My start with PPC using

94 replies
After several emails with Brad Stanley the past couple of days at 7search dot com I signed up for an Advertiser account today. Everything went smoothly and they matched my $50.00 deposit so I'm starting with $100.00.

Brad has been great to work with and has answered my emails quickly and recommended a phone call in which I did.

I only know offline marketing. Currently I keep 4 small business websites ranked in the SERP's but I'm starting to distance myself from this niche and start promoting CPA offers. I will be generating traffic organically and by PPC.

Yes I know that I'm a complete newbie to PPC but I will be doing a lot of research and asking questions to learn and grow.

Now my next step is to find a CPA affiliate network and get approved. Once approved I will hopefully find a CPA offer to promote and try my hand at the exciting world of PPC.

I hope this thread will grow and provide a lot of information for all, especially those who are new to PPC. I ask that those who are experienced, if you would input your expertise here for everyone's benefit.

I will update this thread after each step I take. Talk soon

UPDATE: 11-15-11
Just signed up and was accepted with CJ. Yeah, I know it is instant approval but there is a company that I wan't to be an affiliate for and it is only offered through CJ. But this step is showing I'm moving forward. I will be taking the advice of many here at the Warrior Forum in that I am going to focus on one CPA offer / niche and test, test, tweak until I find a winning combination using PPC, organic, social, and other traffic methods to the point until all I have to do is maintenance and then I can go onto a different niche to diversify and grow my income.

UPDATE: 11-19-11
Good morning everyone,

Well I had a little disappointment. I did sign up for an account at CJ because I wanted to become an affiliate with a particular company that exclusively uses CJ.

I went to the Advertiser's detail page within the CJ control panel and hit the "Apply To Program" button and instantly a popup appeared stating my application was declined. I then emailed the Advertiser on the 17th and am still waiting for a response on what parameters they are looking for in a affiliate.

I was expecting an application to appear in order to input my information that would be submitted to this advertiser but I'm not sure why the instant decline. I'm thinking the website I input into the CJ application doesn't match the affiliate offer but that is expected especially if I were going to apply to multiply advertisers there is no way my website could match many different offers.

Anyone who uses CJ can give me pointers before applying to an Advertiser?

Well, I hope everyone has a great day. Off to work and preparing for Black Friday. I will respond to any posts this evening.

UPDATE: 11-21-11
Just got off the phone with the Advertiser "marketing department". I was told the reason my application was instantly declined is because I have not shown any earnings with CJ. I was told to email my PID to a particular person and they would look at my account and the approve me. Since I used a website during the signup process with CJ that is not related to the Advertiser's offer I will be registering a domain and building a site before I email the PID to the Advertiser. "Don't want to get declined for a second time for not having a site that is related".
#7searchcom #ppc #start
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Welcome to the wonderful world of ppc And paid traffic. Please keep us updated on how it goes!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5053395].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
      Thanks for the welcome, and I will keep everyone updated.

      Originally Posted by ChrisBa View Post

      Welcome to the wonderful world of ppc And paid traffic. Please keep us updated on how it goes!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5053405].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
      Originally Posted by ChrisBa View Post

      Welcome to the wonderful world of ppc And paid traffic. Please keep us updated on how it goes!
      Good morning everyone,

      Well I had a little disappointment. I did sign up for an account at CJ because I wanted to become an affiliate with a particular company that exclusively uses CJ.

      I went to the Advertiser's detail page within the CJ control panel and hit the "Apply To Program" button and instantly a popup appeared stating my application was declined. I then emailed the Advertiser on the 17th and am still waiting for a response on what parameters they are looking for in a affiliate.

      I was expecting an application to appear in order to input my information that would be submitted to this advertiser but I'm not sure why the instant decline. I'm thinking the website I input into the CJ application doesn't match the affiliate offer but that is expected especially if I were going to apply to multiply advertisers there is no way my website could match many different offers.

      Anyone who uses CJ can give me pointers before applying to an Advertiser?

      Well, I hope everyone has a great day. Off to work and preparing for Black Friday. I will respond to any posts this evening.

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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5053983].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author IMBotz
      PeerFly, EWA and Wolf Storm Media are good CPA networks to start off with. Also check out OfferVault for a comprehensive list of CPA networks and offers.

