ARGH!! Bullets in FF, Chrome & IE are different! Plz Help!

2 replies
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I've been fighting with my salesletter for a while now - I know, I should have just got a web designer to do it for me. Actually posted a job but got no bites. Anyhow, here it is, and it is VERY NEARLY done!

However, I have one small problem.

The formatting on my bullet points shows up correctly in Chrome and IE, but in Firefox it is all screwed up.

I think this is the only problem left - if anyone knows of a nice little way to fix this I would be most grateful.

The page I'm talking about is 10 Minute Articles System

and the style sheet is /styles.css

Oh - the one other thing I need to figure out is how to put a space, border, padding, whatever you want to call it, around the text inside the Buy Now box (with the yellow padding).

Any help with either of these issues will be MOST appreciated!!
#argh #bullets #chrome #firefox #internet explorer #plz
  • Profile picture of the author JonathanBoettcher
    Thanks Matt - haha I find it hard to refuse free stuff!

    My problem is with the bullets showing up ABOVE the text in FF - but working fine in IE and Chrome. Strange, because normally Chrome & FF are pretty much the same thing.

    The other problem refers to the fact that the text stretches all the way to the edge of the yellow box - I'd like there to be a gap there on the left and right of the text.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lloyd Buchinski
    Well it does show up with the bullets above each line in FF for me. I took the source code and made 2 different changes that made it come out right. (Now I'm not going to go on and find out which one was responsible, or if it was both. Busy!)

    On the first list item I changed <li class="BulletedList"> to <li> .

    On the second I used this <div align="left"><li class="BulletedList">
    (The reverse order that you had, with the class first then the div.)

    Have fun with that!

    best wishes, lloyd
    ....( )/ ( )...

    Edit: I don't even remember if the div should come first, but it was faster to try it out than to look it up. And a list is bulleted by default. (Which would change quickly if I'm ever president.) But I guess you have the class in to specify the type of bullet?

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