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Unread 18th Jun 2015, 07:20 AM   #1
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[Live 1-on-1 Call] Struggling With Your Funnel? Increase Your Conversions With This Pro Expertise!
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** Reopened For ONE WEEK ONLY After Being Closed For A YEAR AND A HALF! **

Would You Like a LOT More Conversions Out of Your Marketing Funnel?

You Know Your Funnel Could Be Making You More Money,
If Only You Had the Right Expertise

Are you sick and tired of twisting and turning your funnel based on the free advice of gurus...and angry that their advice never works?

Here's how to get the last laugh on them.

Let's face it: you can find a lot of good, bad and plain old mis-information out there about how to put together an effective funnel.

The sad fact is, a “one size fits all” mentality for funnel creation is a loser idea.

Buy a templated funnel layout because what you're really looking for is the security blanket of having a plan, and you can quickly find yourself spending more and more time and money getting further into quicksand. Just because a templated funnel worked for some guru doesn't mean it will work for you.

We all know the myth of "you're just one funnel away"--if you keep doing the same things over and over, no matter how much you change your product or offer, you'll keep getting the same disappointing results.

Have you been trying to copy the gurus and their funnels?

Let's flip through just a handful of factors to consider when you do so:

Is the marketplace the same as theirs?

Is the product value in a similar range as theirs?

Is the marketer behind it (that would be YOU) as well known as they are?

Again, just because a templated funnel produced spectacular results for someone with the initials RB or FK doesn't mean it's a fit for what you're doing.

The truth is, everything is at least a little custom.

Which means it's custom.

YOUR funnel has to be tuned to YOUR situation.

YOUR offer.

YOUR niche.

So at this point, you can't read the answer out of a book.

A canned video isn't going to do the job.

You need to speak with an expert. Live.

Tell them about your specific situation.

Get tailored answers and solutions to correct that funnel.

One of my recent clients told me, “Before we talked to you, we didn't know what was out there.” They had no idea this kind of expertise was available. They didn't know they could get this level of help.

Now typically if you want to talk to a funnel design expert with proven results (which I'm not allowed to talk about in this thread because of WSO rules), it's literally THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS FOR AN HOUR of their time.

In fact, for me it's a $2100 minimum.

That sets the bar pretty high for who can afford that help, doesn't it.

But what if you could get that level of help at a fraction of that investment?

Let's table that for a second.

You know what's really cool?

An improvement in your funnel's performance is an improvement in money coming into your bank account for a lifetime.

That's right—if you fix your funnel, it keeps paying you over and over again.

What a great deal, compared to so many other things that only create a one-time bump in revenue and then never again do anything to help you.

I'll bet—and my client experience bears this out—that I have conversion-increasing concepts and methods to help that you've never even heard of or considered using in your situation.

Here's how this works:

You sign up and we book a call.

I'm not stingy on time or a clock-watcher.

You send me your website/landing page url, and answer a few straightforward questions so I can see where you're at. Just like visiting your doctor and having your blood pressure tested.

Then we'll meet live by phone or Zoom. I'll share all the ready-for-action recommendations I have for you, and I won't hold anything back.

You'll be able to ask whatever questions you want.

After, I'll send you the recording of our conversation so you can refer to it going forward. That way, you won't have to strain to take notes and keep up with all the ideas. You'll have them all safely in the recording to review whenever you want.

Let me also point out that this is a tax-deductible expense. Meaning that it reduces your taxes payable...meaning that it's essentially free.

Here's who I can help:

> You already have a funnel set up—even if it's just a landing page with an opt-in form

> You have a product or service picked out and know how to competently deliver it

> You have a great traffic source that's sending you pre-qualified leads

> You know the value of testing.

Here's who I CANNOT help:

> Someone who hasn't picked a product or service to offer

> Someone who doesn't have an existing funnel in place to look at as a baseline

> Someone who doesn't have a proven traffic source in place

> Someone who is looking for a miracle worker to “do it for them.”

