17 replies
How does one go about building a pre-launch for a WSO or other product launch? Do I have to post a WSO thread for that?
#prelaunch #wso
  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Yes. Post a WSO thread that has a video demo of your product or some giveaway and get people to join your prelaunch list. When you launch simply edit your WSO thread and put your actual salespage in there.
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    • Profile picture of the author mikelmraz
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      Yes. Post a WSO thread that has a video demo of your product or some giveaway and get people to join your prelaunch list. When you launch simply edit your WSO thread and put your actual salespage in there.
      Thanks. It is okay to start a completely new thread when the product is launched right?
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I've seen quite a few do it that way... with a WSO thread used for the prelaunch.
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  • Profile picture of the author Clint Faber
    As Mike Hill wold say -Start bye building up a list, sending out newsletters, getting the attention of affiliates or another number of things.

    It's a marketing strategy that works with main stream products and large scale products.

    Corporations do the same thing. Look at Sony and how they release the Playstation or how major gaming companies like Blizzard who release video games. Imagine if they just showed up on shelves without building hype up or building up appeal to the product.

    Sales would be far lower than what they do get.

    It's being done because you build a small seed list who want to be notified when it goes live, then the theory is your conversions will be higher right at launch because you are launching to a very targeted list who are definitely interested in buying. That in turn can attract more affiliates because of high conversion rates.

    So once you understand why it's being done, it all makes sense, whether you like it or not.

    Doesn't mean everyone will get the results they want with it, but it's done for a very good reason.

    It's probably more effective when you do it for a longer period of time such as a week or two weeks or even more, to make the seed list larger and keep building that buzz.

    Depends on your offer, though. It's not going to work for all offers. Some offers don't deserve the buildup." and I agree with it all.

    Hope it helps.
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    • Profile picture of the author kayfrank
      Originally Posted by Clint Faber View Post

      As Mike Hill wold say -Start bye building up a list, sending out newsletters, getting the attention of affiliates or another number of things.

      It's a marketing strategy that works with main stream products and large scale products.

      Corporations do the same thing. Look at Sony and how they release the Playstation or how major gaming companies like Blizzard who release video games. Imagine if they just showed up on shelves without building hype up or building up appeal to the product.

      Sales would be far lower than what they do get.

      It's being done because you build a small seed list who want to be notified when it goes live, then the theory is your conversions will be higher right at launch because you are launching to a very targeted list who are definitely interested in buying. That in turn can attract more affiliates because of high conversion rates.

      So once you understand why it's being done, it all makes sense, whether you like it or not.

      Doesn't mean everyone will get the results they want with it, but it's done for a very good reason.

      It's probably more effective when you do it for a longer period of time such as a week or two weeks or even more, to make the seed list larger and keep building that buzz.

      Depends on your offer, though. It's not going to work for all offers. Some offers don't deserve the buildup." and I agree with it all.

      Hope it helps.
      Yes I agree. If you have a list then they are the people to tell about your launch. Create a signup form for people who are interested so that they can get on your "early bird list" - this is really only relevant if you are using a dime sale or limiting copies as they get the best price by signing up.

      If you are not using a dime sale then you could also do a "special bonus" list where people can sign up and then they get an extra bonus.

      Good luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author mbacak
      Originally Posted by Clint Faber View Post

      As Mike Hill wold say -Start bye building up a list, sending out newsletters, getting the attention of affiliates or another number of things.

      It's a marketing strategy that works with main stream products and large scale products.

      Corporations do the same thing. Look at Sony and how they release the Playstation or how major gaming companies like Blizzard who release video games. Imagine if they just showed up on shelves without building hype up or building up appeal to the product.

      Sales would be far lower than what they do get.

      It's being done because you build a small seed list who want to be notified when it goes live, then the theory is your conversions will be higher right at launch because you are launching to a very targeted list who are definitely interested in buying. That in turn can attract more affiliates because of high conversion rates.

      So once you understand why it's being done, it all makes sense, whether you like it or not.

      Doesn't mean everyone will get the results they want with it, but it's done for a very good reason.

      It's probably more effective when you do it for a longer period of time such as a week or two weeks or even more, to make the seed list larger and keep building that buzz.

      Depends on your offer, though. It's not going to work for all offers. Some offers don't deserve the buildup." and I agree with it all.

      Hope it helps.
      A great way to start building the buzz is by
      buying a banner here on the warrior forum.

      Jason Parker used to do this very well. (said "used to
      because I'm not sure he's been doing pre-launches lately)
      The Listbuilding Club (join by clicking below)
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  • Profile picture of the author Bish
    I've seen this done quite a bit and plan on using this method myself very soon. What is the opinion on a good pre-launch period?
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Too long and people lose interest.

