Is it ok to use Chatgpt generated image?

18 replies
Hey guys, I searched and searched online for a specific mental health related image for my ebook and cannot find one for sale anywhere. So I tried Chatgpt which generated an image closest to what I am seeking.

I read the 'Usage Policies' which shows that as long as there isn't a similar image already online then I can use it for commercial purposes but my question is, just because I cannot find a similar image in 'my' searches, doesn't mean one or more might not exist, so should I use it please?

(Moved to Artificial Intelligence section by mod)
#chatgpt #generated #image
  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    I have no doubt you'll be fine using it.

    The worst case scenario is someone sends a take-down notice, but I don't possibly see how they can do that if you can verify the image was created with AI.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by mikehende View Post

    Hey guys, I searched and searched online for a specific mental health related image for my ebook and cannot find one for sale anywhere. So I tried Chatgpt which generated an image closest to what I am seeking.

    I read the 'Usage Policies' which shows that as long as there isn't a similar image already online then I can use it for commercial purposes but my question is, just because I cannot find a similar image in 'my' searches, doesn't mean one or more might not exist, so should I use it please?

    (Moved to Artificial Intelligence section by mod)

    You are asking people to judge an image that they cannot see.

    If your A.I. image generator grants you copyright, then you can
    do whatever you want with it.

    When you generate an image of a flower, obviously it's going
    to look like other images of flowers.

    If there is an issue of your publisher allowing A.I.-generated
    content, then you should address this concern to them.

    Otherwise drive on. The whole point of being an entrepreneur/
    internet marketer is that you don't have to ask other people for
    permission about how you run your business.
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  • Profile picture of the author conquest99999
    You will have no problem using it. A.I. generated pictures as safe from copyright.
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  • Profile picture of the author nigrogi
    yes, you can use chatgpt to generate image for your own use. i try many different tool but chatgpt one of the best from them it provide me exact image according to prompt.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    yes u can for personal and business use, you just need to check open ai terms of service who are behind chat gpt

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  • Profile picture of the author Gaus
    If you're not finding a similar image and the generated image follows ChatGPT's usage policy, it should be fine to use it commercially. However, to be extra cautious, you might want to check for any potential copyright conflicts or consult a legal expert.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikehende
    Thanks for the great advice guys. You have given me an idea, I will take a screenshot of Chatgpt generating the image and save it safely just in case there should be a query from anyone in the future, I will have it handy as proof!
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    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
      Originally Posted by mikehende View Post

      Thanks for the great advice guys. You have given me an idea, I will take a screenshot of Chatgpt generating the image and save it safely just in case there should be a query from anyone in the future, I will have it handy as proof!

      There are 15+ BILLION A.I.-generated images.

      Nobody is going to question your ONE image!
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  • Profile picture of the author Gina25
    You will not have any issues using it. Your main concern should be whether it looks realistic enough for your intended use; that's all.
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  • Profile picture of the author godsepallavi17
    If it is not violating any legal or contractual provisions, then you can use that image.
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  • Profile picture of the author suwaidi online
    Always check the platform's guidelines or usage policies to avoid misuse and respect intellectual property.
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  • Profile picture of the author Abieekay
    Well it depends on how much you use it
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  • Profile picture of the author axelllc
    I believe that you can use any AI generated content for any purpose. No one owns the rights iirc, so if you wanna yoink someone else's AI images, should be fair game.
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  • Profile picture of the author dp001
    you should be fine using it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve MacLellan
    Everyone's prompts to generate an image are likely different enough, so that no two images are exactly the same.

    Website building Discussion and Hosting

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  • Profile picture of the author yhpnz
    Yes, it's generally okay to use ChatGPT-generated images, but it's important to check the specific usage rights, especially for commercial purposes. Make sure to follow any guidelines or restrictions provided by the platform that generates the images.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarcelloFumuso
    There shouldn't be any problem with that. Go ahead and create it.
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  • Profile picture of the author skynode
    yes its ok to use catgut generated image although it not comes in copyright content.
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