what is the best ADSENSE or affiliate matketing

19 replies
hi every single one today i wanna talk about google Adsense and all of what i've talked above

So what is the best?
#adsense #affiliate #matketing
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  • Profile picture of the author smartarnold
    If you have high traffic only adsense is good but you have products related site and traffic is good then affiliated is good.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Langidis
    Both are good ways to make money.

    if you are ready to learn SEO, build niche websites and ranked them on google then adsence is for you. However you can do both that way by just putting a banner in your site with an affiliate offer related to your niche!

    But if you want to do adsence, keep in mind that you need a lot of FREE targeted traffic in order to make good money.

    You can get free targeted traffic from forums, blogs, ranking your website on google and youtube etc.. But in most cases you will need to spend a lot of time in order to see success with adsence.

    So with that been said, in my opinion affiliate marketing is more newbie friendly, faster, easier and can be done with both: paid and free traffic.

    and if you find a good affiliate offer that convert well then you can scale up easily with paid traffic...

    Hope this helps

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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Adsense is not the way to go if you're new to Internet marketing.

    Yes, that is my opinion and others will tell you differently.

    But here's my reasoning:

    Adsense pays you a few pennies each time someone on your site clicks away. In order to make real money with Adsense, you need to drive mega traffic to your site and frankly, most newbies aren't good at getting traffic.

    One of the most important aspects of online business is building a subscriber list. Why would you want to offer hard won visitors to your site a bunch of links that take them off your site?

    To me, the better approach is to fill your site with things that will engage your visitors and keep them on your site so they can benefit from your content, see your offers, and spend their money with you. IMO, Adsense works against the idea of keeping visitors at your site where you can cater to their needs and wants.

    Just my opinion,


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

      Adsense is not the way to go if you're new to Internet marketing.

      Yes, that is my opinion and others will tell you differently.

      But here's my reasoning:

      Yep, it's how I( along with CPA) and many other got started . It makes a person to complacent to rely on Organic Traffic. And with all the Updates, it is a gamble. Plus, it is pennies like you said

      Nice supplementary income, though

      - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author kilgore
    Your question is like asking, "What's better, a hammer or a screwdriver?" Both are effective tools in the right situation -- and both are innefective in the wrong situation. And indeed, often in a project you'll use both.

    I also wonder why you're limiting yourself to Adsense. Adsense is one of many, many ad networks out there. Again, in certain situations it might be a great fit -- but in others you'd probably be better off with a different network.

    None of us knows anything about you or your business, so even if one or the other was actually better it wouldn't matter. Who cares about what's better for other people? What matters is what's better for you. And you're the only one who's in a position to judge that.
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  • Profile picture of the author bestAd
    Affiliate marketing then Adsense later.
    For you to make money with Adsense you need to drive serious traffic to your site and you will learn those how starting with Affiliate marketing. Also Adsense is very risky, you can lose your income at anytime regardless if it is your fault or not.
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  • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168
    Adsense need time , one thing is RPM if I get it right , you can't control it

    some days you got a decent earning some days just cents depend the RPM.

    CPC , still can fine tune a bit the ad placement etc

    I doing adsense I have to say take times ( I not earning a lot from adsense yet ) but I can see it does take lots of patience to see it grow.

    Some folks do a fast way that is own multi websites thus they can see results quite fast.

    but for me I just doing one site I also include amazon and click bank affiliate link.
    Some don't like this idea to integrate adsense with amazon and click bank

    well for me I just add in ,
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  • Profile picture of the author RefuseToLose
    Adsense is for people who have tons of cheap traffic (high ranking sites in google). Generally adsense is for lazy people who don't know or care to monetize their sites beyond just slapping some ads on it.

    Affiliate marketing is taking advantage of those lazy decisions people make not to properly monetize their sites and advertise our products on their sites for easy sales that bring us $1-$100+ per sale instead of the 0.30 cents they would make for one of their visitors clicking our ad.

    That's just the monetizing side of things...

    To even come close to making a decent living wage with adsense you would need a site with hundreds of thousands of visitors every month...

    You could make a decent living wage with affiliate marketing with only a couple dozen highly targeted visitors buying a product you are selling.

    Of course there is more to affiliate marketing that takes time to learn, but in terms of income, it's not even comparable. Affiliate marketing is the way to go.
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  • Profile picture of the author rohitkumary
    It depends on your site traffic and the user behaviour.
    If your site has lots of traffic go with Adsense but if less go with affiliate marketing.

    Another thing if you have sufficient amount of content and newsletter subscribers you can combine both for more revenue.
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  • Profile picture of the author seofreetips
    If you have huge traffic than adsense is good and if you have targetted traffic than affiliate marketing works best.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    Building an email list is the way to go.. then you can direct them to whatever kind of advertising you like... even both if you want to.
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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    both are good if you're in a highly searched niche mmo, weight loss and dating

    that being said,, adsense makes my site slow..

    -Ike Paz
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
      Originally Posted by aizaku View Post

      that being said,, adsense makes my site slow..

      -Ike Paz
      Have you tried running them through DoubleClick? I've heard that can make a difference.

      But the funny thing is, on my flagship site it works in reverse.. DoubleClick is slow while Adsense is faster.
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  • Profile picture of the author Edward Hicks
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
      Originally Posted by Edward Hicks View Post

      Hi all guys that have comment into this question
      here is anyone here who make more thank 1k with adsense per day??
      Nah, not me.

      The maximum I've made with Adsense was $3,000 - $5,000 per month.
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  • Profile picture of the author ebizman87
    Originally Posted by Edward Hicks View Post

    hi every single one today i wanna talk about google Adsense and all of what i've talked above

    So what is the best?
    I've had some success in ADSENSE after driving ADFLY traffic to a blogger page with plenty of articles . My highest income was $20 plus/day and I spent about $6 for 14k worth of visitors. My net profit was $14. I made a few hundreds dollars within a week but the income decreased eventually and I stopped the campaign totally after that

    Some people will say that your Adsense account will be banned if you use cheap paid traffic source. However, it depends on what type of landing page are you using to monetize the traffic

    Do let me know if you need more info

    All the best
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    • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168
      Originally Posted by ebizman87 View Post

      I've had some success in ADSENSE after driving ADFLY traffic to a blogger page with plenty of articles . My highest income was $20 plus/day and I spent about $6 for 14k worth of visitors. My net profit was $14. I made a few hundreds dollars within a week but the income decreased eventually and I stopped the campaign totally after that

      Some people will say that your Adsense account will be banned if you use cheap paid traffic source. However, it depends on what type of landing page are you using to monetize the traffic

      Do let me know if you need more info

      All the best
      ADFLY is kinda cheap way to get traffic
      Surprise your adsense account still alive
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      • Profile picture of the author ebizman87
        Originally Posted by Devilfish168 View Post

        ADFLY is kinda cheap way to get traffic
        Surprise your adsense account still alive
        If you have some sort of "authority" website with plenty of GOOD articles, there shouldn't be any issue in using ADSENSE I guess

        As far as I know, there's no T&C that says " You can't use PAID traffic for your ADSENSE page"
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  • Profile picture of the author anushka91
    The affiliate marketing is the best way for passive income but the only problem is the traffic. I tried all the ways but nothing increases the traffic it like "walking on the broken glass to open the door" and I trust that other lessons over here will help me.
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  • Profile picture of the author AffPub
    affiliate marketing may go up and down but adsense will remain same if you have good traffic
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