Where Am I Going Wrong With Lead Impact

by Bruha
46 replies
So I'm looking at my stats from yesterday and I see that I had 467 clicks from LEad Impact on my offer. My offer was shown 545 times. That is a CTR of like 85%. Is this accurate?

However, my sign up rate is still 0%. I'm targeting related URL's to body building, where am I going wrong?
#impact #lead #wrong
  • Profile picture of the author bbrock32
    Are you sure you are tracking it right? 85% its a pretty high landing page ctr.
    If so , you are doing an awesome job.
    Give us further details so we can help you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bruha
    My stats from my cpa network for the offer from 5/22:

    467 clicks, 0 leads

    Stats from Lead Impact:


    i am direct linking to the offer and it is a rebill for a muscle building supplement

    anything else i can give you that would be helpful?

    Visit my website at www.ctbonlinemarketingllc.com to learn more about how to make money online!

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    • Profile picture of the author misterwrecker
      Direct linking with rebills can be very tough and does require a lot of testing.

      If you are on a budget I would either recommend you to switch your offer to something much easier to make a conversion and without needing a cc or to make a landing page for the offer.

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    • Profile picture of the author andreblamads
      Originally Posted by Bruha View Post

      My stats from my cpa network for the offer from 5/22:

      467 clicks, 0 leads

      Stats from Lead Impact:


      i am direct linking to the offer and it is a rebill for a muscle building supplement

      anything else i can give you that would be helpful?
      I strongly suggest you use your own LP on rebills, you will find that they convert higher.
      Most Direct Offers than Any Incent Network
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    • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
      Originally Posted by Bruha View Post

      My stats from my cpa network for the offer from 5/22:

      467 clicks, 0 leads

      Stats from Lead Impact:


      i am direct linking to the offer and it is a rebill for a muscle building supplement

      anything else i can give you that would be helpful?
      How are you targeting?
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    • Profile picture of the author todawg_not
      Originally Posted by Bruha View Post

      My stats from my cpa network for the offer from 5/22:

      467 clicks, 0 leads

      Stats from Lead Impact:


      i am direct linking to the offer and it is a rebill for a muscle building supplement

      anything else i can give you that would be helpful?
      Had a nice dinner with the family

      watched a good game of football on TV,

      and when I want a laugh, I don't go a comedy club and pay to get in,

      I come to the warriorforum and read threads like this, (for free).....lmfao

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  • Profile picture of the author Bruha
    Ok, instead of direct linking I am now sending people to my landing page here:

    Force Factor | Force Factor Review

    Any thoughts on how I can make this convert best?

    Visit my website at www.ctbonlinemarketingllc.com to learn more about how to make money online!

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    • Profile picture of the author cpabrainstormer
      Hey Bruha,

      To be perfectly honest, I think you're going about this the wrong way. If you want to get people to convert on a rebill, you are going to need to earn their trust. People aren't looking for a review site that is just going to say the exact same thing as the sales letter. You need to be acting as an unbiased outsider who is simply suggesting the product as a way of improving your visitors workouts.

      What I would do if I were you, is create a blog and start adding really good content to it. Every day be adding new content to the blog. Outsource this to a really good article writer and have them do some research to find content that will really help your visitors with their workouts. Once they are seeing that you are adding this great stuff to your blog every day, they will continue to come back. You are going to be providing content that they would probably have to pay for at some other site. So right away, they are going to be grateful.

      I would also add an email opt-in box on the blog. Having a responsive list in the weight loss niche can be EXTREMELY profitable. And once they are on your list, you will then be able to start promoting your offers to them. This method isn't going to make you a million dollars over night, but it will be something that, once it's established, will bring you in a consistent income for a long time to come! Hope that helps!

      Best of Luck,


      Tim Van Dalsum - Owner of CPABrainstorm.com. A site dedicated to bringing the community of Cost Per Action Marketers together. Check out the site and see exactly what I do, every day, with my CPA marketing business!

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      • Profile picture of the author kyraline
        Hi there Bruha,

        I started with LeadImpact almost two months ago and so far my conversions are zero. One of my first was in the dental niche with over 1,300 hits and 649 clicks within a few days I had the campaign running. The offer was for a one month trial of a toothbrush, but then the conversion is only made on a sale of the product. so maybe that wasn't the best offer to start out with. Anyway what I am getting out of this experience is you have to test, test, test and test again until you hit something good.

        Just keep at it!



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        Youtube channels that stick
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        • Profile picture of the author brandonzfitz
          Lead Impact is a scam!!! Beware

          They can certainly drive a lot of traffic for your site, but it's non-quality traffic and they work with pop-unders.