      Good luck!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5054304].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
        Originally Posted by IMBotz View Post

        PeerFly, EWA and Wolf Storm Media are good CPA networks to start off with. Also check out OfferVault for a comprehensive list of CPA networks and offers.

        Good luck!
        Yes I have considered one of these networks but no sure how difficult it would be to get accepted. Maybe my offline experience driving traffic to local businesses may help.

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    • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
      Originally Posted by mtmjohn View Post

      Do it and keep us posted ... Will follow the thread closely. All the best
      I will. I have a day off work today but will be getting very busy soon for Black Friday. I'm considering signing up with CJ at first. "Does anyone know why CJ doesn't reveal their networks in Offer Vault?"


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  • Profile picture of the author ossie
    7search is a good place to start. It will allow you to learn and to test without losing our shirt. Track & test everything ideally use something like prosper202. Then scale up your winners by moving to other ppc platforms like adcenter, adknowledge, with better confidence and understanding.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5055252].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
      Originally Posted by ossie View Post

      7search is a good place to start. It will allow you to learn and to test without losing our shirt. Track & test everything ideally use something like prosper202. Then scale up your winners by moving to other ppc platforms like adcenter, adknowledge, with better confidence and understanding.
      Hey Ossie,

      I read somewhere on this Forum that 7search has it's own tracking system so that prosper202 isn't needed. Not sure but will look at prosper202 today.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5056150].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author anwar001
      Originally Posted by ossie View Post

      7search is a good place to start. It will allow you to learn and to test without losing our shirt. Track & test everything ideally use something like prosper202. Then scale up your winners by moving to other ppc platforms like adcenter, adknowledge, with better confidence and understanding.
      That's a nice list of networks you have mentioned over there.
      Get Hundreds of Super Targeted Traffic in Any Niche from Facebook - 3 Step Organic FB Marketing

      25 Guidelines For Massive Affiliate Success - Whether you are a beginner or an expert, read these principles and refer back to them many times
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  • Profile picture of the author pacelattin
    Do low bids on as many cybermonday products Seriously, you'll make something..
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    • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
      Originally Posted by pacelattin View Post

      Do low bids on as many cybermonday products Seriously, you'll make something..
      Sounds like a plan but I need to get approved with some networks first

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  • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
    UPDATE: 11-15-11
    Just signed up and was accepted with CJ. Yeah, I know it is instant approval but there is a company that I wan't to be an affiliate for and it is only offered through CJ. But this step is showing I'm moving forward. I will be taking the advice of many here at the Warrior Forum in that I am going to focus on one CPA offer / niche and test, test, tweak until I find a winning combination using PPC, organic, social, and other traffic methods to the point until all I have to do is maintenance and then I can go onto a different niche to diversify and grow my income.

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  • Profile picture of the author jeffreytheIM

    Good luck with cpa. The only thing is ppc is dead.
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    • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
      Originally Posted by jeffreytheIM View Post


      Good luck with cpa. The only thing is ppc is dead.
      Thanks for your post. I will be trying PPC, organic traffic, social media, etc. and see which one's produce quality targeted traffic for the offer I will be promoting and scale those up.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5060403].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author faceblogger
      Originally Posted by jeffreytheIM View Post


      Good luck with cpa. The only thing is ppc is dead.
      CPA is not dead?

      no sig

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5067141].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    PPC died again?

    Man it's died a lot of times over the years.

    Don't tell Adwords and their billion dollar revenues about this. Or Facebook Ads and their massive revenue numbers, (hint: both come from PPC advertisers mainly).

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5060301].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
      Originally Posted by PPC-Coach View Post

      PPC died again?

      Man it's died a lot of times over the years.

      Don't tell Adwords and their billion dollar revenues about this. Or Facebook Ads and their massive revenue numbers, (hint: both come from PPC advertisers mainly).

      Interesting site you have on PPC. I'm currently studying Kenster's Rags2riches WSO which has been very valuable.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5060418].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author JeremyShawaf
        Originally Posted by mraffiliate View Post

        Interesting site you have on PPC. I'm currently studying Kenster's Rags2riches WSO which has been very valuable.
        Very valuable indeed.......Im with you on that one for sure, man!


