Article Marketing Tips That Work
A lot of start-up business owners on the web are trying to figure out how they can take their businesses to the next level. One way you can work to increase your business's profile, is to employ some article marketing techniques. We highlight some article marketing tips in this article, and tell you how you can use these tips to your advantage.
Each article you produce should be targeted for specific search keywords, but remember that plural forms are entirely different keywords. A reader searching for "pastry" will see different results than one searching for "pastries," for example. Resist the temptation to duplicate content; consider crafting a new article for a plural phrasing if the keyword is particularly relevant.
Create an e-book with your articles. Choose some of your most well-read pieces and put them in an e-book that you can distribute to other sites. This is another way to self-promote your work, and it will increase traffic to your website and encourage viewers to read your more recent articles.
You must be submitting new articles to directories as often as possible to keep yourself on top of a variety of key phrases. The more links you get back to your site for a given key phrase, the higher Google will rank you in searches for that term. Get as many articles out as you can!
Create your article titles with a keyword search. Once you have decided what you want your article to be about, go to a free keyword tool (such as that provided by Google) and key in your topic. You will get a long list of good keywords. Glean your title - along with keywords you want to include in your article - from this.
As an entrepreneur, increasing the size and scope of your business will allow for more customers and ultimately more profit. Using the article marketing techniques that you learned here, you can effectively drive traffic, and expand your business to the size you had always hoped and dreamed your business would be.
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