          I hired them for a weight loss campaign, they provided 4,075 visitors in a matter of two days, but my analytics told me that those visitors were non-quality visitors.

          The stats: 99.9% of the visitors bounced (they didn't stay more than 1 second on my site) and they didn't even visit another page. So, my advice is to stay away from Lead Impact.

          The site I was advertising is fatmeltingprogram.com
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          • Profile picture of the author DSinick
            LeadImpact isn't a scam. They are a contextual advertising network, which means most of their traffic is pop-up types. You can read about how they get their traffic on their site (I don't have enough posts right now so I can't link you...)

            In general, PPV traffic is not going to be very high quality, but you have to test the crap out of it if you're looking to sell a rebill. 545 views really is not that much in the grand scheme of things. I usually test out 1-2x the payout for each URL I put in the campaign before eliminating them. I would be patient and let it run a little while longer. You want to have statistically significant data before you make any conclusions.
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            • Profile picture of the author brandonzfitz
              Originally Posted by DSinick View Post

              LeadImpact isn't a scam. They are a contextual advertising network, which means most of their traffic is pop-up types. You can read about how they get their traffic on their site (I don't have enough posts right now so I can't link you...)

              In general, PPV traffic is not going to be very high quality, but you have to test the crap out of it if you're looking to sell a rebill. 545 views really is not that much in the grand scheme of things. I usually test out 1-2x the payout for each URL I put in the campaign before eliminating them. I would be patient and let it run a little while longer. You want to have statistically significant data before you make any conclusions.
              I had more than 4000 views and not one sale. With google I got a sale every 200 visits.
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              • Profile picture of the author KC-Coop
                Originally Posted by brandonzfitz View Post

                I had more than 4000 views and not one sale. With google I got a sale every 200 visits.
                Just because you can't make it convert doesn't mean it's a scam. The traffic is from popups/unders and of course it's going to take a lot more views of your offer to convert then Google would.

                And to the OP - I wouldn't try to direct link with rebills. I'd start out with smaller campaigns if you don't have any experience in PPV.

                Once you have some of those going - you can run rebills but you definitely need your own LP.
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            • Profile picture of the author moonguy
              Originally Posted by DSinick View Post

              LeadImpact isn't a scam. They are a contextual advertising network, which means most of their traffic is pop-up types. You can read about how they get their traffic on their site (I don't have enough posts right now so I can't link you...)

              In general, PPV traffic is not going to be very high quality, but you have to test the crap out of it if you're looking to sell a rebill. 545 views really is not that much in the grand scheme of things. I usually test out 1-2x the payout for each URL I put in the campaign before eliminating them. I would be patient and let it run a little while longer. You want to have statistically significant data before you make any conclusions.
              does it works.. any tips on how you do it ??..
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            • Profile picture of the author jburke81
              Lead Impact works well with a really good squeeze page followed with a autoresponder series. It is great for building lists. Use their tracking snippet and get rid of the keywords/url's that aren't producing. I get 20-30 leads per day in my niche and do it for 50 cents per lead. That is money in my pocket.

              As far as the clicks go... they aren't clicks, but popups of your site. That's why you are getting so many visitors and no actions. Use it to capture contacts and sell them once they are on your list. That is my advice.

              Do not use affiliate links in signatures!

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              • Profile picture of the author AnthonyR
                Originally Posted by jburke81 View Post

                Lead Impact works well with a really good squeeze page followed with a autoresponder series. It is great for building lists. Use their tracking snippet and get rid of the keywords/url's that aren't producing. I get 20-30 leads per day in my niche and do it for 50 cents per lead. That is money in my pocket.

                As far as the clicks go... they aren't clicks, but popups of your site. That's why you are getting so many visitors and no actions. Use it to capture contacts and sell them once they are on your list. That is my advice.
                I agree with jburke81 just create a squeeze page offering something of value and make sure you put offers on your thank you and download pages. With PPV you definitely need to Track and split test everything.
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          • Profile picture of the author jtcne
            I've made thousands of dollars in revenue from LeadImpact traffic. In contrast, I've barely been able to convert traffic from other PPV networks, so they're definitely not a scam. What you have to do is think like the person getting your ad... They weren't necessarily looking for your offer, so in general, the best offers are those that give them a chance to make money, save money, or spend no money. I've not had any conversions on tangible products. Not to say it can't be done, it's just not a great place to start. So, for someone new to PPV, start with simple zip/email/state submits and offers. Track conversions. My rule of thumb is to cut a non-converting keyword or URL after about 300-500 clicks, more if the payout per lead is north of $50.

