure to your videos. it's very easy to do IF you find serious people to do it with you and a small number of only 10 people will indeed create a growing rush of traffic between your videos and your fb account. they exchange traffic and from there, they expose eachother. of course, that brings success, so others will join your circle.

    of course, the lies in finding finding 10 serious people to start that up.
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  • Profile picture of the author submitinme
    Originally Posted by roomservice View Post

    I've inspected the more succesfull Youtube video's that promote affiliate products.
    Recently the most succesfull and efficient method seems to let it be shared on Facebook, and even get views from there.
    (that's what you see when you check the stats under a video.)

    My question is:
    What's the easiest way, or the best exchange program to get it shared as much as possible? I tried Swapes, but it doesn't seem to be very effective.

    (Please no off topic discussions about youtube ranking; I'm experienced and know the tricks yet. Please even no hints like: "just create good video's and people will share it".)
    I am not sure if there is any good tool to boost the Facebook shares of a particular post/ video. But I came across a site called which you must be aware of. If you search Facebook shares you can see lots of real people offering real FB shares. They claim that the FB shares are 100% manual. I have never used such service but you can check that out. The cool thing about the site is, you can get everything for $5.
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