Here's the button to book your call with me. The investment via this special offer only is $500. If you wait to book, I'm not certain how long you'll have to wait to speak with me at a rate like this again.


The insights, benefits, and RESULTS you'll be getting from our call...priceless. They'll kick you forward at least a year. Even highly experienced marketers have gotten new insights from speaking with me...because I have 15 years of corporate executive experience prior to now eight years running my own businesses, and have seen many things they have not had the chance to.

Every day that goes by while your funnel remains broken is a day you're missing out on revenue you could be making.

This offer will close again on April 7, 2019. And who knows how long it'll remain closed—last time it was from October 2017 until now!

So book our call now and get into my schedule:


EDIT: for future reference and interested folks... about 30 views Mar 28 - Apr 7 ...could be the headline...I posted a few times but overall it doesn't look like there's much organic traffic.

Last edited on 7th Apr 2019 at 04:53 PM.
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Unread 18th Jun 2015, 08:50 AM   #2
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Re: Marketing “Engine Mechanic” Pro Will Diagnose and Fix Your Broken Funnel [Live Coaching Call]
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Heh there I go with the Curse of Knowledge again (thanks, Caliban)...forgot to mention I have 20 years' experience, the first 15 in the corporate exec world, and the most recent 5 here online. Not some 20-something who got How To Put a Funnel Together out of a book.

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Unread 18th Jun 2015, 09:36 AM   #3
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Re: Marketing “Engine Mechanic” Pro Will Diagnose and Fix Your Broken Funnel [Live Coaching Call]
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Jason is seriously the real deal, folks.

He's come down from the wilds of Canada to learn our secrets of sales and marketing and conversion, and for the past five years he's been soaking up all the critical bits of knowledge that work for LOTS of businesses... working for large corporate clients and small business owners alike. He's got skills you can't afford the time, energy, and effort to develop yourself - because you have a business to run, amirite?

And that's where Jason comes in with his relentless focus and solid expertise. He's got the long view you need to see the path, and the detailed knowledge you need to get down it. Sitting in the middle of your business, you may not even see the path in the first place... let alone know how to get down that path to your customers and clients.

Even if you tried, that path is fraught with obstacles and traps that many business owners fall into, even at the top levels of business. Without Jason's solid knowledge of how to navigate these, you may end up one of those 97% of businesses that ultimately fail.

So if you're stagnating, remember the basic business maxim, "if it's not growing, it's dying." If you've been stuck at the same level, even if you're satisfied with that level, you're not fine. You're not going to be okay. If your numbers aren't going up, they're actually going down... even if it looks like they're staying the same. And you have no time to lose.

High-quality providers of anything are hard to find anywhere, and corporate-level experience on the Warrior Forum is basically a unicorn. If you don't snatch up this chance to work with Jason, you'll almost certainly either end up working with someone a lot less capable... or just plain not get to work with him at all.

There are only so many clients he can handle at once, after all, and it's not like he's got all day to sit around a forum posting free stuff to people who don't even understand half of it.

He's got to focus on getting poeple results. Which means filtering and separating the people who are smart enough, and focused enough, and motivated enough... to actually get them.

Just like you need to do, with your funnel. Filter out the qualified prospects and concentrate on them. And there are few people I know who are as good at qualifying as Jason is.

Look, you know you need this, or you wouldn't still be reading. Book that call. Now.

"The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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Unread 18th Jun 2015, 10:46 AM   #4
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Re: Marketing “Engine Mechanic” Pro Will Diagnose and Fix Your Broken Funnel [Live Coaching Call]
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Jason knows his stuff- I had a product page that I thought would be a slam dunk, but was not converting. I shelled out the money for an hour call and was struggling to write down all the nuggets of insight he was dishing out! Luckily he recorded the conversation and send me the files within the hour- now I can reference these at my convenience and pick up even more. A lot of the stuff should have been common sense to us (positioning and message) but after being in the project for so long it takes an outsider's perspective to set us on the right path. I would not hesitate to recommend him to others and will definitely be utilizing him again for other projects
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Unread 20th Jun 2015, 12:48 PM   #5
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Re: Marketing “Engine Mechanic” Pro Will Diagnose and Fix Your Broken Funnel [Live Coaching Call]
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Originally Posted by agrius View Post

