Gaming(MMO and MMORPG) affiliate networks?

17 replies
Let me begin my thanking you for taking the time to read my topic/thread. I have a website that does game reviews specifically online games and to be even more specific MMO, I recently joined a network that is new called mmotraffic, they seem nice but i'm looking for something with more content in terms of ads for that niche does anyone have any suggestions or experiences with good companies?
#affiliate #gaming #gamingmmo #mmo #mmorpg #networks
  • Profile picture of the author Toby.T
    Originally Posted by seanpar View Post

    Let me begin my thanking you for taking the time to read my topic/thread. I have a website that does game reviews specifically online games and to be even more specific MMO, I recently joined a network that is new called mmotraffic, they seem nice but i'm looking for something with more content in terms of ads for that niche does anyone have any suggestions or experiences with good companies?

    Try out Neverblue's gaming offers, they have quite a few games that pay a few dollars for a free signup. High quality banners, CPA is a great way to go with getting people to join games on your gaming site.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lyanna, there are MMORPG affiliates there.
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  • Profile picture of the author seanpar
    Lyanna do you have proof that it has a higher conversion rate over banners, ads and all that other stuff. Although thank you Toby for a recommendation.
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    • Profile picture of the author Matthew NY
      Your best bet is to probably go directly to the MMO games and look for if they have any affiliate sales. The AAA games probably won't (WoW, Age of Conan, Rift) But check out the F2P mmo's. is a great site to browse whats out there right now and what games people are liking. Give it a try.

      Want to see $500 days? Click Above!
      I will guide you the whole way there.
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    • Profile picture of the author Lyanna
      Bigpoint is good, they have a lot of popular games.
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  • Profile picture of the author seanpar
    I joined mmotraffic and they are fairly new but, i think they pay per download, vs signup which might not be as profitable, CPMasters requires 10k visitors a day, so il probably have to start building some traffic to join the big boy affiliate networks, but my website is 1 month and a half old.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheKeys
    pay per download would be a lot harder than getting a zipcode or phone number.

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    • Profile picture of the author seanpar
      Pay per download sounds brutal to be honest, I would love to have a pay per sign up, even if pays hell, 50 cents each vs $2.50 for ppd, which I bet has a terrible conversion rate.
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      • Profile picture of the author MayhemMirix
        Try BigPoint games. They have an affiliate program, they pay for most countries, for free sign ups. Rates vary, from 50 euro cents to 1-2 euros. Easy to join.
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  • Originally Posted by seanpar View Post

    ...i'm looking for something with more content in terms of ads for that niche does anyone have any suggestions or experiences with good companies?
    seanpar, please check out I work there. We have been around since 2006 and work with a majority of the top gaming advertisers in the space.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew NY
    Envyus Media just put up a few gaming offers. Try their site and see what you get out of it.

    Want to see $500 days? Click Above!
    I will guide you the whole way there.
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  • Profile picture of the author Inari
    we're using CPM Star and Tribalfusion on quite a few of our gaming/entertainment related sites. their dynamic siteskins are superb - they generate lots of revenue and are essentially an addition on top of all your other income because they monetize that normally empty space to the left and right of most websites' central div.

    downside is that you need to have a decent amount of traffic (about 1k uniques a day for CPMStar and over 10k uniques a day for Tribalfusion) to get in there.
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    • Profile picture of the author ConfusedSoul
      Try Incent2Click..On their homepage they mentioned that they accept gaming traffic
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      • Profile picture of the author tonydyt
        Hey Guys, Guus Here from MMO Traffic, I'm an affiliate manager there.

        @Sean, I know you talked to one of our guys already.
        We have some new products going live this week thats could work for you. ( geo content script, geo Side skins) geo pop unders script went live alreay. I think your main focus should be on getting more traffic to your site and i can help you with that also. ( no traffic no conversions )

        About our offers: They are NOT cost per download but Cost per lead. big difference. we have Single opt-in and Double opt-in offers.

        @Sean hit me up any time if you have more questions.

        Cheers guys
        BTW:We are attending the affiliate summit if you guys want to meet up for drinks!

        Rise and Grind

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  • Profile picture of the author MaggieMay
    I have just published a WSO called the Online Gaming Golmine and its full of info and links and affiliate companies all specific to the social gaming industry in particular.

    Check it out here:
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  • Profile picture of the author Samuel Adams
    Whatever product you are offering via your site, make sure it's a good one. If you are going to review a game, try it out first; create game play (with yourself talking over the video). Make an effort to get involved with the game/site you are reviewing. Get on the reader's side and think of how this product would benefit them, rather than just how much money it could make for you. Make sure this is an item worth offering though as you don't want to lose the trust of your readers.

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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    Another vote for NeverBlue's gaming offers, they always convert great for me!
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