Quality Score:Wordpress Reverse Slap!
I contacted one Adwords representative immediately.She looked into my account and said it was due to 'weight loss' rebill products I was promoting.She said me frankly Google is no longer accepting and removing existing 'rebill' products in few niches in order to improve users experience.
I asked her is it for content network only or in case of search network also it is applicable.She said the new policy is applicable to content network only.Guess what? She lied.On the very next day morning I was having 1/10 quality score for a 4 months long profitable search network campaign which has a ctr of 4.76%!
I contacted Adwords customer support again.I was told specifically by Google that my blog style landers were no good, because "Your website has got only blog content".It was a wordpress blog style landing page.Their representative told it this way: "landing pages with blog content are liable to receive a low quality score".I have atleast 8 quality unique articles inside my blog.
Now that majority of my landing page [except mobile niche] are blog style landing page and I don't have any designing skill [say photoshop dummy] and somehow blog style 'fake persona' landing pages convert well for me than graphically attractive one.
I was thinking of getting around it somehow and I thought what if I use a static homepage wordpress website instead of regular looking/working blog style lp.So here is I slapped a static page as my home page and added these code to bottom of page.php in my wordpress theme [I usually use Adspress theme].
<?php query_posts('showposts=5'); ?> <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> <h1><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h1> <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
The entire concept can be used to target thousands of keywords using auto-blogging system available in the market for wordpress sites[where you can throw all your keywords in one go to the system.
Now for the content network campaigns I've killed all rebill products in CPA niches [**** , colon cleansing , grant , google/ebay biz opp.] but as my credit report , cash 4 gold and other campaigns were also slapped I've redesigned everything like stated above and everything is back to normal.
If some of you are planning to try content network i hope this strategy can help you.
Step-1: Find out 1500 to 2000 keywords in your niche.While selecting keywords think about demographic, not about related keywords only.For example if you promote **** Berry CPA campaign think who is your target market. Gym goers men, right? Wrong, housewives with extra pounds.What websites they browse usually? fashion, gossip, recipe, parenting and relationship problem websites.Since I was 'slapped out' from google for promoting rebill **** berry CPA campaigns, I can expose you now that majority of my daily leads for **** [40 to 45 leads a day] were from 'recipe' and 'fashion' related keywords.
Step-2: Group them in 50 to 70 keywords in a group with common theme.When I say common theme it is like -
weight loss recipe
la weight loss recipe
weight loss recipe diet
Cabbage soup weight loss recipe
...... and so on.
Step-3:Write your ad.Don't hype up, evoke curiosity.Use words like Amazing, Now!, Secret etc. Use time phase like Within 14 days, Within Hours, Instantly etc.Bid higher like 25 cent to 30 cent for campaigns with $1 to $5 payout and 50 cent to $1 for CPA offers ranging from $6 to $20 payout. In one ad group use one group of theme based keywords.Set daily budget to $30 to $50.
Step-4:Let it run for 24 hours.Check ctr next day.Delete all ad groups with zero clicks.Ah! wait.In some cases you will not get impression on day one then wait until impression role in.
Step-5:Repeat the process in step 4.Delete adgroups with low ctr.I delete ad groups with ctr below 0.05%.I usually block about.com and myspace.com from my keyword based
content campaigns. They will generally give you way too many impressions, lowering your overall ctr.I also go in to the Topics section and block "Sexually suggestive content".Under Site Types I block "Error pages", "Parked Pages" and "Image sharing sites".
If you make profit keep it up as it is.A little bit negative ROI lower your cpc by few cent with own calculation.I think twice before lowering my cpc by more than 10%.If your ROI is too much in red or no conversion at all then pull out a hammer and kill the campaign with all the anger you can have.
Now hope that helps few of you guys.In my next post I will share my experience with Facebook and Myspace ads.
P.S. Don't give attention to my bad english.
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