by max5ty
7 replies
The team that is behind Stable Diffussion recently came out with a new image generator...


I played around with it to create some images.

It's pretty good...but on a couple of my images I had people with 3 fingers, or an arm that seemed out of place

Anyway, if you get bored and want to give it a go, you can try it free on hugging face right now.
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  • My concern is mostly stray fingahs hangin' outta muh fanjo.

    Less'n they invited, they ain't welcome.

    I call this Playable Collusion, an' I am real tight 'bout what constitoots 'entry level'.

    My Q 'bout mucha the generic morphsystuffs we imbibin' now is ... what's still rockin' in 2035?

    Almost certainly, 99% of today's considahed "Quality Output" will, in time, disappear inta shit.

    Along with swamp of brain an' heart up sum noplace vacuumhole.

    Meantimes, in alla our meandrin' an' drectschnwaahls, don't we jus' watch out always for the trooly sensayshnwaal?

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11800281].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

    The team that is behind Stable Diffussion recently came out with a new image generator...


    I played around with it to create some images.

    It's pretty good...but on a couple of my images I had people with 3 fingers, or an arm that seemed out of place

    Anyway, if you get bored and want to give it a go, you can try it free on hugging face right now.

    I use a different AI image generator for various projects,
    one of them is publishing paperbacks on Amazon KDP,
    it provides images for my interior pages and my covers.

    There is another AI system that I use for text content and
    it inserts images within the text to be used for articles, blog
    posts, website content, or whatever you want to use it for.

    Sometimes there are issues with the appearance of hands,
    which can be somewhat overcome with improved prompts.

    My image generator improves prompts within its system,
    or you can rewrite the prompts to read something like

    "human hands should have four fingers and a thumb"

    And of course, ChatGPT can help you rewrite and improve
    the prompts that you use for the AI image generator if you
    could use a helping hand.

    Please note that although I mentioned ChatGPT, any of
    the other AI language models can be used such as:

    Gemini, Meta AI, or Perplexity, use whatever works.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11800302].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

      Sometimes there are issues with the appearance of hands,
      which can be somewhat overcome with improved prompts.

      Thanks Monetize.

      I'll try and improve my prompts to fix that.

      I haven't really used image generators that much.

      Canva has some I've tried, but most of those seem a little wonky most of the time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    I use Canva almost daily in my publishing and web development.

    I can easily get my books complete and it formats everything to
    CMYK as required by Amazon KDP.

    Besides that it has so many features and functions, I highly
    recommend Canva to anyone who's developing digital products,
    graphics, etc. I think it is essential and it can be combined with
    other systems. I LOVE it.

    I have not used its AI image generator as I need to limit things
    I get involved in, as using too many softwares/systems can turn
    into a time-waster and possible duplication of effort.

    I'm sure you can relate.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11800346].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

      I use Canva almost daily in my publishing and web development.

      I can easily get my books complete and it formats everything to
      CMYK as required by Amazon KDP.

      Besides that it has so many features and functions, I highly
      recommend Canva to anyone who's developing digital products,
      graphics, etc. I think it is essential and it can be combined with
      other systems. I LOVE it.

      I have not used its AI image generator as I need to limit things
      I get involved in, as using too many softwares/systems can turn
      into a time-waster and possible duplication of effort.

      I'm sure you can relate.
      Canva is one of my favorite tools.

      The only thing I wish they had was the ability to download images in WebP.

      I understand WebP is a Google thing though so there are probably limitations.

      I've found PicFlow to be the best converter there is.

      It's free and fast.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11800351].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Monetize
        Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

        The only thing I wish they had was the ability to download images in WebP.

        You could suggest it.

        Their customer service is very responsive.

        LMK if you do it and I'll ask them also.
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeLowel
    How much resources would it take to run flux.1 locally
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