Can Affiliate Marketing Really Be Stable?

by Dmo
34 replies
Now, I do realize some people do make a living from things like CPA. But what if you ended up failing?

Failing as in just losing money until you have no more to invest.

Have you ever thought about this?

Because I am almost positive you can't guarantee your self a certain amount of profit a day, because what if it just didn't happen.

There's always that possibility.

What would you do?
#affiliate #marketing #stable
  • Profile picture of the author bigbenre
    Wayne Gretzky said it well " You miss 100% of the shots you don't take!". Also in this business you must fail a lot at first to finally prevail and be successful. It also helps if you enjoy the field of Internet Marketing.

    There is also a lot of free methods to make money online. They take some time and effort, but can make you very successful, and with out financial risk. Hope this helps.

    To Your Success!
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    • Profile picture of the author Justin012
      Originally Posted by bigbenre View Post

      Wayne Gretzky said it well " You miss 100% of the shots you don't take!". Also in this business you must fail a lot at first to finally prevail and be successful. It also helps if you enjoy the field of Internet Marketing.
      To Your Success!
      Ben said it well. If you are not passionate about making a living online you won't stick to it. I was doing really well at affilate marketing for months until I hit a wall and Google kicked me right to the bottom of the pile but I am not giving up because there tons of other ways to market online besides depending on the search engines.

      Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day ― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
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  • Profile picture of the author surreal
    I think you should stop wondering what-if and start taking some action.
    As with anything in general, the higher the risk the larger the potential reward. If you don't have money to lose, or dont have the stomach for risk, then it may not be for you. Doesnt mean that you cant be successful though, or that there arent other areas of IM that you could accel at.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dmo
      Originally Posted by surreal View Post

      I think you should stop wondering what-if and start taking some action.
      As with anything in general, the higher the risk the larger the potential reward. If you don't have money to lose, or dont have the stomach for risk, then it may not be for you. Doesnt mean that you cant be successful though, or that there arent other areas of IM that you could accel at.
      I do take action, I am only a 14 but I make $30-$50 a day from free traffic. But I was thinking about going into paid traffic. Plus I was just wondering this question for the people that DO do this for a living.
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnnyNight
        Originally Posted by Dmo View Post

        I do take action, I am only a 14 but I make $30-$50 a day from free traffic. But I was thinking about going into paid traffic. Plus I was just wondering this question for the people that DO do this for a living.

        Can U clarify..

        If you are saying that you are only 14 years old and making $30-$50 a day from free traffic that is quite amazing..
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        • Profile picture of the author Dmo
          Originally Posted by JohnnyNight View Post

          Can U clarify..

          If you are saying that you are only 14 years old and making $30-$50 a day from free traffic that is quite amazing..
          How so? I never thought of it as much to me since I always think I can get more if I do paid traffic like the bigger people in the CPA world. My current niche is making me that much but it has been going on for only 2 weeks now. Usually the niches that I create in the free traffic category, are usually content locking something with a website I create in dreamweaver.

          Also for the question I did in the original post, I meant to say sustainable. Yes I know it is a risk, but is it sustainable?
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        • Profile picture of the author TemperThompson
          Originally Posted by JohnnyNight View Post

          Can U clarify..

          If you are saying that you are only 14 years old and making $30-$50 a day from free traffic that is quite amazing..
          When I was 14 I was making a steady $60-80 with Kindle and marketing the ebooks on it. I'm 15 now, almost 16, trying to find new things to get into. Right now I'm trying social marketing, building a list, making info products to launch on JVZoo. I think the earlier the better!

          [ATTENTION AFFILIATES:] Want to earn 100% commission on a powerful Kindle offer converting at over 20%? Go check out my JV page here:

          Any questions at all? Feel free to send me a message.

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          • Profile picture of the author JoeFerguson
            That's really awesome. Great to hear that someone your age has that kind of ambition and drive.

            Good Luck!
            Increase your revenue and earn a $1000 bonus as a new affiliate at!

            For additional advice and industry happenings, head over to MaxBounty's Blog!
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          • Profile picture of the author Dmo
            Originally Posted by TemperThompson View Post

            When I was 14 I was making a steady $60-80 with Kindle and marketing the ebooks on it. I'm 15 now, almost 16, trying to find new things to get into. Right now I'm trying social marketing, building a list, making info products to launch on JVZoo. I think the earlier the better!
            We should maybe start a little group for the younger side of this forum that can help each other out. I haven't seen really anyone else my age that does IM.
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  • Profile picture of the author x64
    Affiliate marketing is stable but offers are not stable. If an offer that gives you $100 per day may goes down to $5 per day, or the offer may pause/close etc .

    Do u want the EASIEST Way to Make $800 to $3000+ a Month in Income
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  • Profile picture of the author Ehsan_am
    Originally Posted by Dmo View Post

    Now, I do realize some people do make a living from things like CPA. But what if you ended up failing?

    Failing as in just losing money until you have no more to invest.

    Have you ever thought about this?