            Be conservative. Test as you go until you reach a positive ROI, then you can start testing new offers as you continue weeding out non-performing clicks from your existing campaigns.

            Best of luck!
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            • Profile picture of the author Firstrate
              Originally Posted by jtcne View Post

              I've made thousands of dollars in revenue from LeadImpact traffic. In contrast, I've barely been able to convert traffic from other PPV networks, so they're definitely not a scam. What you have to do is think like the person getting your ad... They weren't necessarily looking for your offer, so in general, the best offers are those that give them a chance to make money, save money, or spend no money. I've not had any conversions on tangible products. Not to say it can't be done, it's just not a great place to start. So, for someone new to PPV, start with simple zip/email/state submits and offers. Track conversions. My rule of thumb is to cut a non-converting keyword or URL after about 300-500 clicks, more if the payout per lead is north of $50.

              Be conservative. Test as you go until you reach a positive ROI, then you can start testing new offers as you continue weeding out non-performing clicks from your existing campaigns.

              Best of luck!
              This is very good advise. I've also had plenty of success on Lead Impact - it definitely works if you get the right vertical / demographic.

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            • Profile picture of the author tedgichia
              Originally Posted by jtcne View Post

              I've made thousands of dollars in revenue from LeadImpact traffic. In contrast, I've barely been able to convert traffic from other PPV networks, so they're definitely not a scam. What you have to do is think like the person getting your ad... They weren't necessarily looking for your offer, so in general, the best offers are those that give them a chance to make money, save money, or spend no money. I've not had any conversions on tangible products. Not to say it can't be done, it's just not a great place to start. So, for someone new to PPV, start with simple zip/email/state submits and offers. Track conversions. My rule of thumb is to cut a non-converting keyword or URL after about 300-500 clicks, more if the payout per lead is north of $50.

              Be conservative. Test as you go until you reach a positive ROI, then you can start testing new offers as you continue weeding out non-performing clicks from your existing campaigns.

              Best of luck!
              Thanks. This is very important to consider
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          • Profile picture of the author CarlosG
            Originally Posted by brandonzfitz View Post

            Lead Impact is a scam!!! Beware

            They can certainly drive a lot of traffic for your site, but it's non-quality traffic and they work with pop-unders.

            I hired them for a weight loss campaign, they provided 4,075 visitors in a matter of two days, but my analytics told me that those visitors were non-quality visitors.

            The stats: 99.9% of the visitors bounced (they didn't stay more than 1 second on my site) and they didn't even visit another page. So, my advice is to stay away from Lead Impact.

            The site I was advertising is fatmeltingprogram.com
            Just because you did not make it work Don't say it's a scam! I was losing money at first as well until I learned how to use PPV and now it's been profitable everyday.
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            • Profile picture of the author rawstyle
              I forgot to update in this thread...

              I am now (and have been for about 3 months) in the profit with leadimpact. As another poster mentioned here, for some reason other ppv networks (like directcpv) have not produced the same results with the same campaigns and demographic/geographic targetting...it's something I don't quite understand.

              Make sure you set up your conversion tracking with whatever you're promoting in these ppv networks...you're going nowhere if you don't do that properly, so you can weed out the useless traffic. Also some of these gurus advise you throw in thousands of keywords and urls...DO NOT DO THAT. Be as specific and targetted as possible. I have been averaging $1000-$1500 of revenue every month on leadimpact traffic alone...but it took me months of losing to get there.
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              • Profile picture of the author mrok
                What kind of product that you offer? Please share to me...

                Originally Posted by rawstyle View Post

                I forgot to update in this thread...

                I am now (and have been for about 3 months) in the profit with leadimpact. As another poster mentioned here, for some reason other ppv networks (like directcpv) have not produced the same results with the same campaigns and demographic/geographic targetting...it's something I don't quite understand.

                Make sure you set up your conversion tracking with whatever you're promoting in these ppv networks...you're going nowhere if you don't do that properly, so you can weed out the useless traffic. Also some of these gurus advise you throw in thousands of keywords and urls...DO NOT DO THAT. Be as specific and targetted as possible. I have been averaging $1000-$1500 of revenue every month on leadimpact traffic alone...but it took me months of losing to get there.
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        • Profile picture of the author 55sadhikar
          Originally Posted by kyraline View Post

          Hi there Bruha,

          I started with LeadImpact almost two months ago and so far my conversions are zero. One of my first was in the dental niche with over 1,300 hits and 649 clicks within a few days I had the campaign running. The offer was for a one month trial of a toothbrush, but then the conversion is only made on a sale of the product. so maybe that wasn't the best offer to start out with. Anyway what I am getting out of this experience is you have to test, test, test and test again until you hit something good.

