Best Publishers Ads- 30k High Quality Daily page views
Let me first say hello.
I need some help. I have a new website with around 30k daily page views, and over 90% of them are coming from U.S and Canada.
I need some help to improve my revenue. Any advice on what ad network should I use?
Right now, I am using yahoo-bing network, but my RPM is low- around 0.5$ per 1000 impressions. I am not using Adsence because I have bad experience with google( been using them on my previous website). I also use mgid native ads. My daily revenue is between 40-100$ per day.
Most of my traffic is coming from social media and referrals.
Can someone please suggest better solution to improve my earnings based on the details I wrote before?

volcan -
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PetarK -
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volcan -
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geatartist -
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