        Oh yeah, and PPC only dies when you get banned from the following...

        Adwords, facebook, 7search, myads, plenty of fish.......+like 100+ more and of course microsoft adcenter. Then once you manage to get banned accross the board, ppc might be dead for you lol, but you can always get on the CPM wagon!

        Hope that doesnt help,



        -Jeremy Shawaf

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5060970].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
          Originally Posted by eyekantbeme View Post

          Very valuable indeed.......Im with you on that one for sure, man!


          Oh yeah, and PPC only dies when you get banned from the following...

          Adwords, facebook, 7search, myads, plenty of fish.......+like 100+ more and of course microsoft adcenter. Then once you manage to get banned accross the board, ppc might be dead for you lol, but you can always get on the CPM wagon!

          Hope that doesnt help,


          Funny post

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  • Profile picture of the author ossie
    Yes with 7search you can track keywords using the ###KEYWORD### tag in your url but you should still use prosper202 or some other tracking like bevomedia to help automate your tracking.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5066265].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
      Originally Posted by ossie View Post

      Yes with 7search you can track keywords using the ###KEYWORD### tag in your url but you should still use prosper202 or some other tracking like bevomedia to help automate your tracking.
      Thanks for the info

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5066380].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Troy987
    yes, I agree with Maxbounty and Peerfly
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  • Profile picture of the author Duce
    direct linking is in my opinion the wrong way to do ppc. why spend all that money and time on finding what works and what doesn't to only target these people one time. You will never make any money that way...well at least not big paydays. Just like affiliate marketing you want to build a list...yes even with cpa offers. Think about it you uncover a great dating campaign...keywords, offer, ad copy, etc. And you are making a killing but you did build a landing page you're direct linking. The ad copy is not converting like it was so now your campaign drys up and you are back to the drawing board. Now if you would have built a landing page to build a list and then send them to the dating offer, now you can email them other dating offers and offers related to the dating niche.....

    Build a landing page yes it takes a little more time but it's worth it. But that's just my 2 cents....well 2.5 cents.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5091632].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Going Up
      Originally Posted by Duce View Post

      direct linking is in my opinion the wrong way to do ppc. why spend all that money and time on finding what works and what doesn't to only target these people one time. You will never make any money that way...well at least not big paydays. Just like affiliate marketing you want to build a list...yes even with cpa offers. Think about it you uncover a great dating campaign...keywords, offer, ad copy, etc. And you are making a killing but you did build a landing page you're direct linking. The ad copy is not converting like it was so now your campaign drys up and you are back to the drawing board. Now if you would have built a landing page to build a list and then send them to the dating offer, now you can email them other dating offers and offers related to the dating niche.....

      Build a landing page yes it takes a little more time but it's worth it. But that's just my 2 cents....well 2.5 cents.


      Well said my friend. It was in my mind but was not sure with it. Your reply made it clear to me. Just another question. Would it be the same conversion rate as if we direct them to our CPA offer ?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5092382].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
      Originally Posted by Duce View Post

      direct linking is in my opinion the wrong way to do ppc. why spend all that money and time on finding what works and what doesn't to only target these people one time. You will never make any money that way...well at least not big paydays. Just like affiliate marketing you want to build a list...yes even with cpa offers. Think about it you uncover a great dating campaign...keywords, offer, ad copy, etc. And you are making a killing but you did build a landing page you're direct linking. The ad copy is not converting like it was so now your campaign drys up and you are back to the drawing board. Now if you would have built a landing page to build a list and then send them to the dating offer, now you can email them other dating offers and offers related to the dating niche.....

      Build a landing page yes it takes a little more time but it's worth it. But that's just my 2 cents....well 2.5 cents.


      The main reason I have been hesitant to make a squeeze page and build a list is because I have input my name and email address in many squeeze pages and then I was bombarded by emails trying to sell me something and in almost the past two years I have never made a purchase from Affiliate Marketer's emails that I have been sent. I do read of those who say that building a list can make you a lot of money I myself hate to be on the receiving end of those emails.

