Beginners LISTEN UP! Foolproof BLUEPRINT For The Networks
I've been lurking around in the warrior forum and I haven't really contributed yet. I think it's time to become an active member and to add some value. Now it looks like a bunch of people are worried about getting in the CPA Networks.
3 Weeks ago I wasn't in any network. I applied to 15 of them and I got accepted to all of them. Did I have a plan? You bet!
Here it is:
First of all let me tell you that it isn't a big deal to get into the networks.
Yes everybody in the forums is talking about it and that's exactly the reason why people get nervous. All you need is a plan of attack. Having a plan makes everything easier.
Let me tell you that I got nervous by reading the posts in the forums and I though 'my god I don't want to talk to those monsters (affiliate managers) because they'll eat me alive'

Once I called them it was a piece of cake and they turned out to be very cool people.
So without further ado, here is my blueprint in a nutshell.
(please note that English isn't my first language so if you find any
typos or grammar flaws you can keep them

-Get a domain and a good looking website.
-Apply to the networks
-Contact the Affiliate Managers immediately after applying
-Tell them what they wanna hear
Action Step 1: Brainstorm and register a domain name
This is an easy one, come up with a company/domain name.
In my opinion it should have the word 'marketing' in it and it should sound like a legit company name. Don't waste to much time here, just pick something like 'Southwest Marketing' or 'Evolution Marketing' or 'eMarketing International'.
If you can't come up with anything, go to google and type in "marketing companies" or just take your yellow pages and look for Marketing Companies. That should give you ideas.
Now head over to Namecheap.com and register your domain name, e.g. www.evolution-marketing.com
Action Step 2: Get a nice looking website + email address
What I did is I checked the warrior forum and digital point for freelancers.
Just check the 'Services' section and you'll find people offering their services and you can also contact people via private message and make them an offer.
I always recommend that you choose a fellow warrior.
I contacted people and eventually I got a good deal for 77 bucks. Plan to spend around 100-200 for a nice website. Some fellow warriors might can help you out with a buddy who's doing it for less.
Let me show you how your page should look like, just some examples:
Evolution Marketing
CPA Affiliate Network | Affiliate Programs | Advertising | IncentReward
Internet Marketing Company - Online Marketing Company - eVisibility
Now I will show you a page where you can find some great business templates. You can choose one you like and show it to your programmer. He will handle the rest. You'll find the templates here:
Business Web Templates | Business Flash Templates | Template Monster
This will take 3-7 days. It really depends on what you arrange with your programmer. Try to make it a urgent case or pay him 20 bucks more to get it done in 48 hours if you wanna give it a little push.
Once you got your site up and running you have to go to your hosting account and create a simple email account. Just click on 'Email Web Account' and click 'Create Account'.
You can choose whatever you want in front of your domain name. I strongly recommend that you use your first and last name. When I applied I used info@mydomainname.com and some of the Affiliate managers told me that those names are suspicious to them. They told me the name in front of the domain looks way better to them.
So keep that tip in mind. Therefore your e-mail address should look like this:
Action Step 3: Apply to the Networks
When I started out (not too long ago) I planned to apply to 5 networks every day for a week. I ended up applying to 15 networks in 3 hours and ever since I never applied again. I got accepted to all of them.
Here is a list of 10 popular networks you can apply for right now:
Neverblue CPA Network - Cost per action, sale and lead generation affiliate marketing
Clickbooth Publisher Affiliate Network and CPA Network
The Advaliant Affiliate Network: Home of Performance Marketing - People, technology and service you can trust
RocketProfit.com Affiliate Network
MAXBounty.com - highest paying CPA rates
COPEAC - Digital Marketing Defined
Affiliate Marketing Services - LinkShare
Now you will have to go to the the websites and fill out the form. Here are the questions some people struggle with, and my answers.
Industry experience?
How long have you been doing affiliate marketing?
Over 1 year
Minimum monthly commissions with other networks?
Spend allotted to marketing efforts?
150 - 300
What Niches?
Health, Dating, Insurance
Promotion type? (Never choose incentive)
Article Marketing, Organic SEO, Click Per View, Email, Banners
(Choose the ones you are comfortable with)
Website URL?
Put here always your company URL.
If they ask for more pages and you have a blog or landing page, add them.
If there is a field where you can leave a comment, do so: I build my websites around converting offers. The above mentioned websites are old, I don't wanna reveal my current landing pages.
(Is that a perfect answer? I guess not but that's exactly what I answered though)
Unique visitors per month?
1000 - 5000
How do you drive traffic to your website?
I buy banner space and also use click per view. I also like article marketing and once I got a winner I ramp the campaign up with PPC.
Ok that's it, if you come across another question and you don't know the answer - don't suffer in silence! Just ask here in the Warrior forum and you will get an answer in no time!
Comments? (At the bottom of a lot of the forms you will find a 'Comments' field, I always filled that out with the following