    Because I am almost positive you can't guarantee your self a certain amount of profit a day, because what if it just didn't happen.

    There's always that possibility.

    What would you do?
    That is the case for any form of business. Let's say you have a restaurant. What happens if you have little or no customers? What happens if you can't pay the bills?

    Risk is part of any business. The only way to make money without risk is to be an employe. And in today's economy, even being an employe has its own risks. What if you got laid off?
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    • Profile picture of the author hemender
      Originally Posted by Ehsan_am View Post

      That is the case for any form of business. Let's say you have a restaurant. What happens if you have little or no customers? What happens if you can't pay the bills?

      Risk is part of any business. The only way to make money without risk is to be an employe. And in today's economy, even being an employe has its own risks. What if you got laid off?
      I am fully satisfied with your vision.
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  • Profile picture of the author pharvie
    One of the biggest lies in Internet Marketing today is that you can get rich tomorrow. Unfortunately when IM first began many people did do just that. The market is highly saturated now, and my best advice is to start small, only risk what you can afford to risk and build on each success. I'm 18 months into the game and am only now seeing real results, and it is said you can expect to operate at a loss in any business for the first 1-3 years. Internet Marketing is no different. Take your time, study a lot read blogs on IM DON'T buy push button softwares. There are some good click bank products that can help you earn on line, but they assist you, you still have to do a lot of hard work. BUT it's worth it. The independence will come if you start small and expand on each success!
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  • Profile picture of the author dubster
    don't fail, make a website drive traffic to it and use that to advertise your offers, that only makes you -$30 in the hole and that's nothing
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  • Profile picture of the author parmarjeet
    Nothing is stable in internet marketing. One which you can see today, tomorrow it can disappear. Every time you need to think some thing unique and out of the box.
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  • Profile picture of the author s1d
    stable? i think that's all relative. i made a ton of money back in the early 2000's in the adult website marketing game and lost it all. i think it's just like any offline business; you have to stay on top of your bottomline, or something.
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  • Profile picture of the author bizoppmaster
    You must view CPA marketing as a real business because it is. If you don't, why are you "in the business" anyways?

    First, you need a decent budget to get started with paid traffic. $300-$500 at a bare minimum and $1k+ for average budget.

    Second, you don't lose money, you are buying data. The more data you buy, the more you will find out about a campaign (traffic, ads, targeting etc.).

    So don't be scared of spending money to buy data. This is the core of CPA marketing.

    Until you have a decent budget, maybe you should keep playing in the free traffic sandbox.
    (4) Spots Left For Private Coaching | | Skype: jon.mac303
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Originally Posted by Dmo View Post

    Now, I do realize some people do make a living from things like CPA. But what if you ended up failing?

    Failing as in just losing money until you have no more to invest.

    Have you ever thought about this?

    Because I am almost positive you can't guarantee your self a certain amount of profit a day, because what if it just didn't happen.

    There's always that possibility.

    What would you do?

    If you worried about that question too much, you'll never be a good entrepreneur. Every venture has a risk of failure and nothing is guaranteed in life or business.

    All you can do is use your judgment, try and mitigate risk, and do your best to create a sustainable business.

    You CAN do this with affiliate marketing or most other models. Too many people approach this as a hobby and not a business and that's where the sustainability issue comes in.

    Best of luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    Every business has a level a risk, if you scared or worried about losing money then being an "entrepreneur" may not be the best career path for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ruck
    Been doing it online, successfully for 7+ years now :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    The more you fail, the more you succeed. It's that simple.

    The work you do today will pay off tomorrow or the next week.

    It can be VERY stable if you build long term assets and don't go for one night stands all the time. The issue is newbies are fed that dream that doesn't exist. The biggest affiliates in the world work their asses off daily. They grind the crap out of their campaigns. It's actually very boring work but the rewards are handsome if you do it consistently.

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  • Profile picture of the author Martyfl
    I am going to take the liberty of reading into your question a bit.

    Many people have made and continue to make money with affiliate marketing. Having said that, I think that most people who try it either fail or do not make enough to leave the day job.

    I know, there are always a lot of people here who chime in how well they have done and how they approached it. But believe me, they are in the minority. Not to discourage anyone, but this is a marathon, not a sprint. Dabblers soon die off.

    When the question of market saturation comes up, we will all quickly site the many affiliate offers and the billions of Internet users. Who could possibly saturate such a market?

    Peeling back the covers and taking a closer look, you start to realize that the macro view of affiliate offers show us a relatively small assortment of products. Strip away the dating, weight loss, beauty and fitness ads, along with the bogus get a free..., and you are not left with a whole lot. Of course there is the never ending great new marketing product that is being offered.

    I focus on lead generation. Yes, I realize that this too is becoming old hat. Strip away the real estate ads, medical practitioners or people who fix something in your house and you also have ripped the heart out of this area. But, I actually generate ads for myself. The economics of this give me a bit of an advantage.

