Does Clickbooth require a minimum amount of earning to join?

5 replies

I have applied to Clickbooth about one month or so... I don't remember exactly.
They declined my application and I don't know why.
I provided them with proof of over $1500, but still they didn't accept my application.

I was wondering if I should earn a certain amount, so that they will accept me.

And I want to ask,
Does Clickbooth require a minimum amount of earning to join their network?

If there is any warrior here working with Clickbooth, I love to hear his\her experience.

#amount #clickbooth #earning #join #minimum #require
  • No they don't require any minimum..

    I recommend you re-apply, changing some of the information you entered..

    And others

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  • Profile picture of the author AravGupta
    OP any chance you filled out the questionnaire that CB provides while screening their affiliates? also you will have to take into consideration that they are very picky as to whom they let in to promote their campaigns. Best bet would be to give them a call and let them know you have been unfairly denied.
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  • Profile picture of the author ralf wig
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    • Profile picture of the author Technito
      They don't care about the income you earned nor how many other CPA networks you work with... They care about honesty, promotion methods and also your website you'll be using to promote their offers.

      If you specify that you market with incentives (even if not planning to on ClickBooth) they will deny you. They don't like semi-functional or single page (landing page type) websites. If you don't have a full functional website, they will likely deny you. Although promotion of most landing pages and single page sites are acceptable once in, just not for the approval process.

      And you need to ensure that you specify that you will only use ethical and legal promotional methods. And with that, you should get in. You can only re-apply after 6 months since they denied you. If you re-apply earlier than 6 months since they last denied you, they will just instantly deny your application again.

      So be sure that you are setup and positioned properly as a publisher before appealing or reapplying.

      But once you are in, they're a great network to work with. And they are by far one of the "least restrictive" when it comes to promotion methods once you are proven an honest and ethical marketer.

      Want to Truly Lean How to Become a "Super Affiliate"? See How in This FREE Video Training. -> Click Here <-

      A smart man knows his limits. A wise man knows he has none.


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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    They don't care about the income you earned nor how many other CPA networks you work with... They care about honesty, promotion methods and also your website you'll be using to promote their offers.

    If you specify that you market with incentives (even if not planning to on ClickBooth) they will deny you. They don't like semi-functional or single page (landing page type) websites. If you don't have a full functional website, they will likely deny you. Although promotion of most landing pages and single page sites are acceptable once in, just not for the approval process.

    And you need to ensure that you specify that you will only use ethical and legal promotional methods. And with that, you should get in. You can only re-apply after 6 months since they denied you. If you re-apply earlier than 6 months since they last denied you, they will just instantly deny your application again.

    So be sure that you are setup and positioned properly as a publisher before appealing or reapplying.

    But once you are in, they're a great network to work with. And they are by far one of the "least restrictive" when it comes to promotion methods once you are proven an honest and ethical marketer.
    Well said, this goes for most top tier CPA networks.
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    • Profile picture of the author johnheades
      Thanks for your help

      Waiting 6 months to re-apply again is too long. I can't wait that long to join their network.
      If it is one or two months, it will be ok.... but 6 months !!?
      Also, I applied to them with the same website I have used for applying to other top networs.
      But seems they have additional restrictions with the publisher's website.
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