Jason knows his stuff- I had a product page that I thought would be a slam dunk, but was not converting. I shelled out the money for an hour call and was struggling to write down all the nuggets of insight he was dishing out! Luckily he recorded the conversation and send me the files within the hour- now I can reference these at my convenience and pick up even more. A lot of the stuff should have been common sense to us (positioning and message) but after being in the project for so long it takes an outsider's perspective to set us on the right path. I would not hesitate to recommend him to others and will definitely be utilizing him again for other projects
This was in the travel & real estate niche.

Yes, some of it "should have been common sense"...but if so, why wasn't it obvious? Because you're in the forest and can't see the trees with all the other problems in your business...whereas I'm at that 30,000 foot viewpoint.

Like that scene of Columbus and the egg, regarding the shape of the world, "It's easy, when someone shows you how." And that means you can swiftly go implement the improvements.

If you're reading this and struggling with getting results from your online marketing funnel, you can't afford NOT to talk to me.

Feel free to PM me to find out if we're a fit.

And if you want to learn more about improving conversions, click here.

Last edited on 6th Oct 2015 at 11:23 AM.
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Unread 7th Oct 2015, 06:02 PM   #6
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Re: [Live 1-on-1 Call] Increase Your Conversions with This Marketing Pro's Expertise : Funnel Frenzy
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Just had a call with Jason that over-ran by at least an hour, which shows he truly cares about helping me get results.

I found the session incredibly helpful to gain clarity in my business, where I was going wrong and clear steps to take my business to the next level.

If you're tired of buying all the gimmicks and magic bullets and want a clear path to building a "real" business by implementing "real" strategies that actually work, then I'd highly recommend you hire Jason as a coach.

He's someone that is in the trenches like we are building a business and can therefore offer advice on what actually works when it comes to bringing in offline clients that will pay you what you're worth.

Online marketing is great, but it will only get you so far and if you're looking to get income fast then you ought to be picking up the phone and talking to people who have money to spend with you. The quickest and best way to achieve this is by picking up the phone and cold calling.

Jason will help you get rid of your fears, give you a clear action path and get you fired up and motivated to make calls.

I highly recommend his coaching, which is why I'm continuing with further coaching calls. I'd recommend you do the same.
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Unread 18th Oct 2015, 04:47 PM   #7
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Re: [Live 1-on-1 Call] Increase Your Conversions with This Marketing Pro's Expertise : Funnel Frenzy
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Just got off the phone with Jason and I can tell you it was worth the money only about 20 minutes in. I wanted to create an online course and was about to spend a lot of valuable resources making and launching it.

He dissected my plan and put everything into perspective. Not only that but he gives you realistic advice that will make you understand whats important before your product is created. He is result driven and cares about his clients and you can tell since the call lasted more then an hour. He's is definitely my go to guy for creating my funnel and will continue to be so.

If your having trouble creating your funnel or feel overwhelmed by creating something profitable online, then you need to get on the phone with Jason. He even recorded the call and emailed it to me so I can listen to it anytime. This is huge because if your new to online marketing sometimes you need to digest information much more then once. Highly recommended.
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Unread 20th Oct 2015, 06:02 PM   #8
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Re: [Live 1-on-1 Call] Increase Your Conversions with This Marketing Pro's Expertise : Funnel Frenzy
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I met with Jason Kanigan this past Sunday to review and discuss some of the inbound marketing efforts I'm rolling out for my service offering. I'm well versed in setting up a sales funnel, understand the individual components and how they should work together (especially on the technical side of things). However, there were some critical items that I was missing and he made these things easy for me to understand.

If you are a salesperson and need more inbound leads or you've got a business that you wanted to market through online media, I can say without a doubt there is far more to it than just placing a Facebook ad and hoping for the best.