    Too short and you don't give it enough time for the hype and anticipation to build.

    I would say 4-7 days.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Too long and people lose interest.

    Too short and you don't give it enough time for the hype and anticipation to build.

    I would say 4-7 days.
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    • Profile picture of the author Bish
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      Too long and people lose interest.

      Too short and you don't give it enough time for the hype and anticipation to build.

      I would say 4-7 days.
      Thanks for that. A week sounds good.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bish
    I think you just amend the existing WSO thread and add the payment button.
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    • Profile picture of the author mikelmraz
      Originally Posted by Bish View Post

      I think you just amend the existing WSO thread and add the payment button.
      The thing is I'm afraid the comments from the pre-launch may cause some confusion..
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      • Profile picture of the author Des Lau
        Originally Posted by mikelmraz View Post

        The thing is I'm afraid the comments from the pre-launch may cause some confusion..
        Just write something like 'launch comments at bottom of page 2' on the end of the sales letter.

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  • Profile picture of the author Andy Fletcher
    I posted this into some FB groups a couple of days ago. Forgive the copy/paste response but it's highly relevant.


    Your prelaunch sucks and what to do about it ...

    A well structured prelaunch can double or even triple your opening day conversion rate. That means higher EPCs and more affiliates attracted to the offer. But get it wrong (and most people do) it'll have the opposite effect, letting someone else outsell you many times over.

    So what is it everyone does wrong?

    Simply put, they give away too much.

    They see the big guru launches "giving away" lots of content upfront but they don't read between the lines. They don't see that what's been given away is very strategic. Serving a very specific purpose.

    If you give away too much during your prelaunch your market is done until they get a chance to try it out.

    Give away lots of long videos or written content and your market won't be back until they've consumed them.

    Give away some shiny software and people won't be back until they've had a chance to play with it and try it out.

    If your prelaunch runs for a few days, chances are that's it, they're done with you. They've had their fix and your launch will be over before they even consider coming back. Assuming they ever do. Most people won't consume the content, it'll just sit idly on their hard drive while they go find the next shiny fix.

    What can you do about it?

    You've got two options and most people realistically only have one.

    The hard way -

    If you can compress some results in advance into your launch window, such that they can see something cool happen in that time and then want the bigger, badder version. Do that, it'll work better than anything else you can possibly do.

    But for most people, getting their audience to take action and see results in just a few days is basically impossible.

    Fortunately, there's the easy way -

    Give them free stuff that leaves them wanting more.

    Think of it like giving someone an appetiser before a main meal. It may look like food but all it does is make you realise how hungry you are.

    If you sell software, that's super easy to do.

    Your prelaunch just needs to tell them what an awesome result THING can produce and how desirable it is. Then show how much work that is. Fortunately, here's a button you can push to do it for you ...

    If you sell info, that's harder but still possible.

    Your prelaunch needs to give them a component that sounds awesome but isn't much use without the rest of the package.

    Product Launch Formula did this with the concept of a "Launch Parachute". How you can screw up most everything on a launch and still be fine as long as you get some key things right. Oh and btw, here's the course that'll teach you how to get the key things right ...

    If in doubt, keep your prelaunch simple.

    Focus on how awesome your product is going to be and the amazing results it'll achieve. That way the most interested buyers will be primed and ready to go on launch day, not off reading the 1,000 page PDF you gave them for free in the hopes of bribing them to buy.

    Got questions? Awesome, ask away, I'm happy to answer them...
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    • Profile picture of the author WillR
      Originally Posted by mikelmraz View Post

      Thanks. It is okay to start a completely new thread when the product is launched right?
      Originally Posted by mikelmraz View Post

      The thing is I'm afraid the comments from the pre-launch may cause some confusion..
      Just use the same thread. The idea of the prelaunch thread is to also build those comments and create an active thread so come launch day the social proof has already started. I've done it several times and no one has ever been confused by things.
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      • Profile picture of the author David Burnett
        Hey guys thanks for all the information I learned a lot from this thread and the people who posted!

        Best Regards,

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        • Profile picture of the author wordwizard
          I've seen people do it both ways, but the majority use the same thread, and that seems to work well, as Will has pointed out.

          In fact, you may want to check out some of the threads that have prelaunches on them (some of which give away review copies initially...)

          Good luck!

          FREE Report: 5 Ways To Grow Your Affiliate Income

          Let Me Help You Sell: Sales Letters, Email Series, Pre-Sell Reports... PM me & we'll talk!
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