          Just keep at it!

          Did you made a landing page for that campaign or did you simply directly link to the offer?
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  • Profile picture of the author umaar.k
    even you get 10.000 visitors , they will hardly sign up for rebills and free trails, any thing include credit card , they ll stay out of it.
    these people like free stuff. dont you see they installed this adware to download free screen savers and some other free downloads.
    i suggest you choose some cpa offers which really dont involved in credit card.
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    • Profile picture of the author brandonzfitz
      Originally Posted by umaar.k View Post

      even you get 10.000 visitors , they will hardly sign up for rebills and free trails, any thing include credit card , they ll stay out of it.
      these people like free stuff. dont you see they installed this adware to download free screen savers and some other free downloads.
      i suggest you choose some cpa offers which really dont involved in credit card.
      Umaar, I'm aware that the types of users from lead impact like free stuff and I even did an opt-in campaing using a free ebook. I only got 4 subscribers for every 1000 views which means almost $8 per subscriber.

      My landing page is fatmeltingprogram.com/free-weight-loss-ebook.php

      How can this not work? I still think leadimpact is a scam
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      • Profile picture of the author pmarshall76
        My landing page is fatmeltingprogram.com/free-weight-loss-ebook.php

        How can this not work? I still think leadimpact is a scam
        No offense but your ebook/landing page sucks...nothing unique about that. I've been doing this long enough to be able to look at something and know if it's gonna convert or not (especially with PPV). There are literally millions of products just like the one above. What is so special about that book? What makes that book better than all of the other ones? To me, all other books say the same exact thing. With PPV you have literally 1 to 2 seconds to get a visitor to click-through. Hint Hint
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        • Profile picture of the author brandonzfitz
          Originally Posted by pmarshall76 View Post

          No offense but your ebook/landing page sucks...nothing unique about that. I've been doing this long enough to be able to look at something and know if it's gonna convert or not (especially with PPV). There are literally millions of products just like the one above. What is so special about that book? What makes that book better than all of the other ones? To me, all other books say the same exact thing. With PPV you have literally 1 to 2 seconds to get a visitor to click-through. Hint Hint
          If you're such an expert, please enlighten me with a good landing page that works with lead impact and I'll spend money testing it just to prove you wrong
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      • Profile picture of the author genietoast
        Originally Posted by brandonzfitz View Post

        My landing page is fatmeltingprogram.com/free-weight-loss-ebook.php

        How can this not work? I still think leadimpact is a scam
        Hi, Brandon. While the design of your landing page looks good for fatmeltingprogram.com, I would recommend you promote a different weight loss product than this.

        I tested your link fatmeltingprogram.com, and the video is long. The narrator drones on about his credentials as an expert for 2 minutes straight and has not yet gotten to the benefits of the product for the user. To be honest, the visitor will just get bored and move on.

        Try selling a different weighloss product with a different landing page that points out the benefits straight out front like: "Shape your Body in 10 Minutes!" or "Get Ripped in 90 Days!" Don't give them a video that drones on and on. They'll lose interest quickly.

        When selling to a customer on CPV with a pop-up, you've got to grab the customer's attention that very second. Give them a reason to stick around.

        Look for offers that have a landing page that's attractive like P90X or 10 Minute Trainer. You might fare better promoting those offers.
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  • Profile picture of the author lebedev9114
    To be honest I have also tried to use Lead Impact, so far its not looking well. I really regret registering because If the traffic is so untargeted and weak, I can find other services who offer popunder usch as adoori, to get at least some conversion.
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  • Profile picture of the author pr456
    even you get 10.000 visitors ,they stay out of it.
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    • Profile picture of the author rawstyle
      I just had a good laugh from LeadImpact...I was running a campaign there all day today and got about 50 leads, with no conversions. I was starting to wonder if they were even real people, so I emailed one of the leads:

      "Hi, are you a real person?"
      to which she replied
      "Yes, I am a real person"

      I lol'd.

      I'll post an update if I get a conversion, I guess.
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      • Profile picture of the author davidmeeonline
        From my experience with leadimpact, you have to treat the visitors as if they are probably not going to sign up of do whatever it is you are offering.

        Remember they are people, not just traffic which converts or not.

        These people are browsing the internet and get ads popping up in a new browser window. What would any normal person do when this happens? What would you do? Close it real quick.

