"Get a chance to win..." CPA offers?

3 replies
All of the offers that I saw on peerfly were offers where you have to do other offers (some costs money), to get the "free" stuff. I think it's a bit dishonest

Is there a cpa offer where you just put in your information and you don't have to buy anything, you'll just be entered into a raffle or some kind?

#cpa #get a chance to win #offers
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    Originally Posted by kardesh10 View Post

    All of the offers that I saw on peerfly were offers where you have to do other offers (some costs money), to get the "free" stuff. I think it's a bit dishonest

    Is there a cpa offer where you just put in your information and you don't have to buy anything, you'll just be entered into a raffle or some kind?

    And how much you think can get paid for that ? $0.10 per lead? maybe..

    You think that advertisers paying you for sending lead who registering on the site? Totally no...Advertiser also working with the same thing as you are trying. Yes - affiliate marketing.

    You send him lead - > He send your lead ( from site ) to offers, not one offer, but many offers, so they making pretty good $$ and they can afford to pay you $1-$2 per lead ||| and maybe send a prize to a winner - who knows that.
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  • Profile picture of the author JasonWestwick
    Originally Posted by kardesh10 View Post

    All of the offers that I saw on peerfly were offers where you have to do other offers (some costs money), to get the "free" stuff. I think it's a bit dishonest

    Is there a cpa offer where you just put in your information and you don't have to buy anything, you'll just be entered into a raffle or some kind?

    Ultimately the advertiser on the backend will need to make some sort of money back from that customer, usually by filling in other offers or upselling additional products etc it's simply business.

    Different advertisers will have different sales finnels and ways to monetise their leads, however it's no different to you signing up to someones list, purchasing a cheap product, being sold an upsell and then later being enrolled on a membership program.

    Everything you need to know about making money with CPA!!

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  • Profile picture of the author Andrew Zapp
    Yes there are plenty. There are survey offers and a lot more. check offervault for more. AdSync provide a bunch of offers in this area.
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