Jason has helped me get from throwing hail mary's to establishing realistic targets and building a sensible plan to reach them.

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Unread 4th Nov 2015, 04:47 PM   #9
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Video testimonial from this afternoon's call!

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Unread 17th Nov 2015, 11:54 AM   #10
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Re: [Live 1-on-1 Call] Struggling With Your Funnel? Increase Your Conversions With This Pro Expertis
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I handed Jason one of the toughest challenges in funnel design and copywriting anyone can face... a problem so hard one well-known WF copywriter ran screaming when he heard about the job.

How did Jason do? He hit the ball out of the park.

What's more, Jason didn't just deliver what I was hoping for. He went above and beyond to make his solution so easy to implement a zombie could do it.

And, we ended up with some extra "alternates" to use and test.

So let's recap...
* Elite level sales knowledge and skills? Check
* That magic instinct for what's going to trigger a sales jackpot? Check
* Willing to go above and beyond to deliver on the results he promises no matter what? Oh yeah.

As they say on eBay... A++++++++++++++++++++++++, would hire again.
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Unread 5th Dec 2015, 01:32 PM   #11
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I'm rather new to the offline world. I have stayed away from it because I didn't believe that I had the skills needed to compete! Boy, was I wrong! Turns out I do have the skills, but there was one I was missing! A plan!

I really had no idea what to do with the knowledge I have, so I spent my day learning more so I would feel like I could compete. What I was doing was spending my time learning so I would feel like I had accomplished something. I had no idea what to do with all of this new knowledge!

Jason gave me the nugget all of you need. A funnel. He showed me so many ways I had never thought of to get myself out there in front of clients that I want!

Most importantly, he showed me how I CAN stand on my own two feet and actually make them move forward!

I really can't say enough about my call! I hope everyone that is struggling to get their business moving will get on the phone with Jason, listen to him and let him help you! He will help you!


P.S. Thank you Jason!!!!!!!!!!!

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Unread 28th Jan 2016, 04:59 PM   #12
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Re: [Live 1-on-1 Call] Struggling With Your Funnel? Increase Your Conversions With This Pro Expertis
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Hey guys,

Rick here. I've been online two full years and reached out to Jason today, about a new project my buddy and I have been working on for four months.

As an experienced marketer I was kind of thinking I would get the same old song and dance about needing to work harder, maybe look further into the future, told to regroup or start again, or even choose a completely different path! I've paid for coaching before, but it never actually worked out.

I'm sure many get coaching, or perhaps need it and never decide to spend the money on it. The call today with Jason however was incredible. After telling him of all the things I've been implementing along the way, he told me some very knowledgeable facts I had completely missed the boat on!

This coaching call with Jason today, was much needed interaction, and has redirected my path. All within a very short call. And I can now clearly see the mistakes I was heading for and the things I now need to do to avoid these.

A little frustrating, to realize just how far off base I was...But Jason did enlighten me and help way more than I expected. And if I can say this...He was spot on with seeing my misdirection immediately and gave me plenty of helpful solutions to think about for the future.

So instead of hitting a dead end or a wrong fork, I was destined for later... He has in fact probably saved me $2500.00 or more in extra unaccounted for cost. Possibly way more than that. There is just no way of foreseeing just how much failure would of incurred.

I will hopefully be able to reconnect with him and get more advise and instruction next month! God Willing.

Rick Bell

Ps: Word of advise. Don't think about the money you spend as much as time saved and your future success! It's not about just saving money, its more about saving tons of time later on which will result in much more, money wasted.
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Unread 28th Jan 2016, 05:07 PM   #13
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Re: [Live 1-on-1 Call] Struggling With Your Funnel? Increase Your Conversions With This Pro Expertis
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Originally Posted by rickbell57 View Post

Hey guys,

Rick here. I've been online two full years and reached out to Jason today, about a new project my buddy and I have been working on for four months.

As an experienced marketer I was kind of thinking I would get the same old song and dance about needing to work harder, maybe look further into the future, told to regroup or start again, or even choose a completely different path! I've paid for coaching before, but it never actually worked out.

