Idea Feedback: Native Premium Ad Inventory Wordpress Plugin

1 replies
To gain publisher adoption to my no-fee advertising marketplace, AdFortress (under construction), I have an idea for a Wordpress plugin that communicates with our network. I am trying to determine if this Wordpress plugin would have any value to publishers of blogs and other media-based websites.

This is for premium ad inventory as defined as 100% fulfillment guaranteed for a given duration (ie, up to 31 days) - sold directly from advertiser to publisher. Since the ad network does not a take a fee, it's only the cost of the transaction - no middle men like ad agencies, exchanges, or networks digging into your margins. When you're a small publisher, there are a lot of middle men trying to eat your margins, so it's a great use of your time to go direct to advertiser and multiple your earnings 5-10x (seriously).

What It Does:
  • Places ads on your website with your 100% control over price, content, and duration.
  • Handles the offer from advertisers: from image upload to payment.
  • Creates/deletes ad inventory zones via Wordpress widgets.
  • Dynamically masks advertising as native content, spoofing ad blockers.
  • Ability to make, get, accept, and reject offers from any Advertiser via your site and the AdFortress network.

If 5 people tell me they'd give it a shot, I'll make it for you...

Would you use this plugin, and how would you expect to use it, ideally?
#advertising networks #feedback #idea #inventory #native #plugin #premium #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author excellingmedia
    Does anyone need me to clarify anything? Or do you pretty much get it?

    Install, configure, make/approve offers, and the plugin handles payments and integrates into the AdFortress network.

    The reason you need to make/approve offers is to be in control of your ads on your site. You don't want ads on there that are terribly spammy or misleading. Just throwing up adsense or some script from another network doesn't do that for you.

    The ad block spoofing helps you sell this space on your site as higher volume traffic so that you can charge more. Not only do more people see it, an ad might stick out to someone who is not used to not seeing many ads.

    Premium ad inventory can mean many things, but in this case it means 100% guaranteed fulfillment for a given time period - established between the advertiser and publisher, directly (no 3rd parties involved).

    Going "guaranteed direct" is a way of making more money than other methods where more middle men are involved (ie, ad agencies, ad creative agencies, ad networks, ad exchanges). It can be more work finding or approving advertisers, but the pay is generally much higher when you sell your ad inventory this way. Furthermore, it is a way of building business relationships. When the transactions are not muddied by third parties, bonus offers and side deals and continued business in other areas can take place.
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