        To get a conversion, you have to think like the people on the network, and design a Lp which will appeal to someone who sees it in about 2 seconds (like pmarshall76 said)

        This simply takes lots and lots of testing, and creativity on your part.

        The traffic does convert if you put the time in, trust me, but you cant just expect it to. They are completely different people to PPC viewers.

        Just my 2 cents

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  • Profile picture of the author intense
    You just need a better offer to convert better.
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  • Profile picture of the author dickylee
    Like any other traffic source, the effectiveness of LeadImpact depends on your understanding of the demographic of the Ad network, and your ability to pinpoint the correct keywords to bid for. Keep in mind that the LeadImpact ads are shown to people that once chose to install a toolbar in exchange of freestuff. Then you need to think about if your offer is going to appeal to that kind of people. If you do your proper research and demographic matching, you should get some conversions. If not, it doesn't mean the ad network is a scam.
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  • Profile picture of the author Slam
    Rebill offers don't convert very well with PPV traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author harro1
    This can happen with ppv traffic if you send them directly to the cpa offer, i have found that squeeze page converts well and you can send them offers for lifetime.
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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    That's the spirit!

    If something doesn't work, it must be a scam. It couldn't have anything to do with the campaign setup, poor squeeze page or maybe that nobody wants to download an ebook that isn't pushing any emotional triggers. It's easier to just blame the traffic source then fix it. Testing is key. If you send even 1,000 impressions to that page and nobody enters and email or name, then change it. Change the color, change the text, change the ebook, change the offer, change things until it works. Sometimes the smallest adjustments can garner you the largest gains.
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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    Man I didn't even notice the start date of this thread...

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  • Profile picture of the author bravo75
    I through in the towel with lead impact and requested a refund. I find it hard to get any kind of momentum going when some of my campaigns took over a week to be approved. PPV is oversaturated in my opinion. I'm not saying that some people aren't creaming it with PPV. In my opinion though, there are better traffic sources.
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  • Profile picture of the author orisin
    You have to understand the form of advertising and channel your'e advertising with. My first campaign with LI was a simple email submit and cost me $50 in one hour no conversions, my second one converted great and it was a dating offer and I had 3% conversions so for every 3 dollar I spent I made 15. You have to remember that with pop unders you are "intruding" the surfers, so you have to be very targeted and very appealing with your page. If your'e promoting free trials try to collect emails first than redirect them to the offer. Have an optin box that says, discover one secret that every muscle builder must know, just put your name and email in the box below. Once you have an email you canstart bilding relationship and guaranteed you'll see conversions
    good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Firstrate
    Good that you're making progress - keep us updated on how it's all going.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jilawatan
    In my opinion, PPV networks work best for download offers, surveys, games, zip/email submit, make money offers
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  • Profile picture of the author bamitabh
    I have been using MediaTraffic for sometime, but without any encouraging result. Based on the little experience I got on PPV marketing, here are my 2cents on PPV.
    1) Best kind of offer to start with are email/zip submit,like free gift card offers or similar.
    2) Quality of the offer page matters, put yourself in the viewer's shoes.
    3) Find the best compatible target site that can be married with the offer. If you are promoting something like bestbuy giftcard, then the best compatible site is bestbuy.com.
    4) At this stage do not add any more target site in the campaign,even if they are closely compatible.Because in PPV/CPV scenario ( unlike PPC) you are paying for each impression.Now you have the best match scenario ( with minimum cost) to test whether the best match converts at all. If it is a good candidate to convert, you will see result with 300 impressions. Then you can add more target sites, if the offer shows conversion.
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  • Profile picture of the author watsonovedades
    high paying offers are more difficult to convert with ppv, try some $5 $7 paying offers
    Whatever your mind can conceive and BELIEVE you can achieve
    Follow me on Twitter - @DineroConPc
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  • Profile picture of the author spope91
    I gotta say, I tried using LeadImpact a couple of years ago and had no joy whatsoever :/

    It's a difficult system to master it seems, but I think if you CAN nail it, you can make a killing.

    Just not my cup of tea personally, I get much better results from other methods
    What the mind can conceive, and believe, it can achieve.
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  • Profile picture of the author elainetrimble
    I am having the same problem with LeadImpact. I am new to the business. Trying something new and thought I could advertise an apartment for rent. The landing page goes to blog that gives detailed information regarding the unit. No conversions. Does that mean no one went to blog?
    www.AtlantaDowntownLiving.com Someone tell me if I am using LI wrong or what could I do to get people to go to the blog.
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