Guest Blogging: Is it good to post in top alexa ranked websites even if not in my niche?

11 replies
I have a list of top general guest blog websites: Guest Blogging Sites List |

Is it good for SEO to post in top alexa ranked general topic websites even if not in my niche?

My believe is that it is better to get a full page article about my product in a top ranked informational website that is not a general "publish-your-article-here" kind of a website. So, I heard about guest blogging for websites that have "write for us" written on their homepage. So, they are less spammed and are top ranked.

But my question is that will it be good for SEO to post in top alexa ranked general topic websites even if not in my niche? My assumption is that they will allow me to publish my niche article on their website if it is unique and top quality with good graphics. Have you tried it?

And should I link my guest blog article directly to my website? Or to link my guest blog to my personal blog (that acts as a middle link) which then links my website? Just in case if in future Google penalize guest blogs with "direct" links to money website.

I am not looking for traffic. I only want to present better links to "the great" Google for consideration instead of article, bookmarking and other useless stuff.

Please share your thoughts.

[Edited by moderator: Here's a thought, please post SEO questions in the SEO Forum.]
#alexa #blogging #good #guest #niche #post #ranked #top #websites
  • Profile picture of the author kalseo
    This is a bit tricky question, sure getting links from high traffic website might work well, even those are irrelevant, however don't expect much traffic from irrelevant links.
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    • Profile picture of the author GlenH
      Honestly, I'd be targeting the sites in your niche, or closely related to your niche, when you're looking for a site to submit your content to.

      The benefit will be far greater and be more relevant by doing that than if you were to submit your content to be posted on some 'general' site (even if it does has a low Alexa rank).

      And remember, just because you submit some content doesn't mean it will automatically be accepted by the sites owner.

      If they care about their site, they'll want high quality content, and maybe even ask you for 'unique' content.

      So you'll really need to see what the requirements are that each of the site owners demands of you, and then negotiate from there.
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  • Profile picture of the author JasonBennet
    Erm you might want to make sure that you are posting content on a website that is relevant to the market that you are in. This ensure that you will be getting quality traffic to your website. For me personally, I feel no point in getting huge number of visitors if they are not relevant.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by ankitnagpal View Post

    I am not looking for traffic. I only want to present better links to "the great" Google for consideration instead of article, bookmarking and other useless stuff.
    This makes no sense at all, Ankit. You're saying you don't want traffic, but you do want to rank highly on Google, and you're even planning your marketing around ranking highly on Google, but the only benefit from ranking highly on Google is gradually, eventually, to collect some search engine traffic, which is about the worst quality traffic you could ever hope to attract.

    You're discussing guest blogging here, and the main value and purpose of guest blogging is that it's a way of getting much better traffic than that (and much more quickly). But you're saying that's not what you want to do - you want something much less beneficial and much slower. So it isn't easy to reply to your questions. I don't mean it rudely but it seems to me that they're questions arising largely from mistaken beliefs. Apologies for sounding unhelpful, but I think a substantial reappraisal of your overall marketing strategy would be far more helpful to you.

    Originally Posted by ankitnagpal View Post

    Just in case if in future Google penalize guest blogs with "direct" links to money website.
    I don't think they will anyway, but that wouldn't be my reason for not doing that. My reason would be that you'll hardly sell anything that way, because you won't have nearly as much chance to establish credibility, respect and trust as a "recommender" of products. You also won't be able to build your list, which is where most of the long-term money comes from.

    Originally Posted by ankitnagpal View Post

    I only want to present better links to "the great" Google for consideration
    Personally, I'd advise you not to put time and effort into trying to attract "organic SERP's" traffic, for two main reasons: first, it's very precarious and makes your business Google-dependent, and any business that's Google-dependent is no more than one algorithm-change away from a potential accident (or even a potential disaster), as so many Warriors have been finding out over the last year or two, some of them to their very great cost; secondly, for me, search engine traffic has been uniformly the worst-converting traffic out of everything I've ever tried in 8 entirely different niches over the whole of the last 4 years - search engine visitors to all my websites typically stay the least time, view the fewest pages, opt in the least often and actually buy anything by far the least often. I admit I do get tons of search engine traffic to all my main sites (because high rankings for multiple keywords happen to be a minor side-benefit of the main targeted traffic-generation method I use to build my business) but I'd certainly hate to have to make a living just from that traffic.

