Has anybody used Adwords>Site Targeting>Banner Placements Successfully?

8 replies
Has anybody placed banners on targeted sites in the content network through Google Adwords successfully -> and made real money??

Any case studies would be great to hear...since I want to get into this area now...to promote my products.

- Adeel
#adwords>site #placements #successfully #targeting>banner
  • Profile picture of the author jmackenzie008
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    • Profile picture of the author Luke Sample
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      • Profile picture of the author Adeel_Chowdhry
        Originally Posted by Luke Sample View Post

        Hey Adeel! Yeah man, I use the image ads with certain CPA campaigns and do very well with it. Only works well for certain niches though, typically the niches that lend themselves specifically to imagery.

        I've never had much success with them though in the IM/biz op space.
        Hey Luke man,

        Yeh, I think they could work great in certain niches.

        ..just have to tap into the right ones $$$

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  • Profile picture of the author johnmiley
    Yes, they can be very effective. Generally, if you do some research ahead of time, you can target very specific demographics and test your approach, and for much less than other paid formats.
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    • Profile picture of the author Luke Sample
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      • Profile picture of the author David Neale
        I have tried banner ads with Google for 3 clients over the last 3 months with poor results. Lousy click through rate and no conversions.

        The content network in general works for a very small percentage of my clients.

        It seems to very dependent on the niche or industry and what you are calling a 'conversion' (a sale or an email signup).

        David Neale

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  • Profile picture of the author JayStarr
    Originally Posted by Adeel_Chowdhry View Post

    Has anybody placed banners on targeted sites in the content network through Google Adwords successfully -> and made real money??

    Any case studies would be great to hear...since I want to get into this area now...to promote my products.

    - Adeel
    Heres the deal on content newtwork.. and I got this directly from Google as I attended one of their seminars hosted by Google NOT and so called Google guru..

    Google says their stats for the content network convert only at 15% of the same for the Search network.. now of course there will be some rare cases /niches where this is not so.. but on the whole..

    Google say the best use of the C.N is for brand awareness as you can pay sometimes as low as $0.50 / CPM.. so with CPM thats a good 1000 impressions from $0.50 Vs minimum $0.05 for PPC..

    As with anything through $25 at it and test.. but my results from the CN is they dont convert.. because the browsers on the CN are looking for 'info'..and the users on the SN are looking for 'something'.
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