Cheap Traffic Is NOT The Answer

32 replies
So many are on a search for cheap, penny or less clicks. They think it's the best thing ever. They can send 1,000 clicks to an offer and only pay $0.01, that's $10! Wow sign me up, sounds awesome.

Or is it?

What if you paid more then a penny? What if you aimed for the top spot on a traffic source?

It would definitely cost you more, BUT you're probably going to find more winning campaigns faster.

Try this on 7search. Launch a campaign and go for the top spot on a handful of keywords. Don't bid on one word ones, that's too broad. Go exact match on a 3 word keyword phrase or more and get the top spot. You might be pleasantly surprised.

#answer #cheap #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author RAPSMITH
    Thanks for the tip.
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  • Profile picture of the author williamrs
    Good tip, thanks for sharing!
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  • Profile picture of the author xrcv
    Having a profitable campaign on a $2 CPC is a whole new level from having a profitable one at 0.1$ cpc, that's the evolution you go through as a marketer and there is less competition and saturation at the top. However, playing at the high level requires a ton of both technical knowledge and intuition (usually learned from experience). Or a million for a testing budget, whichever one comes first But definitely, the longer I do paid traffic the higher my 'comfortable' CPC gets, it's also a psychology and fear thing, but also a ton of intuition which makes higher-end campaigns work.
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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    Absolutely right.

    There is far less competition at the top bids but that competition is far more savvy and tougher to knock out. It's a trade off but all the guys seeking dirt cheap traffic and failing are fishing in the same pond as all the others. I'm just saying fish in a bigger pond where less people are.
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  • Profile picture of the author JoeFerguson
    I've seen search traffic sometimes regarded as "You get what you pay for." This obviously isn't the case, but like you have mentioned, purchasing a higher CPC and utilizing that with your experience of knowing what works can be worth the expense.

    Good advice!
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  • Profile picture of the author dropout
    Completely agree with this. On AdWords/BingAds I'm in position 2 or 3 for all my most profitable keywords.

    If you can make a campaign profitable in those spots for keywords with a big volume, you have the key to being succesful at CPA.

    I would also agree though that confidence and intuition does play a part, and both are built through trial and error over time.

    It can be daunting at first to bid aggressively, but of course we are all smart enough only to invest money we can afford to lose anyway, right?
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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Dinero
    Originally Posted by PPC-Coach View Post

    So many are on a search for cheap, penny or less clicks. They think it's the best thing ever. They can send 1,000 clicks to an offer and only pay $0.01, that's $10! Wow sign me up, sounds awesome.

    Or is it?

    What if you paid more then a penny? What if you aimed for the top spot on a traffic source?

    It would definitely cost you more, BUT you're probably going to find more winning campaigns faster.

    Try this on 7search. Launch a campaign and go for the top spot on a handful of keywords. Don't bid on one word ones, that's too broad. Go exact match on a 3 word keyword phrase or more and get the top spot. You might be pleasantly surprised.

    Hello there, how do you get around the incredibly low volume with 7Search? I have bid for the top spot for 3 word keywords before (in the "lose weight" niche mostly) only to find out I get at most like 10 clicks PER DAY, which is horrible... any thoughts about this? Are you talking about other niches maybe?

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    • Profile picture of the author jusancy
      Hello there, how do you get around the incredibly low volume with 7Search? I have bid for the top spot for 3 word keywords before (in the "lose weight" niche mostly) only to find out I get at most like 10 clicks PER DAY, which is horrible... any thoughts about this? Are you talking about other niches maybe?
      The problem I have with 7Search is that if you put a one or two word keyword out there, they may throw the keyword out on a publisher's page with absolutely no context. It's just sitting there without your ad copy just begging someone to click that link out of pure curiosity. The result is bad traffic.

      I can't remember an instance of seeing them do this with a three word keyword which is probably why you're getting less traffic. The good news is you're probably doing a better job of targeting your traffic at a cheaper cost.
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      • Profile picture of the author 7SearchBrad
        Originally Posted by jusancy View Post

        The problem I have with 7Search is that if you put a one or two word keyword out there, they may throw the keyword out on a publisher's page with absolutely no context. It's just sitting there without your ad copy just begging someone to click that link out of pure curiosity. The result is bad traffic.

        I can't remember an instance of seeing them do this with a three word keyword which is probably why you're getting less traffic. The good news is you're probably doing a better job of targeting your traffic at a cheaper cost.
        Hi, can you share an example of this with me? I've actually never heard this before so I'd like to take a look at it and address it with my TQ team if it's an ongoing issue. Thanks. You can email me back at bstanley at 7search dot com.
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      • Profile picture of the author Rod Dinero
        Originally Posted by jusancy View Post

        The problem I have with 7Search is that if you put a one or two word keyword out there, they may throw the keyword out on a publisher's page with absolutely no context. It's just sitting there without your ad copy just begging someone to click that link out of pure curiosity. The result is bad traffic.

