Clarification on EPC? Does it necessarily equal conversion rate?
I'm a bit confused about something, I've done lots of reading and searching, so hopefully someone can shed a bit of light.
I am planning on getting into PPC to CPA promotion. I have promoted and sold clickbank products in the past, using article marketing and backlinking primarily.
Anyway, my question is about EPC.
As far as I know, EPC is the average network earnings per 100 clicks, correct?
So in MaxBounty, when I look at the EPC for a TriSlim free trial is $1.90.
I read that this is the calculation for EPC:
"To calculate the EPC, you simply divide the commission generated by the number of clicks.
For example, if you receive a commission of $20 after sending 100 clicks (visitors) to the merchant...
Divide $20 by 100 = 0.20."
Does that simply mean that if I had 100 clicks go to the TriSlim offer mentioned, that I could potentially make a commission of $190? Of course other factors come into play, but is that what they are saying? Also, the commission rate is $35/sale, so in essence it is averaging a 5.4% conversion rate?
I had a clickbank product before which would sell typically 1:100, so a conversion of 1% or so. The product delivered a $24.95 commission to me, does that mean its EPC would be $0.25? (24.95/100).
Thanks to everyone in advance.
FP :confused:
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