    Originally Posted by ankitnagpal View Post

    Please share your thoughts.
    I agree with all the people above who are telling you to stick to your niche, but I think you're asking the wrong questions and that "not wanting traffic" and "just wanting backlinks" is a bad approach. But, even so, backlinks from relevant sites are undeniably worth much more, anyway.
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    • Profile picture of the author ankitnagpal
      Ok. I was 2-3rd on most of my top 20 keywords pre-penguin. Now I am 5-10th on most post-penguin. Mostly because all links were articles 80%, bookmarking 5%, press release 5%, directory 5%, blogging 5%. Worst part is that all were exact keyword anchor tag because I did not know that google in future will penalize exact keyword matching anchor tags. I did forums and social bookmarking for a month but no result. Then recently I got 2-3 links from homepages of high authority, exclusive and relevant websites. So, ranks improved by one point just after a few weeks and hence my revenue. So, now I believe that getting links from high authority websites are most important than forum, blog comment, bookmark, article, press release etc. I have never tried guest blogging so I do not know what kind of (and how much) traffic I can get from it. One thing I know is that getting links from those will increase SERP.

      But the problem is that there are not many websites in my niche to write articles. When I search using "keyword" + "write for us" or "keyword" + "guest bloggging" etc. I get articles on my niche on general computer, software, hardware, technology and books oriented websites. Which is a very broad range. My niche is "OCR Software". It is not a common topic like "cheap airline tickets", "make money online" etc. I am confused. How and where to start.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monja
    Personally i think - if you can make the content "fit" it is just fine. for example: someone posted on my digital scrapbooking blog an article about wallpapers - it was relevant because she wrote about using graphics from my store. fact is that you can most likely make things fit somehow

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  • Profile picture of the author ankitnagpal
    I once had two pages on Wikipedia. The traffic from it were majorly information seekers and not money spenders But I get your point. My question is why guest blogging gives good traffic while I have hundreds of articles on all major article websites but no traffic shows in google analytics? Guest blogging is a "branded" version of "cheap chinese" article marketing. So, why article marketing fails? I choose relevant category while submitting articles.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by ankitnagpal View Post

      I choose relevant category while submitting articles.
      You need relevant sites, not just relevant categories. The linkjuice - albeit unimportant, compared with the direct traffic - depends on site-relevance, not just on page-relevance. (That's part of the reason why article directory backlinks have no value.)

      "Article websites" don't typically produce much traffic. (And aren't really intended to, anyway, for the most part: that's more "article directory marketing" than "article marketing".)

      But good quality sites/blogs in your specific niche can produce a lot. One key difference is that you're effectively attracting traffic that's already been targeted by someone else. So the "difficult" part of the work has been done.

      Guest blogging is really a form of "article syndication". I don't know that it's practicable in your niche, though, because I don't know the niche.

      But here's a one-post overview of how it works:
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      • Profile picture of the author CandyxLand
        Yes absolutely. Obviously niche sites are preferable, but it will still be a good link and may rank well in google on its own.
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  • Profile picture of the author marciayudkin
    Personally, I'd advise you not to put time and effort into trying to attract "organic SERP's" traffic, for two main reasons: first, it's very precarious and makes your business Google-dependent, and any business that's Google-dependent is no more than one algorithm-change away from a potential accident (or even a potential disaster), as so many Warriors have been finding out over the last year or two, some of them to their very great cost; secondly, for me, search engine traffic has been uniformly the worst-converting traffic out of everything I've ever tried in 8 entirely different niches over the whole of the last 4 years - search engine visitors to all my websites typically stay the least time, view the fewest pages, opt in the least often and actually buy anything by far the least often.
    For me, guest blogging on a relevant site that has a lot of raving fans has been an extremely effective method of getting immediate traffic and customers. In one case, my guest blog post produced three immediate signups to a seminar at $500 each.

    I don't believe guest posting on an unrelated site would be worth the effort.

    Marcia Yudkin
    Check out Marcia Yudkin's No-Hype Marketing Academy for courses on copywriting, publicity, infomarketing, marketing plans, naming, and branding - not to mention the popular "Marketing for Introverts" course.
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  • Profile picture of the author SEO Haven
    Alexa rankings and backlink power have nothing to do with one another, Alexa rankings are simply an indication of the amount of traffic a site receives. That being said, a PR N/A (or grey) site might have a <50k ranking, but a PR1 site with a >100k ranking will be stronger in terms of "link juice"

    Now, when it comes to relevancy, you ALWAYS need to link from RELEVANT sites if you're doing it for SEO purposes, period.
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