3 More Tips For Mining Perpetual Profits From AdWords
1. Test your Ads
Google AdWords offers a test feature. But, we have to use the tool to benefit from it. Test the performance of each of your ads to understand which one returns the best results. What is the point in spending money on ads which do not provide a decent CTR for you? You are in business to make money with AdWords not to contribute to Google what you earn.
2. Beware of the Manual reviews
Several people who attempt to make money from AdWords possibly forget that proprietary algorithms will be employed by Google AdWords to review campaigns. Not only that, the campaigns will also be manually reviewed by editors to ensure that your ads are within the stipulated frame work of rules and regulations.
3. Be careful with the language you use
Some people tend to use offensive language or some kind of couched usage in their attempt to distinguish themselves. They forget the manual review factor which can attract a penalty from Google. Apart from the penalty, such ads tend to discredit you and your product/service. It is essential to understand that you cannot make money with AdWords through black hat methods. Similarly, Google can be very severe with Ads which violate the copyright provisions. The guidelines are in place and are pretty stiff. Sustained violations can land you into trouble too.
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