Mobile Optimized Content Locker / VC Wall

2 replies
Who has a mobile optimized content locker / VC wall?

Something that redirects to mobile format offers (app installs, cpl, pin subs, 1click etc)

Not interested in building my own script and biz-devving - want to run with a 1 stop shop network.

Traffic is social.
#content #locker #mobile #optimized #wall
  • Profile picture of the author LukePeerFly
    The content locker is mobile optimized. Not sure on mobile offers, but I've used regular email submits and it seemed to perform fine.

    ^ My Blog

    Are you an affiliate that runs PPV advertising? You need my PPV target scraper!
    Have a Facebook Page? FPTraffic, manages over 1,000,000,000 (BILLION) Likes! Check it out :)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7798523].message }}
    • Thanks mate - what I'm looking for is something with a wall like TapJoy, with app installs etc, but without the necessity of using an App Development type API.

      I'll check out
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7798772].message }}

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