What is wrong with this site?

by alllyc
8 replies

I opened a deal website and spent a great deal amount of money on the design, coding, graphical works. Now, I almost run out of money for marketing =( Since it's based on Magento, it requires a great deal of system resources, and I pay a decent amount of hosting for it.

I began feeling so down about it lately (I'm on the verge of giving up, after spending a lot of time on it), because unfortunately I'm not able to bring enough traffic to the website. Could you please tell me what I should do to improve my rankings and how I should promote it. Thanks a lot, I appreciate your help on this.

I-Purchase.net - Best Online Deals of the Day, Gift Cards and Coupon Codes
#bring traffic #deal #site #wrong
  • Profile picture of the author OldLodgeSkins

    I would start by making it W3 compliant... It's full of errors and the search engines do see this: [Invalid] Markup Validation of http://i-purchase.net/ - W3C Markup Validator

    Then once you get that done, what do you know about SEO, and what do you do for now?

    Do you use Facebook ? Then you can make money just by inviting people to a Facebook group ! It's called the Instant Income System. How cool is that?
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  • Profile picture of the author equal
    Where did you spend all your marketing money? Explain this in detail.
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  • Profile picture of the author Caleb Spilchen

    Did you ever look at who your websites target market is? What they buy & where they can be found? One mistake many people make when they invest huge amounts of money in design & development of something, is they don't check whether or not people ACTUALLY want that.

    For example, maybe your website is designed to sell childrens books, but the people your marketing to are single men. is that really going to work?

    You can market your site for free, if you have an idea who your target market is.

    Canadian Expat Living in Medellin, Colombia

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  • Profile picture of the author KenMortier
    Some of the links aren't working at this time of writing.
    Good luck to you!
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  • Profile picture of the author ours
    Just check your website, nice website but need to improve some important sections. Your home page look too messy. Reason, too much products and users will hardly able to distinguish. So, you need to clear with call per action aspect. Also when user click on product directly opens your affiliate links, you need to mask those links. Else not Good for seo aspect.

    Now marketing, you can use social media to start the initial sell. But first make sure some issues i mentioned, and focus on particular segments and then play around with that.

    Dont give up. Keep confidence inside you. We know you can do it. Just relax and think from user point of view. You will find a way. We are always there to assist you so dont loose hope. Fix the issues and focus.

    All the best.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fredbou
    I don't really see anything wrong with the site itself from a consumer POV.

    I'm not an expert, but I'd agree with others that it doesn't target a niche market. For general items such as your site has I tend to always go to EBay or similar, so perhaps others do the same.

    I've only started marketing on the WWW recently, having been a Web developer for many years and still trying learn about finding niche markets and targeting them and how important that is.

    Perhaps there is just too much competition for broad product range sites?

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Promote it like anything else. Find content sites you can submit your content to. Start a blog, join a forum, advertise (smartly). What kind of traffic methods are you using?
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    It's obvious you've put a lot into this site. I wouldn't give up now. Follow the advice of others of getting targeted free traffic. Nice site and has potential.
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