Difference between PPL and PPS

3 replies
Can someone explain me the difference between payperlead and paypersale? PPS is the commision I get for making a sale?

E.g. At cupid I have the choice between PPS PPL and CPA.

If I choose PPL i get paid for every signup. For CPA I get paid for every lead i generate(but i earn less). Where is the difference? It's a dating site
#difference #ppl #pps
  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    The difference is that PPL *usually* converts way better than PPS.

    This is just an example, but it could be you get 25% conversions if you promote a PPL offer because people only need to enter their email/name etc....and then in comparison a PPS offer which pays you, say $50 per SALE...but you only get 1% conversions. You need to test this and do the math yourself what in the end is better to promote.

    USUALLY...PPL is better..but then i dont know what they pay you per lead and what they pay you per sale.
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  • Profile picture of the author Naveen K
    At cupid, if you choose pps then you will be paid for every premium member who joins (but you wil get anything if free member joins) and if you choose ppl, you wil be paid for each free member you get them.

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  • Profile picture of the author Gordon P
    And whats the difference between cpa and ppl then at cupid?
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