        I can't remember an instance of seeing them do this with a three word keyword which is probably why you're getting less traffic. The good news is you're probably doing a better job of targeting your traffic at a cheaper cost.
        wow, I had no idea man... how can you know on what pages your ads are displayed? is there a function on the 7Search control panel or something to see this? If what you say is true then that is just awful! no wonder the traffic doesnt convert, lol
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by PPC-Coach View Post

    So many are on a search for cheap, penny or less clicks. They think it's the best thing ever. They can send 1,000 clicks to an offer and only pay $0.01, that's $10! Wow sign me up, sounds awesome.

    Or is it?

    What if you paid more then a penny? What if you aimed for the top spot on a traffic source?

    It would definitely cost you more, BUT you're probably going to find more winning campaigns faster.

    Try this on 7search. Launch a campaign and go for the top spot on a handful of keywords. Don't bid on one word ones, that's too broad. Go exact match on a 3 word keyword phrase or more and get the top spot. You might be pleasantly surprised.

    Good tips, and totally agree about too many people looking for cheap opposed to quality

    And most of my successful campaigns on 7search is by using keywords which are typically more expensive and nowhere near the min bid price
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  • Profile picture of the author drewfioravanti
    Cheap traffic actually is the answer. The cheaper the clicks, the higher the ROI. The more dialed in your campaign is, the less you pay for the better positions.

    I dont about the rest of you, but I prefer a higher ROI than a higher ad spend.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rod Dinero
      Originally Posted by drewfioravanti View Post

      Cheap traffic actually is the answer. The cheaper the clicks, the higher the ROI. The more dialed in your campaign is, the less you pay for the better positions.

      I dont about the rest of you, but I prefer a higher ROI than a higher ad spend.
      Yeah but $0.01 clicks wont do you any good if the clicks cant convert. If you know how to get a high ROI paying $0.01 per click let us all know please haha
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      • Profile picture of the author jusancy
        wow, I had no idea man... how can you know on what pages your ads are displayed? is there a function on the 7Search control panel or something to see this? If what you say is true then that is just awful! no wonder the traffic doesnt convert, lol
        Anytime you can get the referral url, you can usually go back and check the web page the link was triggered from. PeerFly gives you this information in their click report. Agreed the web page/links may have changed, but when you see Infolinks on the page, you can pretty much see where your keyword or ad copy was.

        The thing that bothers me about this... if I was paying high dollar for clicks, these line-em-up keyword links are a killer. I think there ought to be an option for us as bidders to specify whether or not this type of advertising is acceptable for what we're paying for.

        The other thing I'd be curious about is the algorithm that selects what keywords are to be displayed. I mean, these links are not even in written text so there has to be some kind of context.
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        • Profile picture of the author Rod Dinero
          Originally Posted by jusancy View Post

          Anytime you can get the referral url, you can usually go back and check the web page the link was triggered from. PeerFly gives you this information in their click report. Agreed the web page/links may have changed, but when you see Infolinks on the page, you can pretty much see where your keyword or ad copy was.

          The thing that bothers me about this... if I was paying high dollar for clicks, these line-em-up keyword links are a killer. I think there ought to be an option for us as bidders to specify whether or not this type of advertising is acceptable for what we're paying for.

          The other thing I'd be curious about is the algorithm that selects what keywords are to be displayed. I mean, these links are not even in written text so there has to be some kind of context.
          Oh I see... I wasnt promoting PeerFly offers on 7Search, maybe that "getting the referral url" thing is an exclusive feature of them. Certainly I couldnt get that info in the CPA network I work with. I agree we should be able to choose if we want that type of advertising or not, its kind of a ripoff you know... I would have never guessed it myself.

          Thanks for your insight on this matter man, you certainly know your stuff
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          • Profile picture of the author MTVida
            Originally Posted by Rod Dinero View Post

            Oh I see... I wasnt promoting PeerFly offers on 7Search, maybe that "getting the referral url" thing is an exclusive feature of them. Certainly I couldnt get that info in the CPA network I work with. I agree we should be able to choose if we want that type of advertising or not, its kind of a ripoff you know... I would have never guessed it myself.

            Thanks for your insight on this matter man, you certainly know your stuff
            Most tracking platforms will give you this information too, including Prosper202 (a free option.)

            One more reason why I always recommend people have tracking set up.
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            • Profile picture of the author Rod Dinero
              Originally Posted by MTVida View Post

              Most tracking platforms will give you this information too, including Prosper202 (a free option.)

              One more reason why I always recommend people have tracking set up.
              Thanks for that advise man, I will try setting up Prosper202
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              • Profile picture of the author FilipVanp
                There are lots of different forms of cheap traffic.
                Adfly and Fiverr traffic doesn't convert. There's a reason for that.

                But cheap traffic can be very profitable.
                It all depends on how you set things up.

                Selling CPA Rewards Website Script for Virtual Currencies. $125. Demo:

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  • Profile picture of the author 7SearchBrad
    The thing with our traffic is that 95% of it is originating from our network of traffic partners which we carefully monitor for quality. Those traffic partners have their own advertisers paying "X" amount on keywords. When these sources have a query for a keyword they scrub my advertisers and are looking for the ones bidding on the searched term and have a bid that is competitive with their own advertisers. For this reason we encourage advertisers to try and position themselves at or near the top of the 7Search bids to increase their opportunities of having their ads placed more frequently.
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  • Profile picture of the author bmw040
    Great advice/tip!

