Best Mobile CPA Course?

by kenchu
2 replies
Hi all, any good mobile CPA course to introduce?

Thank you...
#cpa #mobile
  • Profile picture of the author kkunal
    Rather than investing in courses I would suggest you to invest that amount in testing and learning. Warrior forum has lots of free case studies and lots of Mobile CPA guides for free. Follow them and you will have success.

    Try all media buying networks and see which one works better for which country. Top one are : Airpush, LeadBolt, Buzzcity (cheap and low quality traffic, but works at times), Admob, Jumptap etc.

    Learn basics like setting up campaigns and tracking it, and test all possible networks.

    I guess this should help you to decide which ad network you can use for specific countries: Mobile CPA Paid Advertising Network Traffic Sources List

    This thread should be enough to give a head start:

    Questions? Do let me know.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by kenchu View Post

    Hi all, any good mobile CPA course to introduce?

    Thank you...
    IMGrind has a lot of good mobile info
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