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      • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
        UPDATE: 11-21-11
        Just got off the phone with the Advertiser "marketing department". I was told the reason my application was instantly declined is because I have not shown any earnings with CJ. I was told to email my PID to a particular person and they would look at my account and the approve me. Since I used a website during the signup process with CJ that is not related to the Advertiser's offer I will be registering a domain and building a site before I email the PID to the Advertiser. "Don't want to get declined for a second time for not having a site that is related".

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  • Profile picture of the author sangelf
    Hey Warriors,

    Sorry to intrude into your thread, but saw Maxbounty and 7Search mentioned here so thought of asking following. I also just started on CPA (2 days old!) and used direct linking from 7Search and sent about 170 clicks and 0 conversions. I asked my AM to have a look but she gave a general reply, saying this normally happens when the "surfers' cookies are disabled and simply they did not fill the fields" etc.

    1) I was wondering if I used correct urls? I can see my clicks in Maxbounty reports though. I used, from Maxbounty offer's=>Creatives-> Search -> "get tracking code" as the "Default Destination URL" in 7Search. Is this correct? (there's "Preview Landing Page" url aswell...)

    2) The above mentioned URL is NOT permitted in adCenter, why is that? When I entered that "tracking code" for "Destination URL" in adCenter it says, "The ad does not meet Microsoft adCenter editorial guidelines." This is clearly due to the additional affiliate ids etc in the URL, mmm. What exactly happening here?

    Thanks in advance.
    Hope answers to these would help myself and other newbies :-)

    PS. I will also try to chat to adCenter people to see whether, the URL is having any formatting issues...
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  • Profile picture of the author martbost
    Just to weigh in here. My business partner and I have been jumping on 7Search heavily over the last week or so. Not only do they offer you a $50 bonus matched when you first sign up, but until the end of this month, you can use the coupon code "HOLIDAYCHEER" and they will match your next deposit with $50 more. For those of you with a tight budget, you are really looking at $100 = $200, which you should be able to adequately promote some things for $200.

    Also, one of our affiliate networks that we use is giving $25 Visa Gift Cards for every offer that you send 15 unique visitors to. We are up to $1,325 in gift cards....yeah!

    You can private message me about the affiliate if you want to know. I am not much for giving plugs between affiliates out loud, but this offer has been awesome.

    Please do consider using the self-hosted Prosper202 in your campaigns to track your progress though. To echo what was already said, it will really help you gear up for larger ad networks with offers that have been tested.

    Lastly, If you are not using landing pages to capture optin leads before promoting your offers, you are really missing out on the opportunity to have a longterm customer.

    Good luck on your venture and hope the coupon code helps!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5118863].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author QtoBrooklyn
      Originally Posted by martbost View Post

      Just to weigh in here. My business partner and I have been jumping on 7Search heavily over the last week or so. Not only do they offer you a $50 bonus matched when you first sign up, but until the end of this month, you can use the coupon code "HOLIDAYCHEER" and they will match your next deposit with $50 more. For those of you with a tight budget, you are really looking at $100 = $200, which you should be able to adequately promote some things for $200.

      Also, one of our affiliate networks that we use is giving $25 Visa Gift Cards for every offer that you send 15 unique visitors to. We are up to $1,325 in gift cards....yeah!

      You can private message me about the affiliate if you want to know. I am not much for giving plugs between affiliates out loud, but this offer has been awesome.

      Please do consider using the self-hosted Prosper202 in your campaigns to track your progress though. To echo what was already said, it will really help you gear up for larger ad networks with offers that have been tested.

      Lastly, If you are not using landing pages to capture optin leads before promoting your offers, you are really missing out on the opportunity to have a longterm customer.

      Good luck on your venture and hope the coupon code helps!

      I want to PM you for the name of the affiliate, but my post number is too low for that.. Can you please PM me instead? I don't mind getting paid in Visa cards

      "I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members."

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  • Profile picture of the author martbost
    One question for this thread, how should the ###KEYWORD### be used? I wasn't quite sure it if should simply be appended to one of the SUBID's or C1 fields if someone could explain it.

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    • Profile picture of the author professorrosado
      Originally Posted by martbost View Post

      One question for this thread, how should the ###KEYWORD### be used? I wasn't quite sure it if should simply be appended to one of the SUBID's or C1 fields if someone could explain it.

      What I understand is that it will INSERT the keyword wherever you place the code IN THE AD.

