What platform is this website using?

by algreg
3 replies
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Hey everybody,

I've been building Wordpress sites for a little while but I want to try something different. I recently started buying banner ads and I came across this website.


I would like to find out what platform that site is running on because it doesn't look like Wordpress but this is exactly the type of site I want to build. Not the business model but the design.

I went over to BuiltWith: buyads.com Technology Profile and it said something about nginx and ubuntu but I'm not familiar with them. I'd like to build a site that looks like that but curates content from other places so I can possibly flip those sites or build them out and keep them for myself.

Can I do this on my shared hosting with HostGator or do I have to step up to VPS? I'm not familiar with VPS either but I'd be willing to learn.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
#platform #website
  • Profile picture of the author Kingfish85
    It's custom - backend is probably running on Rails, php, python or something like it. Nginx & unbuntu are the server architecture/caching/web server software the site is running on. Fairly common.

    A site like that I would say "no" to running on shared hosting as it most likely is very sql intensive. These sites are more advanced & more complex than the typical Wordpress setup.

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    • Profile picture of the author algreg
      Great. Thanks for getting back to me. Not sure if I'm ready for anything quite like that yet.

      Would you happen to know of anything that I can use design-wise to achieve something similar on Wordpress with the shared plan I'm currently on?

      The design is really what caught my eye and if I can get something like this with Wordpress that would be great because I'm already familiar with the backend whereas it would be like me learning to walk all over again trying to tackle this the way they have it setup.
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      • Profile picture of the author Kingfish85
        Originally Posted by algreg View Post

        Great. Thanks for getting back to me. Not sure if I'm ready for anything quite like that yet.

        Would you happen to know of anything that I can use design-wise to achieve something similar on Wordpress with the shared plan I'm currently on?

        The design is really what caught my eye and if I can get something like this with Wordpress that would be great because I'm already familiar with the backend whereas it would be like me learning to walk all over again trying to tackle this the way they have it setup.
        Sure thing. I'm sure its possible, but not 100% sure of all the functionality or customization. Wordpress, (PHP) is an application whereas the others I listed are application "frameworks" that are much more robust. For an application like what I presume the type of features/functionality this would have, a framework would be best. Not saying you couldn't achieve the same with php but it would take you twice as long to do it & have tons more code.

        Sites like scribd, yellowpages, hulu etc are built on rails. Don't get me wrong, they both have their advantages & maybe someone else can chime in on that. When you have something will a small amount of users, php tends to be fine. In a lot of cases when you have hundreds or thousands of users logging in, making changes, uploading stuff, filling things out, entering details, ad deployment parameters etc, a full blown CMS is needed, not Wordpress.

        |~| VeeroTech Hosting - sales @ veerotech.net
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