    Now I am seeing a shift in Internet marketing towards paid ads, especially Facebook and some intrepid souls who are braving the world of media buys. I assume that once again it will be a small minority of winners.

    But, those who are in it for the long haul, generally the people you see here month after month, year after year, do make money. Some of them make a lot of money. The skills they have developed give them stability. They could walk into any business and create an Internet campaign that would work. Or they can pick targets of opportunity and make them pay. That is stability.
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  • Profile picture of the author DaveWarrior
    Lots of businesses aren't stable. The most successful consulting companies in the world are constantly chasing new revenue and often have very little guaranteed revenue just a few months out. When it comes down to it, we aren't selling "needs" like food, water, clothes, etc. we're selling "wants" and that will always be relatively unstable.

    Although I will say from my 2 months as an AM, I do see the potential for a fair amount of stability if you focus on building a system. For example, my current conversion funnel converts at a nice rate like clockwork and it seems very reasonable I could replace the offer and even the traffic source if necessary and see similar results. So as long as a dating company wants leads, I'm confident I can bring them.

    Reach 13K+ men in the dating niche - PM me for details

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  • Profile picture of the author Bent SEO
    Like any investment - mitigate your risk across a variety of investments. Take your winnings off the table and invest in other forms of income, do this consistently over the years and it won't matter if 1 income stream (like affiliate marketing) dries up, you'll have more to fall back on!
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by Dmo View Post

    Now, I do realize some people do make a living from things like CPA. But what if you ended up failing?

    Failing as in just losing money until you have no more to invest.

    Have you ever thought about this?

    Because I am almost positive you can't guarantee your self a certain amount of profit a day, because what if it just didn't happen.

    There's always that possibility.

    What would you do?
    What if every time you went outside you faced possibly getting hit by a car, or get struck by lightning, etc.

    Bottom line is you need to have a plan, if you're just sinking money in without a plan and carefully budgeting then it's very risky but you can lessen the risk by being prepared. If you're that worried about paid traffic then why not work with free traffic methods?
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    • Profile picture of the author Dmo
      Originally Posted by ChrisBa View Post

      If you're that worried about paid traffic then why not work with free traffic methods?
      I am just the type of person that always wants to do more or better. I don't like sitting at the same thing as once I get the same amount of profit in a row a few days, I want more. I always want to improve and if I don't improve, I just get the feeling like I am not doing enough.

      And I see that paid traffic can seem to be a lot more scale-able than how I am getting my traffic as of now.
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  • Profile picture of the author kinyash
    Risk is always a factor to consider when starting a business. But affiliate marketing has been proved to be a sustainable business model and there are many full time affiliates out here and its an industry that keeps growing.
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  • Profile picture of the author affilorama-portal
    I would also suggest you 'act' now and start with affiliate marketing. Every one in this forum is an IM and we all had our success and failures. However, one thing is certain and we may all agree that affiliate marketing is effective and it provides a stable income.

    Do not fill up your thoughts with negativity. Always have your goals and try to accomplish each goal on time. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author svetod
    "If you think you can or you think you can't, you are probably right!"

    If you are scared to try it, you will never succeed. I can tell you that with Affiliate Marketing, I am not only rich, but I have the life that I wanna have. I can work whenever I want, I can go to the gym in the middle of the day, I can go to holidays and go home richer than before.
    Don't waste your time and give it a shot!

    Any questions, I will be happy to help!
    Want To Know How I Make Money Online? Read my story
    Follow me on Instagram for Daily Inspiration & Free Tips: svetlintodd
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    It's not the method of monetization... It's your system.

    To answer your question affiliate marketing can be very stable.

    It depends how you go about it.

    If you have a constant and reliable method of contacting your target demographic?

    Then it's very stable yes.

    If you rely upon ONE source of traffic? It might be very unreliable.

    It comes down to your system.
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    • Profile picture of the author svetod
      Originally Posted by Sarevok View Post

      It's not the method of monetization... It's your system.

      To answer your question affiliate marketing can be very stable.

      It depends how you go about it.

      If you have a constant and reliable method of contacting your target demographic?

      Then it's very stable yes.

      If you rely upon ONE source of traffic? It might be very unreliable.

      It comes down to your system.
      Agree, diversification is very important in IM.
      Want To Know How I Make Money Online? Read my story
      Follow me on Instagram for Daily Inspiration & Free Tips: svetlintodd
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  • Profile picture of the author blankinship
    Experience comes slowly by trying different methods yourself and at the same time giving some time to that adapted method to show you the results. Unclear why countless web marketers skip the point that affiliate marketing could be an enduring plan of action. Getting traffic to CPA offers could be unsteady yes, yet there are individuals who are doing solely of which for many years. It truly descends to what you like doing. Offers may come and go, traffic sources get sometimes and easier to work with however that is the way of the CPA marketing business. Actually there is nothing wrong with that, you just have to be really flexible.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ean Stark
    You need to fail at first, its part of the game.

    Next,you'll find some success and after some months you'll become great at it.

    Live your dreams,
    Ean Stark
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