by max5ty
12 replies
Google did an ad for AI Gemini for the Olympics...

it didn't go over well at all.

The idea behind the ad was a little girl was telling her dad she wanted to send a letter to an Olympic star.

Her dad suggested using AI.

The response to the ad wasn't good...

I saw on CNN today Google pulled the ad.

Here's an article I found interesting about the whole thing:
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  • aActually its just a start so to much space joining the band wagon
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11799316].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Town hall Dental View Post

      aActually its just a start so to much space joining the band wagon
      Yes, there are hundreds, if not thousands now.

      The code is readily available on GitHub.

      I've been using Bubble for a few years now...

      I can build an AI platform in about 15 minutes.

      It's like the gold rush right now. I think it will die down some in a year or so.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11799338].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    I didn't see the problem with the ad. But personally I would think any person who receive a large amount of emails is using an ai to screen out generated content.

    At this rate with chat bots and generated content and eventually deep fake voice and video. Horror of horrors if you want to interact with other humans people may soon have no choice but to go where other people are and learn to talk face to face.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11799549].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      I didn't see the problem with the ad. But personally I would think any person who receive a large amount of emails is using an ai to screen out generated content.

      At this rate with chat bots and generated content and eventually deep fake voice and video. Horror of horrors if you want to interact with other humans people may soon have no choice but to go where other people are and learn to talk face to face.
      Some things go viral on the internet...but here, not so much.

      Could be because the audience here is experienced at marketing?

      The general public is a lot more skeptical I guess.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11799909].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
        Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

        Some things go viral on the internet...but here, not so much.
        Could be because the audience here is experienced at marketing?
        Might be because the article you linked to is behind a paywall. Could you summarize the main point(s) for those of us without a subscription?

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11800093].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author max5ty
          Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

          Might be because the article you linked to is behind a paywall. Could you summarize the main point(s) for those of us without a subscription?
          Wow, that's interesting...

          I'm not a paying user but still read the article.

          Thank you for telling me.

          If there is an article behind a paywall there are ways to still read it.

          One way is to go to and paste the article url into the field with the red box.

          Sorry, I didn't realize it was behind a paywall.

          The url for the article is:

          go to that and copy the url at the top and then enter that into the red box.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11800096].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

        Some things go viral on the internet...but here, not so much.

        Could be because the audience here is experienced at marketing?

        The general public is a lot more skeptical I guess.
        Here the moderation team makes sure the post are made by humans.

        The general public is not skeptical of AI. AI is not currently creating any new cool stuff that makes the lives of the general public better.

        Much of the ai being developed will get the same warm positive reception from the public self checkout has.

        The general public wants to own the stuff they buy. if you buy something with ai in it you probably never actually own the thing you buy.
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  • Dream is, you can ride a pony ANYPLACE.

    Less'n you a pony, this is a monstrous presumption.

    Tryin' to be FUNNY here, y'all.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11800092].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Thanks - I was able to access it via the archive.

    The article makes some compelling points, like when it describes writing as "a method for taking thoughts and images and stories out of your brain and putting them into someone else's brain."

    Talking about when AI sucks, you might be interested in a post I came across on Ted Gioia's substack last week: "How to know if you're living in a doom loop"

    An excerpt:

    "The algorithm is, by definition, a repeating pattern that always looks backward. It does something in the future based on what worked in the past.

    So the algorithm that recommends music or videos on a web platform will never deliver a totally fresh and new experience for you. It always gives you something similar to what you consumed last week--or last month, or last year.

    And, as the cycle repeats, the results get less interesting and more predictable

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11800099].message }}
    • Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

      a repeating pattern that always looks backward. [/I]."
      tbh so much PROVEN stuff falls into this hula loop don't zackly circle easy no more round anywan's waist.

      My view on AI is how it offahs a slovenly semi-slooshin' for the benefit of eedjits cain't figure their wahooey from their spewy.

      (I mostly talkin' GenAI as it relates to copy here -- naht the excellent navigation apps I deploy regulah in search of BARGAIN HEELS which occasionally direct Moi toward unseemly theme parks an' weird lookin' guys.

      Automation has its place for sure, but it must only evah command dominion ovah the trooly servile stuffs in ways nowan IRL is written outta the script.

      tbh so much PROVEN stuff fell into this hula loop don't zackly circle easy no more round anywan's waist.

      My view on AI was how it offahs a slovenly semi-slooshin' for the benefit of eedjits cain't figure their wahooey from their spewy.

      (I mostly talked GenAI as it relates to copy here -- naht the excellent navigation apps I deployed regulah in search of BARGAIN HEELS which occasionally directed Moi toward unseemly theme parks an' weird lookin' guys.

      Automation has its place for sure, but it must only evah command dominion ovah the trooly servile stuffs in ways nowan IRL is written outta the script.

      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11800278].message }}
  • I can imagine someone using AI to write a letter, several pages long. And the recipient using AI to read the letter.

    Sender says: "Write a letter telling Xyz I love her"
    Recipient gets: "The letter is generic fan mail and holds no unique perspective"

    Perhaps, it defeats the objective of sending a letter in the first place
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  • Profile picture of the author conquest99999
    Gemini isn't as highly developed as chatgpt so I guess that's why the ad didn't go well.
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