Promoting ebooks/clickbank products on POF?

21 replies
Hey warriors,

I just recently started doing some split testing on POF and promoting some ebooks in the health niche and as I have looked for info on the subject I have noticed that almost every guide/case study is about promoting dating offers or other CPA offers...

I am not a big fan of (most) CPA offers because I believe in providing solid value and truly helping people so I'd rather promote things that, well, do that.

So my question is; do any of you have experience promoting ebooks/clickbank products/amazon products on POF? If so, I'd love to hear about your experience, reply here or shoot me a pm. Thanks!

James H
#ebooks or clickbank #pof #products #promoting
  • Profile picture of the author Velant
    I think POF is not the best place for promoting health ebooks, I'd try some popular health forums or via facebook fan page.
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  • Profile picture of the author James Harrison
    To clarify, I'm asking for personal experience, not conjecture. Also, "promoting" may not be the best term. I am simply running ads that are focused on losing weight and sending the traffic to the product.
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    • Profile picture of the author TonyR02
      I tried this briefly last year and invested right at $500. I was thankfully able to break even, but that was about it. I ran a very targeted campaign though, and was actually converting at .073 CTR which I've been told is very high. The biggest problem I think with POF is that it's emphasized as a FREE dating site. Thus its members are pretty tough to convert to buyers by direct linking. I am thinking about going back and shooting for a CPA program though just to test the waters. Best of luck to you.
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  • Profile picture of the author eedriyz
    You're better off promoting a dating/sex/relationship ebooks. The users are people in such niche and I'm sure those type of products will convert better.
    Just my 2 cent
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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    I've seen different ClickBank products on POF, never tested any myself, CPA always seemed like the right fit.

    But POF has a lot of targeting options. They would be key for ClickBank products.
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  • Profile picture of the author MattC
    I haven't tried this myself however, what I would say is that the targeting on POF is excellent.

    For example, if you know that a single guy 45-50 browsing POF may be on a downer with his sex life, you can promote a product to help ED or male libido from Clickbank.

    If a woman who is 'a few pounds overweight' or whatever, single and 35-40 on POF then it could be worth a go to advertise weight loss to her.

    Worth a try if only for the targeting capabilities of POF.

    After all, if muscle building clickbank programs advertise on porn sites, you can certainly do well with better targeting on POF.
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    • Profile picture of the author Peoney
      Does POF allows a redirect of your site to merchant?
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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    Absolutely do this. BUT don't prejudge things, (which you are now doing). Who is to say that the dating site you promote, (you are promoting things on there), doesn't lead to a guy or girl finding their husband, having 2 kids, a dog and living happily ever after?

    We put our own perception on things when in marketing we should never do that.

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    • Profile picture of the author ElGuapo
      OP: if you happen to be a member of Stack That Money, you will find a case study in there where Lorenzo Green (of made a good return on a Clickbank ebook.

      As for personal experience, I dabbled in it a little, but without much success, though that's probably because I was direct linking. I know you are not after conjecture, but I'm sure there's more mileage in the method if there's a funnel that begins with collecting a list of interested traffic.
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    • Profile picture of the author Greedy
      Originally Posted by PPC-Coach View Post

      Absolutely do this. BUT don't prejudge things, (which you are now doing). Who is to say that the dating site you promote, (you are promoting things on there), doesn't lead to a guy or girl finding their husband, having 2 kids, a dog and living happily ever after?

      We put our own perception on things when in marketing we should never do that.

      yes I agree, dating CPA can provide tons of value to people.

      I personally know relationships that have started on the popular CPA dating sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author nedostijimiq
    My question, approve direct link to clickbank produkct
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Holy old thread!
    To answer your question as long as it doesn't break their tos
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  • Profile picture of the author winddragon
    Originally Posted by James Harrison View Post

    Hey warriors,

    I just recently started doing some split testing on POF and promoting some ebooks in the health niche and as I have looked for info on the subject I have noticed that almost every guide/case study is about promoting dating offers or other CPA offers...

    I am not a big fan of (most) CPA offers because I believe in providing solid value and truly helping people so I'd rather promote things that, well, do that.

    So my question is; do any of you have experience promoting ebooks/clickbank products/amazon products on POF? If so, I'd love to hear about your experience, reply here or shoot me a pm. Thanks!

    James H
    haven't done it - but have certainly thought about it - it's a dating site so all those issues people have around dating... weight loss, acne, skin disorders, weight lifting, self esteem, hair care, Jeez... I can see how there are ton's of opportunities...
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  • Profile picture of the author JosephGipson
    It's really great that people are using POF for non-dating offers as well, it's really a great idea..
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  • Profile picture of the author watsonovedades
    you can alwasy make cloaking and test different LP at once with php script this would be de fastest way to get a winner combo and keep going hard
    just my 2 cents
    Whatever your mind can conceive and BELIEVE you can achieve
    Follow me on Twitter - @DineroConPc
    I talk about Affiliate Marketing Methods
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  • Profile picture of the author Action Man
    best to understand god can heal anything through jesus

    "Love conquers all things except poverty and toothache" (Mae West)

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    • Profile picture of the author Mobbeast
      Originally Posted by Action Man View Post

      best to understand god can heal anything through jesus
      Finally, somebody get its. Best post ever!
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    • Profile picture of the author traveller555
      Originally Posted by Action Man View Post

      best to understand god can heal anything through jesus
      I agree! Without Him there would be nothing.
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  • Profile picture of the author LindaIvy
    you definitely have your demographics on POF, I don't see a reason why it won't work!
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  • Profile picture of the author Vikram73
    Yeah - it totally works. Think about it - people who are single and dating are interested in:

    - losing weight
    - looking good (Skin care, Acne problems)
    - dating advice etc..etc...

    I would test your offer as a direct link first and then put up a landing page if you see it can convert. It depends really though -

    But I would not write it off. You can do such amazing targeting with POF - you really need to know your niche (age group, income, geography etc.).

    I'm guessing that people who do dating / CPA stuff make the most money on POF than me but that's not my niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author TrafficExpert
    It's hit and miss. Some of the best products that sold for me on POF were stuff like e-cigs. Some of the offers that would seem obvious always flopped for me. You just gotta test and see what works.
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