      I have been using it to dot my ad with the keyword the searcher has searched for in order to make the ad more relevant and get more clicks.
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      • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
        Thanks for the recent posts. I have been working a lot of hours because of Black Friday. I got another Lap Top so I'll be tinkering with it in a couple of days. I did get a good domain registered and now I'm looking for a clean and simple landing page so that I can submit it to the Advertiser and then start promoting the offer.

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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    You can direct link on any ppc engine.

    CJ rejected you because the advertiser auto-rejects any applicant under a certain income level.

    Direct linking affiliate offers is different on every ppc engine rule wise.

    Hopefully you made some $$$ today as it was a good day for sales.

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  • Profile picture of the author Dresden14
    be prepared to be ripped off. 7search (bidvertiser, amongst many others) are horrible, horrible places to buy traffic. Stick with bing, google - thats it.
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    • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
      Originally Posted by Bevo Troy View Post

      Let me know if you need any help with tracking!

      Thanks, appreciate the offer

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    • Profile picture of the author zlc000190
      Originally Posted by Bevo Troy View Post

      Let me know if you need any help with tracking!

      tracking coach? i am not very familar with tracking. i need you help sevral days later.
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  • Profile picture of the author zlc000190
    your post is timely,for i am looking all result about 7search in WF.most people just say it is rubbish
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    • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
      Originally Posted by zlc000190 View Post

      your post is timely,for i am looking all result about 7search in WF.most people just say it is rubbish
      Thanks. Yea there are a lot of people who say 7Search's traffic is rubbish but there are those who say it is great. I haven't ran a campaign yet but from what I have read, 7Search's traffic is good for email/zip submits and dating offers.

      You have to make sure that your landing page and keywords are targeted enough to help with conversions. Any traffic source can potentially be good or bad depending on how targeted they are.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5161171].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author professorrosado
        Are there any WSOs or threads that shed light on how (step by step) one can tweak the keywords and hone in on 7Search's traffic while in campaign? It's mentioned a lot, but no details are given.

        As funds are being depleted in 7Search, what should an advertiser be doing before charging up again?

        I think this sort of detailed info. would help a lot of members here.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5162325].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
          Originally Posted by professorrosado View Post

          Are there any WSOs or threads that shed light on how (step by step) one can tweak the keywords and hone in on 7Search's traffic while in campaign? It's mentioned a lot, but no details are given.

          As funds are being depleted in 7Search, what should an advertiser be doing before charging up again?

          I think this sort of detailed info. would help a lot of members here.
          I believe Speedylikeskj, post #53 above, has a WSO on 7Search. I haven't purchased it yet.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5164323].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author professorrosado
            Originally Posted by mraffiliate View Post

            I believe Speedylikeskj, post #53 above, has a WSO on 7Search. I haven't purchased it yet.
            Well I did and it is WELL worth the $13 it's selling for right now! This set of pdf reports gives you straightforward and to the point "how to's" on how to maximize your clicks from 7Search. How to use their keyword analysis tools and how to hone in on targeted traffic!

            He also gives you the clear cut way to determine if a CPA offer is worth your time and money or not.

            The other reports expand your advertising horizons and how to get the best results for your money.

            The outsourcing report alone is worth the money! The time and money you'll save plus the money you'll make using this outsourcing report should make anyone very happy.

            I have been working blind on CPA trying things out (spending cautiously) but now with this report, I'll be able to fine tune my campaigns and realize some meaningful conversions while expanding to try other offers and ad networks!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5167988].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author speedylikesKJ
              Originally Posted by mraffiliate View Post

              I believe Speedylikeskj, post #53 above, has a WSO on 7Search. I haven't purchased it yet.
              Thanks for mentioning bro

              Originally Posted by professorrosado View Post

              Well I did and it is WELL worth the $13 it's selling for right now! This set of pdf reports gives you straightforward and to the point "how to's" on how to maximize your clicks from 7Search. How to use their keyword analysis tools and how to hone in on targeted traffic!

              He also gives you the clear cut way to determine if a CPA offer is worth your time and money or not.

              The other reports expand your advertising horizons and how to get the best results for your money.

              The outsourcing report alone is worth the money! The time and money you'll save plus the money you'll make using this outsourcing report should make anyone very happy.

