7search and Prosper202 Keyword Tracking help!

by ztak07
6 replies
Hey Guys I am making a new campaign in 7search. I am at the part where you add the campaign in 7search. The only problem is I don't know how to track the keywords. I have not yet bid on keywords in 7search but when I do I need to know which ones are converting and which ones are not. How can I track this in Prosper202? I got click tracking setup in Prosper202 but I really need to get conversion tracking on a keyword basis. It would be a great help if anyone could offer some assistance.
#7search #keyword #prosper202 #tracking
  • Profile picture of the author LukePeerFly
    Originally Posted by ztak07 View Post

    Hey Guys I am making a new campaign in 7search. I am at the part where you add the campaign in 7search. The only problem is I don't know how to track the keywords. I have not yet bid on keywords in 7search but when I do I need to know which ones are converting and which ones are not. How can I track this in Prosper202? I got click tracking setup in Prosper202 but I really need to get conversion tracking on a keyword basis. It would be a great help if anyone could offer some assistance.
    Simply pass the [[subid]] placeholder in the first SubID slot of your affiliate link and then when you generate your tracking link it'll have &t202kw= at the end. When you setup your campaign on 7Search make sure you add this to the end of your link:
    So, it'll look like this:

    That'll pass the data from 7Search into Prosper202 and you can view it there

    I have a long post with a video explaining everything here: http://www.lukepeerfly.com/setup-pee...ign-prosper202

    ^ My Blog

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    • Profile picture of the author helderpp
      Thanks Luke! You Always have a easy and good solution!
      Works great for me!
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    • Profile picture of the author Christian Little
      Originally Posted by LukePeerFly View Post

      So, it'll look like this:
      I would actually suggest passing the AFFID and RID variables as c parameters, not part of the keyword. Here's how I have it setup:

      &c1=###AFFID###&c2=###RID###&t202kw=###KEYWORD# ##

      What way in the Group Overview report you can break it down by any of the 3 variables. Otherwise your reporting gets really messed up and hard to make sense if you cram all 3 variables into the keyword variable.
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      • Profile picture of the author MTVida
        Originally Posted by Christian Little View Post

        I would actually suggest passing the AFFID and RID variables as c parameters, not part of the keyword. Here's how I have it setup:

        &c1=###AFFID###&c2=###RID###&t202kw=###KEYWORD# ##

        What way in the Group Overview report you can break it down by any of the 3 variables. Otherwise your reporting gets really messed up and hard to make sense if you cram all 3 variables into the keyword variable.
        I agree that this is probably the better route to take. Since you have Prosper202 set up, it only makes sense to take advantage of the features it offers.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    X2 with what Luke said, I track these variables as well.. You could also dump Affid and rid into the c1,c2 variables if you wanted as well
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  • Profile picture of the author Sandakelum
    Yes, Affid and rid will be very useful when you're optimizing your campaign
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