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Unread 22nd Nov 2015, 06:24 AM   #1
War Room Member
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[INSIDER WSO PICKS] Warrior Forum Veteran Reveals Which WSOs Are the Most Likely to Benefit YOU
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ATTN: WSO Shoppers

If you're new to the forum, or you just don't know me yet, let me introduce myself. My name is Jon, and I've been a member here since 2011. I usually spend my time in the main discussion forum, although sometimes I venture into the other areas like the eCommerce sub-forum.

When I first joined this community, I couldn't believe what a great resource I'd found. There were literally thousands of members online, all helping each other learn new marketing tactics and answering each other's questions. I realized I had found the only place on the internet that helps so many people achieve their income goals.

As my participation in the forum increased, I found that I also had a lot to give to other members. Before I joined, I was already making a nice income using the internet. But I quickly learned that most people here are in the very early stages of building a business. They don't have the experience I already had before signing up.

I already knew the ins and outs of product creation, affiliate marketing, and list building. I knew how to install and configure Wordpress. I could forward nameservers and outsource effectively. Besides my main area of expertise in being a ClickBank vendor, I had learned many other things along the way before I became a member here.

Here on the forum, I found a lot of people who were just like I used to be, back when I was first starting my business. In those days, I had no clue about internet marketing. All I knew was that something had to change. I was a regular guy just trying to make ends meet. But what I desperately wanted was to have financial freedom and be able to help my family have good lives. And because this wasn't happening in the "offline" world, I turned to the internet.

But I didn't compromise myself. I've always tried to be an ethical person in my life, and that goal was definitely challenged when I started looking into ways to make money on the internet. A lot of people will tell you to do immoral things and basically rip people off if you want to make money online. They don't understand the value of a good reputation and being able to look at yourself in the mirror.

I chose a different approach. I decided that I would always do everything I can to provide value when I sell things to people. Because, you know what? That's how you build a real business that lasts. If you look at the most successful businessmen of our time, they are all focused on providing real products and services that improve people's lives. Not ripping them off for a quick buck.

This brings me to the topic I want to talk with you about - the Warrior Special Offers that are available here on the forum. If you're like me when I first came into the WSO section, the number of different options here makes your head spin. How on earth is anyone supposed to know which products are worth your money, and which ones aren't?

Let's face it. There are a lot of people who don't have any problem slapping together a WSO about a topic they have no experience in, and then selling it to you. Not only do you waste your money on their WSO, but then you waste your time trying to use their product also! Just think about that for a second. That wasted time is worth a lot more than the purchase price of the WSO!

On the other hand, there are a TON of great members who bring real expertise to the table when they sell a WSO. Some of them are real heavy hitters with years of experience in their field. Some are even people who started recently but quickly found something that works and decided to share it. Without a doubt, many of the WSOs here provide tremendous value, with possibly life changing benefits if you use them.

But this is where we arrive at the problem. With all of these options available, how do you sift through everything to find the nuggets of gold? Especially if you're relatively new to internet marketing, it can seem like an impossible task.

That's why I'm posting this message. After giving this some serious thought, I've decided that I'm going to spend some of my valuable time to look through the WSOs that are continually released, and find the good ones. Then I'm going to share my picks with you, so you can have the benefit of my experience when choosing which WSOs to buy.

I'm making it as easy as possible for you to get my recommendations on the best WSOs available. Instead of telling you to PM me or check for updates on a website, my picks will come straight to your inbox. There's no work on your part. I've designed it that way because I know that you have enough to do starting your business.

When you check your email, you'll find great WSOs hand-picked by me. They will be the WSOs that I believe have the highest chances of making a big difference in your income. This works to filter out all the noise and point you straight at the good stuff with real benefits.

If you're like me when I first started, just trying to find your way to making an income using the internet, this is for you. I understand the situation you're in, and I know a little help can go a long way. I only hope that once you're making a nice income for yourself, you'll find a way to pay it forward and help other people who are just starting out.

You can get on my email list and receive my recommendations by using the button below. There's a $1 charge to separate the tire kickers from the people who are really starting a business. I make practically nothing from a paltry $1 charge, but it saves my time in helping people who aren't serious.

I hope you'll step up and take charge of your life and finances. Years from now, I hope you'll still be participating in the forum, and you'll have a growing business and a nice income. If I can be the one who helped you get started, that would be very fulfilling for me.

PLEASE NOTE that I will not be doing this forever, and the longer you wait to sign up, the less chance there is that you'll be able to get on the list. I can guarantee that if you successfully get on the list before I decide to close this offer, I'll share my picks with you for at least a month, giving you more than enough time to choose some good WSOs and get started.

To your success,
Jon Patrick

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