              I have been working blind on CPA trying things out (spending cautiously) but now with this report, I'll be able to fine tune my campaigns and realize some meaningful conversions while expanding to try other offers and ad networks!

              Glad you like it and wish you best of luck let me know if you need any help with campaigns.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5263730].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
                [QUOTE=speedylikesKJ;5263730]Thanks for mentioning bro

                No problem. The advertiser on CJ auto declined me because I have to earnings history but I call the marketing director and as soon as I complete my site I will send over my PID # for them to review and approve me. My site is complete except for the video on the HomePage. I should get it done with the next couple of days.

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                • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
                  It's been awhile since I have had any updates. Today my site was approved by the Advertiser I was applying to be an affiliate for through CJ. I will be doing video marketing, ranking my site in organic search results, and PPC to start using 7search. I do have a question for those who use PPC.

                  -- I have read in this Forum that people are using Prosper202 for tracking when using PPC. Since this is an open source free script, is this a safe software to use as far as spyware, viruses go?

                  -- I also see that there is Tracking 202 so what is the difference and which one should I use?

                  -- Is it ok or advisable to use prosper202/tracking202 with Google Analytics?

                  -- Is this the correct site for prosper202
                  "Prosper202 Self Hosted Apps"

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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    Man I would hate to be a newbie in this thread. One guy says 7search sucks, another says it's great. Hard to know what to believe anymore.

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    • Profile picture of the author qsnoodle
      I just discovered Gauher Chaydhry. Read a thread that he is the bomb for CPA paid Adv. ( In addition to the PPC guy here.) Any PPC help ,is great.

      Gauher Chaydhry has an hour plus long webinar on all the ad plats including 7 search. Go to Offer Vaults webinar page and there are some very good webinars. The PPC one is good.

      If you go here: PPC Traffic For Just Pennies
      you will get a solid 35 mins or so of 7 search and Gauher Chaydhry explains HOW to block the bad traffic.
      He disputes the myths of 7 searches bad reviews. Well - I dont know if they are myths or not, but there is a feature you need to use is worth watching. I decided to start here myself for Paid.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5263255].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
        Originally Posted by qsnoodle View Post

        I just discovered Gauher Chaydhry. Read a thread that he is the bomb for CPA paid Adv. ( In addition to the PPC guy here.) Any PPC help ,is great.

        Gauher Chaydhry has an hour plus long webinar on all the ad plats including 7 search. Go to Offer Vaults webinar page and there are some very good webinars. The PPC one is good.

        If you go here: PPC Traffic For Just Pennies
        you will get a solid 35 mins or so of 7 search and Gauher Chaydhry explains HOW to block the bad traffic.
        He disputes the myths of 7 searches bad reviews. Well - I dont know if they are myths or not, but there is a feature you need to use is worth watching. I decided to start here myself for Paid.
        Thanks, I opted in but will have to wait til tonight to watch the video.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5264780].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author outwest
        Originally Posted by qsnoodle View Post

        I just discovered Gauher Chaydhry. Read a thread that he is the bomb for CPA paid Adv. ( In addition to the PPC guy here.) Any PPC help ,is great.

        Gauher Chaydhry has an hour plus long webinar on all the ad plats including 7 search. Go to Offer Vaults webinar page and there are some very good webinars. The PPC one is good.

        If you go here: PPC Traffic For Just Pennies
        you will get a solid 35 mins or so of 7 search and Gauher Chaydhry explains HOW to block the bad traffic.
        He disputes the myths of 7 searches bad reviews. Well - I dont know if they are myths or not, but there is a feature you need to use is worth watching. I decided to start here myself for Paid.

        thanks for that Link
        looks interesting
        Tech article writing .Native English Speaker(with Proof)
        specializing in SmartPhones , Internet security, high tech gadgets, search engines, tech shows, digital cameras.

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    • Profile picture of the author speedylikesKJ
      Originally Posted by PPC-Coach View Post

      Man I would hate to be a newbie in this thread. One guy says 7search sucks, another says it's great. Hard to know what to believe anymore.