I am doing affiliate marketing for over 1 year now. I will use different online marketing techniques to promote your campaigns. I will be using Article marketing and organic SEO to direct traffic to your campaigns as I've had great results with these techniques. Other methods I will be hoping to use is CPV and PPC once I found a promising campaign. I have experience in a variety of techniques when it comes to promote products online.
(This answer also applies to the "How do you drive traffic" question)
Action Step 4: Contact the network immediately!
This might be the most important step. Once you've submitted your application you must contact the network right away in order to get accepted immediately. Be proactive!
Once you've submitted the application you'll either find a thank you page or a confirmation e-mail or both. They will provide you their contact information, most of the time they will even already provide you a Number you can call or your affiliate manager's Messenger ID.
Now here is a Gold Nugget most people don't know about. Go to The Affiliate AIM List - Instant Messaging List for the Affiliate Marketing Community , there you have the affiliate manager's AIM-ID's

Don't lose any time now, go ahead and contact them Right Away. This is exactly how I got accepted immediately into all the big networks.
The good thing is that you just filled out the forms and the answers are still fresh in your memory. They will ask you the same questions that you were asked to fill out in the form.
(Tip: I wrote all my answers on a paper and had it in front of me before I called/contacted them via phone/messenger)
Just give them the same answers as in the forms! The Affiliate Managers all turned out to be very cool and relaxed, you'll make them money so if you answer their 3 questions they will be satisfied and accept you right away. That's the whole magic.
Now here are a couple of additional questions they asked me:
(Like I said, the 2 main questions remain the same: How do you drive traffic?. What offers do you promote?)
What other networks do you use?
Clickbooth, Azoogle, Rocketprofit, Commission Junction, Clickbank
How's it going with them?
Oh I really can't complain. I was focusing on Clickbank first but ever since I started to integrate CPA offers and combining them with my Clickbank offers my profits began to rise. Therefore I'm looking for more alternatives now.
Are you going to promote incentivized offers?
What niches/offers are you interested in?
Health, Dating, Insurance
Do you have a list? If yes, how big is it?
Yes, I have a list of 800+ in the Health niche, it's steadily growing.
Ok guys and gals, that's exactly how I got accepted. Now I'm no guru or anything like that and other people might choose other ways to get accepted. This Blueprint worked extremely well for me and it will do the same for you.
Even if you get rejected once in a while, please keep in mind that there are hundreds of networks.
Apply to 20 networks in the next 5 days using my blueprint and I promise you that you'll get accepted to at least 15.
I really hope that I could help some fellow warrior and I wanted you to realize that it's not that much of a big deal once you have a plan of attack.
Go and take Action, be proactive and don't hesitate.
Good Luck!
p.s. Please let me know what you think about my plan of attack and the pro's might add a couple of tips for struggling warriors.
p.s Please note that English isn't my first language so if you find any
typos or grammar flaws you can keep them

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"Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed because there's something out there that you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at -- something that's bigger than you are, and you can't hardly wait to get at it again today." Whit Hobbs
Visit My Website: http://www.mariobrown.net/
"Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed because there's something out there that you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at -- something that's bigger than you are, and you can't hardly wait to get at it again today." Whit Hobbs
Visit My Website: http://www.mariobrown.net/
David Richardson
"Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed because there's something out there that you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at -- something that's bigger than you are, and you can't hardly wait to get at it again today." Whit Hobbs
Visit My Website: http://www.mariobrown.net/
"Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed because there's something out there that you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at -- something that's bigger than you are, and you can't hardly wait to get at it again today." Whit Hobbs
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Visit My Website: http://www.mariobrown.net/
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"Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed because there's something out there that you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at -- something that's bigger than you are, and you can't hardly wait to get at it again today." Whit Hobbs
Visit My Website: http://www.mariobrown.net/
"Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed because there's something out there that you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at -- something that's bigger than you are, and you can't hardly wait to get at it again today." Whit Hobbs
Visit My Website: http://www.mariobrown.net/
"Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed because there's something out there that you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at -- something that's bigger than you are, and you can't hardly wait to get at it again today." Whit Hobbs
Visit My Website: http://www.mariobrown.net/
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"Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed because there's something out there that you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at -- something that's bigger than you are, and you can't hardly wait to get at it again today." Whit Hobbs
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"Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed because there's something out there that you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at -- something that's bigger than you are, and you can't hardly wait to get at it again today." Whit Hobbs
Visit My Website: http://www.mariobrown.net/
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"Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed because there's something out there that you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at -- something that's bigger than you are, and you can't hardly wait to get at it again today." Whit Hobbs
Visit My Website: http://www.mariobrown.net/
"Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed because there's something out there that you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at -- something that's bigger than you are, and you can't hardly wait to get at it again today." Whit Hobbs
Visit My Website: http://www.mariobrown.net/
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"Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed because there's something out there that you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at -- something that's bigger than you are, and you can't hardly wait to get at it again today." Whit Hobbs
Visit My Website: http://www.mariobrown.net/
"Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed because there's something out there that you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at -- something that's bigger than you are, and you can't hardly wait to get at it again today." Whit Hobbs
Visit My Website: http://www.mariobrown.net/
"Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed because there's something out there that you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at -- something that's bigger than you are, and you can't hardly wait to get at it again today." Whit Hobbs
Visit My Website: http://www.mariobrown.net/
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Visit My Website: http://www.mariobrown.net/
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"Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed because there's something out there that you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at -- something that's bigger than you are, and you can't hardly wait to get at it again today." Whit Hobbs
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