Facebook Ad Tracking Software?

4 replies
Does anyone know of any software out there that can track competitors facebook ads like there is software that can track a website google PPC ads?

Just curious how one could do reverse engineering on facebook ads or find out how companies are marketing to people with facebook ads. Any ideas?
#facebook #software #tracking
  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    I haven't seen anything like this out there.

    If it exists it would be fairly speak easy since Facebook will send a "cease and desist" out to even ad unloading software.

    I've seen Facebook ad scrappers before, but nothing to track other people's ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    They exist but the guys who are advertising them are playing with fire for sure.

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    • Profile picture of the author JDSalinger
      Originally Posted by PPC-Coach View Post

      They exist but the guys who are advertising them are playing with fire for sure.

      Can you list some or at least show me where I can find them?
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  • Profile picture of the author shipwrecked
    The negative aspects of Facebook PPC ads are that they don't show you the bids before you and after you. Unlike a "normal" PPC ad network, they only show you "how much you should pay" or "how much you paid on average".

    It's frustrating that we cannot see the real bids. It's all so automated and we cannot play with the PPC big gaps, which I could always exploit with 7Search, for example.
    Even AdWords gives us so many details, we can better calculate the budget.

    I was surprised how simple, rudimentary the Facebook PPC system is...
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