Idea Feedback: Native Premium Ad Inventory Wordpress Plugin
This is for premium ad inventory as defined as 100% fulfillment guaranteed for a given duration (ie, up to 31 days) - sold directly from advertiser to publisher. Since the ad network does not a take a fee, it's only the cost of the transaction - no middle men like ad agencies, exchanges, or networks digging into your margins. When you're a small publisher, there are a lot of middle men trying to eat your margins, so it's a great use of your time to go direct to advertiser and multiple your earnings 5-10x (seriously).
What It Does:
- Places ads on your website with your 100% control over price, content, and duration.
- Handles the offer from advertisers: from image upload to payment.
- Creates/deletes ad inventory zones via Wordpress widgets.
- Dynamically masks advertising as native content, spoofing ad blockers.
- Ability to make, get, accept, and reject offers from any Advertiser via your site and the AdFortress network.
If 5 people tell me they'd give it a shot, I'll make it for you...
Would you use this plugin, and how would you expect to use it, ideally?
excellingmedia -
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