I'm sure many get coaching, or perhaps need it and never decide to spend the money on it. The call today with Jason however was incredible. After telling him of all the things I've been implementing along the way, he told me some very knowledgeable facts I had completely missed the boat on!

This coaching call with Jason today, was much needed interaction, and has redirected my path. All within a very short call. And I can now clearly see the mistakes I was heading for and the things I now need to do to avoid these.

A little frustrating, to realize just how far off base I was...But Jason did enlighten me and help way more than I expected. And if I can say this...He was spot on with seeing my misdirection immediately and gave me plenty of helpful solutions to think about for the future.

So instead of hitting a dead end or a wrong fork, I was destined for later... He has in fact probably saved me $2500.00 or more in extra unaccounted for cost. Possibly way more than that. There is just no way of foreseeing just how much failure would of incurred.

I will hopefully be able to reconnect with him and get more advise and instruction next month! God Willing.

Rick Bell

Ps: Word of advise. Don't think about the money you spend as much as time saved and your future success! It's not about just saving money, its more about saving tons of time later on which will result in much more, money wasted.

Well, we did spend two hours on the call, so it was 'short' relative to all the time you've put in to get to this point, but not short as in duration and content.

Thanks for the review!

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Unread 10th Jun 2016, 08:14 AM   #14
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Re: [Live 1-on-1 Call] Struggling With Your Funnel? Increase Your Conversions With This Pro Expertis
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Recent testimonial from Chris Munch of Muncheye fame for a consultation:

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Unread 16th Jun 2016, 10:47 AM   #15
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Re: [Live 1-on-1 Call] Struggling With Your Funnel? Increase Your Conversions With This Pro Expertis
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I have been a member of this forum for quite a while, and have had the opportunity to work some of the great warriors who have helped me over the years. I have to say without a doubt that Jason was breath of fresh air. He takes the time to really evaluate your business, break it down and give you honest realistic changes that can make a real difference.

His knowledge and expertise far outweigh what he charges, I would highly recommend his services to anyone who is struggling to get things off the ground.

Jason, thanks for the help, I know we will be speaking again in the future.


Elite Sales. Start Making a "REAL" income online today!
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Unread 20th Jul 2016, 11:08 PM   #16
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Re: [Live 1-on-1 Call] Struggling With Your Funnel? Increase Your Conversions With This Pro Expertis
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Hey folks just popping in here ( kind of taking a break from the late night work and cannot sleep tonight lol) and thought I would add a shout out....
Jason has literally given hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions of dollars of advice, help, and strategies here on Warrior Forum. I know because I have utilized and benefited a lot from him and his knowledge over the years

This WSO should be a no brainer for many folks who want to get laser focused One on One attention from him at such a ridiculously low price.

P.S. I have no relationship in any way, shape , or form with Jason and his Product. As I said just stumbled upon this and thought I would give my honest, unsolicited opinion of it (Sorry Jason..hope you don't mine)
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Unread 28th Sep 2016, 12:27 PM   #17
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I've done two of these calls this week, one with an accountant specializing in helping dentists increase their revenue streams and the other with an expert authority book writer.

Don't miss your chance to book your spot with me and get your business cracking!


9/29: Three calls done now and a fourth booked.

Last edited on 1st Oct 2016 at 07:49 AM.
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Unread 28th Mar 2019, 08:15 AM   #18
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28 March 2019: REOPENED for a week only!! This very special offer has been reopened (from my perspective, to test the waters and see how things are going here on WF. If nobody takes advantage of it, I'll leave it closed again, maybe for another year and a half ;-) )

This is YOUR CHANCE to get tremendous expertise at a highly discounted rate! I'll change your thinking about marketing...and with that, the quality of results you get.

My normal rates start at $2100 for a two call package, so this is your opportunity to get massive support at an incredible investment. Plus it's a tax-deductible take your receipt to your accountant!

I look forward to speaking with you.

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