What are the best CPA networks for the health niches?

1 replies
I'm a newbie in CPA. I'm interested in email offers, zip code offers, just about any other offers EXCEPT credit card information and incentives.

I have ten websites, I mainly use organic traffic from google and social media.

These are the niches I have my sites on:

hair loss, add/adhd, acne, cord blood, ibs, heartburn, psoriasis, migraines, nail fungus, and treating afib.

Any suggestions? I've already joined MaxBounty, but to my disappointment they hardly have any offers for my niches.
#cpa #health #networks #niches
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  • Profile picture of the author Dube38
    Hi Hawkeyez,

    The best place networks to join would be
    1. Click Bank,
    2. Market Health
    3.Amazon Associates

    I hope this helps Dube 38
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