TOP 20 2012 CPA Ad Network Based On Popularity Vote

12 replies
Just recently, a survey was carried out on over 100, 000 people comprising of affiliate marketers, advertisers, publishers as well as agencies and the 20 CPA network was chosen from popularity vote.

1. Lead Generation | Client Acquisition | Mobile Advertising | Performance Marketing - Neverblue
2. MediaWhiz | Home
3. Clickbooth Publisher Affiliate Network and CPA Network
4. PeerFly :: We Have an Offer for That
5. MarketLeverage
6. MaxBounty - Highest Paying CPA Campaigns
7. Adscend Media: Content Locking & Monetization ; CPA Affiliate Network
8. Convert2Media - Top Ranked CPA Affiliate Network Worldwide
9. Performance Marketing Solutions, Affiliate Marketing Network, Increase Website Traffic through PPC Advertising & Search Engine Marketing, Email Marketing & Lead Generation Solutions by MediaTrust
10. Performance Marketing Solutions, Affiliate Marketing Network, Increase Website Traffic through PPC Advertising & Search Engine Marketing, Email Marketing & Lead Generation Solutions by MediaTrust
11. Eagle Web Assets Inc.
12. CPAWay - Monetize TheWay
14. W4*|*The W4 Performance Ad Market
15. Online Lead Generation & Email Marketing | Intela | Global Performance Marketing
16. Affiliate Network -
17. Online Affiliate Companies | Affiliate Advertisers Companies | Performance Based Internet Advertising | Performance Based Online Advertising
18. CPA Network | Affiliate Network for Search, Email, PPC, and Social Media Affiliates and Publishers
19. Rextopia - The Power of Affiliate Marketing
20. Adperio. Advertising in the Open.

To Your Success,

John Benjamin
#2012 #based #cpa #network #popularity #top #vote
  • Profile picture of the author PajamaPaychecks
    Would you mind posting a link to the survey results or original article? Who conducted it?
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  • Profile picture of the author dan7123
    thanks for the list man
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  • Profile picture of the author kirch
    Surprised !! Mediawiz at no 2 ??

    Who has done the survey ?? Can you please list the source please !


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    • Profile picture of the author Reddevil007
      Originally Posted by kirch View Post

      Surprised !! Mediawiz at no 2 ??

      Who has done the survey ?? Can you please list the source please !
      i guess this ones old but Mediawhiz aka Monetizeit at no. 2 why not they are a top notch even though they lack good support but just compare their offers many CPA networks broker offers from them.They are on the same level as CB and NB.

      btw 9th and 10th place both for Mediatrust....LMAO
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  • Profile picture of the author SirTestAlot
    Yeah I don't think market leverage is good enough to be 5th.
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  • Profile picture of the author SCW19
    in my opinion
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  • Profile picture of the author maystroa
    thx for good list
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  • Profile picture of the author aitvaras
    The extremely popular Copeac, who was destroyed by the FTC, should have made the list this year if Adscend Media, who is being sued for $20m+ by Facebook and an attorney general, made it to the list. There are also other networks on this list who are likely being investigated by the FTC (I read EWA was one of them). Be careful and do your research before signing up with any of these networks. Networks have been known to not pay their affiliates when they crumble.
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  • Profile picture of the author BCRed
    Those BlueBook lists seem to be far more about which networks are willing to shamelessly promote BlueBook, and less of an unbiased review. That said, the lists aren't that far away from the truth in many cases
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