A trick to save you a few bucks from robots

4 replies

On low-cost traffic sources you'll often see suspicious traffic...

One way to 'catch' it is to put a link on your page that is not visible to the human eye...

Load a page with traffic tracking on it from that link...

Any 'visitor' that clicks through is probably not a human...

Dump those low-performing sources of traffic...

You can get as advanced as you need with this depending on your programming skills, but at the very least this is a quick way to get a visual clue of who is ripping you off.

Barry Rutherford
#bucks #robots #save #trick
  • Profile picture of the author Vizkii
    It's also good to put the link up high in your code, since its commonly read top down.
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    • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
      Originally Posted by Vizkii View Post

      It's also good to put the link up high in your code, since its commonly read top down.
      Good point.

      Once you find some of this type of traffic it will be worth confronting the supplier.

      I see this a lot on 'parked domains' and 'fourth tier search engines'

      If paid traffic is your main source of targeted prospects it really pays to keep a careful eye on the networks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Royalrevenue
    Thanks for great TIP, thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author Langeani
    Wow, good stuff...

    This can be used in so many instances... thanks a lot, both of you!

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