    THANKS for posting!
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    • Profile picture of the author jusancy
      7SearchBrad wrote:
      Hi, can you share an example of this with me? I've actually never heard this before so I'd like to take a look at it and address it with my TQ team if it's an ongoing issue. Thanks. You can email me back at bstanley at 7search dot com.
      Brad, this not the best example, but it will do.

      These links are not the ad copy, but links of keywords that count as clicks. It is true that if you hover over them it may bring up the complete ad copy or an abbreviated version. Even with a hover, they may be slow to display... but "Get Free" as well as all of these are just keywords ready to be clicked, resulting in cheaper traffic than if the ad copy was displayed.

      I think I saw a competitor of yours saying they would not allowed any link to be clicked unless the user was able to read the ad copy first.

      Is 7Search and Infolinks the same, or are they a service to you? Not all of Infolinks is like this, but I assume the publisher gets to choose what type of advertising gets displayed. These links take up very little page real estate, but I'm sure they are profitable for someone.

      Note: I was wrong about 3 word keywords from being used.
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  • Profile picture of the author im0001
    Originally Posted by PPC-Coach View Post

    Try this on 7search. Launch a campaign and go for the top spot on a handful of keywords. Don't bid on one word ones, that's too broad. Go exact match on a 3 word keyword phrase or more and get the top spot. You might be pleasantly surprised.

    Are you actually doing this yourself now and you're finding it profitable? If not, why not? :confused:
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    awesome post PPC

    I am not one of members, however i can say I do alot of stuff with 7search.

    While some bag the crap out of it, it shows they do not know how to use it, and have not educated themselves with how to test, and what niches work best in there. Because you can do well with testing.

    Anothing important element is the COPY, if you are not writing good copy, expect dismal results. most people slap up an ad, without thinking about benefit driven headlines, and copy that does not create buyer mentality, for me this is the 7search secret, making sure your ads are good quality.

    The same with MSN adcenter, another PPC engine, I did not really do that well there, with cheap clicks untill I really knuckled down on keywords, and better copy. That was key.
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    • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
      Originally Posted by im0001 View Post

      Are you actually doing this yourself now and you're finding it profitable? If not, why not? :confused:
      Yes I do 7search traffic. And yes it does convert. And yes I have bid high on keywords.

      Originally Posted by Rod Dinero View Post

      Yeah but $0.01 clicks wont do you any good if the clicks cant convert. If you know how to get a high ROI paying $0.01 per click let us all know please haha
      That's the point. People think, "oh a penny per click, get me 10,000 of those babies! If they convert at even 1% i'm laughing!" The thing is, (like Brad said already), 7search's publishers won't show it on some of their sites. So the people complaining about "low quality" are also refusing to even TRY to bid higher to get on the "HIGHER QUALITY" sites.

      Get it?

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      • Profile picture of the author Rod Dinero
        Originally Posted by PPC-Coach View Post

        That's the point. People think, "oh a penny per click, get me 10,000 of those babies! If they convert at even 1% i'm laughing!" The thing is, (like Brad said already), 7search's publishers won't show it on some of their sites. So the people complaining about "low quality" are also refusing to even TRY to bid higher to get on the "HIGHER QUALITY" sites.

        Get it?

        Oh yeah, if that traffic converted even at 1% I would be laughing all the way to the bank! the only problem I have is that even though I bid very high sometimes, I still get very, and I mean very few volume
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  • Profile picture of the author Patbinc
    Cheap has always been associated with low quality in our offline world....and the same is turning out to be true for the online world. Often people buying cheap are concerned with quantity while those buying expensive are looking for quality. So Internet Marketers have to get their priorities right to succeed online: Quality of clicks vs Quantity of clicks
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  • Profile picture of the author AlexGeorge
    Good post.

    I always stay away from cheap traffic. I've bought really cheap traffic from Adfly and PTC sites in the past but the conversion rate was awful. It's much better to advertise Facebook Ads or Adwords. Fiverr bulk traffic converts pretty bad too, so I don't buy traffic from people anymore.
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  • Profile picture of the author Royalrevenue
    I don't love 7search traffic. It don't convert for me. while Bing and Facebook convert really good. I have no success with 7search till date.
    Signature - Daily payment CPA network- PayPal/paxum/Bitcoin
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  • Profile picture of the author celebcaleb
    Thanks for sharing. I had not heard of 7search before but I might save some to give this a try.
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  • Profile picture of the author tored
    I will try it thanks for sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author ignmmulia
    good information, thanks for sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author FullMontySEO
    Cheap traffic is seductive to newbies because they think it's the traffic that makes the money. But everyone who actually makes money from paid traffic knows that the CPC is not what's important, it's the EPC. It's all about how much money your traffic makes you and how scalable that traffic is.
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