I'm newbie in maxbounty

10 replies
hi everyone
i'm newbie in cpa i have maxbounty compte
can anyone help me and tell me what can i do to start my first campaign
#maxbounty #newbie
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
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    • Profile picture of the author Zouid All
      thank you very much
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well if you want to work free start by promoting offers on youtube facebook groups twotter etc If you want fast results try ppc but i advise you must be careful and you need some knowledge
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    • Profile picture of the author Zouid All
      thank you for your reply
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  • Profile picture of the author senoyking
    How you get accepted please ?
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    • Profile picture of the author Adrianne_
      Originally Posted by senoyking View Post

      How you get accepted please ?
      Did you apply yet? Generally, after you submit the application, you will
      get an email with the name and phone number of your Affiliate Manager.

      If you call them, you will get accepted a lot faster rather than waiting
      for them to get to you. Make sure you can answer basic questions,
      especially about how you plan to market their products, and which
      industries you would like to target.
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  • Profile picture of the author Genius At Play
    Id say away from maxbounty, low quality people.

    I have like 1000 students at maxbounty and my am had students all the time and when signed on via a unique ip my accs blocked and my am kept mentioning students always saying hi.

    Low quality cpa net and also friends have issues with payments, like 10 people so far the week.

    I like peerfly, better offers, better smarter ok affiliate managers.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikeisme
    It's always best to start by promoting on your Facebook, Twitter and/or Youtube account. Most people (including me) creates a social media account just for their CPA and monetize it instead of using their personal accounts.

    Here is my personal tips on how I make $50 a day (autopilot) using CPALEAD:
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    • Profile picture of the author pawandave
      Start with free or paid traffic...youtube working best as well. If you have good budget ppv is also working very well
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