      In my experience 7search is a great source of traffic , basically thing is some people try to push random offers without doing any kind of research etc so they fail and without proper research nothing converts. 7search converts well but what you need is proper professional approach and of course testing and optimizing campaigns. Personally push sales offers successfully on 7search .
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5263741].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author grinder3011
      Funny, just discovered this 7search here and when I try to load the page it doesn't load...
      When I use a website worth checker tool it shows me it is a legit 13 years old domain with mucho backlinks but the page doesn't seem to load...?
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  • Profile picture of the author microsoftofd
    great post to be here thanks for sharing.
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    • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
      Originally Posted by microsoftofd View Post

      great post to be here thanks for sharing.
      Thank you for your comment

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  • Profile picture of the author outwest
    Gauher Chaudhry's Pay Per Click Formula

    that 30 minute tutorial on 7search is GREAT
    you should watch that before you spend any money with 7search , I bookmarked it
    Tech article writing .Native English Speaker(with Proof)
    specializing in SmartPhones , Internet security, high tech gadgets, search engines, tech shows, digital cameras.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5403278].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author david15923
      Originally Posted by outwest View Post

      Gauher Chaudhry's Pay Per Click Formula

      that 30 minute tutorial on 7search is GREAT
      you should watch that before you spend any money with 7search , I bookmarked it
      I'll watch it, I really need help with 7search right now :p
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6225649].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author grambo
    I'm interested to hear how you are progressing with ppc.

    Can you post an update and are you earning any decent money?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5406988].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
      Originally Posted by grambo View Post

      I'm interested to hear how you are progressing with ppc.

      Can you post an update and are you earning any decent money?
      I made my first commission with CPA the other day but not with PPC. It was from organic traffic. I have a live campaign going with 7search but no conversions yet. The new thread that I started it hear:

      Not sure why but this morning 1-16-12 the my popular thread above appears to have been deleted?

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  • Profile picture of the author poyserdk
    I just signed up for a few networks. It kinda sucks that you can't get approved for some networks until you are already making money.

    Hopefully this will be a nice compliment to my adsense efforts. My affiliate marketing efforts have not had any results but my referral program does well.

    Thanks for sharing your experiences and thanks to everyone that contributed with their suggestions.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6224636].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
      Originally Posted by poyserdk View Post

      I just signed up for a few networks. It kinda sucks that you can't get approved for some networks until you are already making money.
      That is the exact reason I launched a private CPA network for my members. It gives them offers right away, let's them make money, then they can go to the "snob" networks and show them proof to get in.

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  • Profile picture of the author jugnu
    Thanks sharing your experience.
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  • Profile picture of the author Wham
    I'm on my 3rd round with 7search and I have to say so far is the most disappointing. Pretty much every click I'm getting charged for doesn't even show up on Peerflys tracking.

    Can't even block these garbage sources on 7search when they aren't even tracked as clicks. I don't recall having this problem the last few times I used them. Link is setup fine.
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  • Profile picture of the author david15923
    Can I get a 100% refund with them?? I also got kinda disapointed with them? If so, how much does it take to get that refund back in my CC?? Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author shaunD
    some people may advice "you have to block bots and bad publishers on 7search" bla bla bla .. but end of the day we have to pay for those fake clicks .. so it is their (7search) responsibility to block bots and ban fraudulent publishers from their network..

    sorry if I offend someone. truth has to be told..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6233373].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author david15923
      Originally Posted by shaunD View Post

      some people may advice "you have to block bots and bad publishers on 7search" bla bla bla .. but end of the day we have to pay for those fake clicks .. so it is their (7search) responsibility to block bots and ban fraudulent publishers from their network..

      sorry if I offend someone. truth has to be told..
      Not really because I've had sub id's that bring me 80% of the traffic, I was about to eliminate them, but when I check to see, they have 1.5% CR then it's like, I either keep loosing money at a 1% CR or I remove the sub id that's going to kill the offer because I'll get less than 20 clicks a day :rolleyes:

      7search has potential and has money to be made, but it's super dependent on the niche and I have found 1 that makes me 50% ROI, but still net profit is more or less 2.00$ :rolleyes: Interface is newbie friendly, but the rest is really limited, that's why you see people complaining, I think there isn't space for everybody to make 30$ or even 10$ a day. But I'm just a newb, experts would think otherwise

      BTW: I have 200$ left in my account, do they refund me??
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