Site Traffic Tip: Social Bookmarking On Delicious And StumbleUpon
By using this bookmarking method it will allow you to have access on web pages from any computer provided that it is connected to the internet. This method is giving you so many advantages because you have saved information that you don't have to access from your own computer and just get it from the bookmarking site.
When users share these saved web pages or contents with other people this is when it is already "social" in nature. When you join social bookmarking communities and you share your blog posts through these sites you can expect an increase of traffic to your blog posts and through these sites you can expect an increase in traffic to your blog.
Delicious is an online bookmarking site where you can bookmark web pages by using tags, and done in your own PC. Aside from having these pages accessible in your PC you can access these online using Delicious.
With StumbleUpon meanwhile, you submit links to web contents you want to share with other users. Other users can add their link to that content by giving thumbs up or thumbs down using the StumbleUpon toolbar, and these links are those that give you an increase in traffic.
But to drive traffic to your blogs or site you have to follow some things. Following these can give your blog a very big traffic boost.
1. Have great title tags. For the Delicious bookmarking site make a great title tag for your blogs. Users finding shared contents with great titles can motivate them to click on that bookmark and share the contents.
2. Write great descriptions. Make an enticing description that other users will find more motivating to click on the bookmark. They may even be tempted to bookmark your blogs or contents themselves based on the title and descriptions.
3. Don't bookmark your own contents. For StumbleUpon bookmarks avoid sharing your own contents and if you just feel sharing your blogs for more links, have others share it for you. This method will be good for the other user's eyes because you are not doing self promotion.
4. Make friends. With Delicious and StumbleUpon you can build your community of friends by inviting other users, bookmarking their contents and sharing these with others. Your presence on these social bookmarking sites will grow with the community of friends that you have developed.
5. Ask for bookmarks from other users. It will be great for your link building objectives if you ask other users for bookmarks. With your blogs, you can ask your readers to bookmark it.
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