How to promote website

19 replies
Hi all,

I am planing to build Coupon Website. I know some of the website like, I am planing to build similar website. But after website development I just want to know how to do marketing for this kind of website. How to bring more traffic so that can earn some money by this.

Is there any tips to promote on social media & any free email marketing software ?

Any suggestion ?
#promote #website
  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Originally Posted by coupononbrands View Post

    Hi all,

    I am planing to build Coupon Website. I know some of the website like, I am planing to build similar website. But after website development I just want to know how to do marketing for this kind of website. How to bring more traffic so that can earn some money by this.
    Find starving crowd/people who are looking for a solution, FIRST, and THEN build website/product for it. Not the other way around.

    Originally Posted by coupononbrands View Post

    ...any free email marketing software?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11321276].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author onegoodman
      Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

      Find starving crowd/people who are looking for a solution, FIRST, and THEN build website/product for it. Not the other way around.

      I would side with Randall here, coupon space is over crowded. It is hard to get in and there is like a gilzillion site out there, before you spent time wasted, ensure you have a good strategy, and target a given market.

      I own couple of coupon sites myself that has been around for years and doing just ok, I wouldn't bother launching a new one. I would target something different if i would launch a new site.
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      • Profile picture of the author coupononbrands
        Do you have any idea about coupon database ? From where can get coupon database ?
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        • Profile picture of the author steemseo
          Read my reply.
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  • Profile picture of the author extrememan
    I would basically promote on all the top social media sites (facebook, twitter, google+, linkedin, pinterest, and stumbleupon) and as for email marketing software. I would start ever building my list with Aweber, or Getresponse, and promote to my list overtime. Stay away from free autoresponders - there not worth the bother.
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  • Profile picture of the author steemseo
    Frist go to click junction or cj website sign up and apply for affiliate programs for your various nicche, go to promotion tab and select coupon codes methods, copy your discount coupons code and paste it to your website.
    Now, go to adwords and invest 500₹ you get 2k free advertising coupons code, use this code to promote on google search adds, select keywords related to your coupon affiliate website.
    Ie. For domain discounts coupon codes you have to signup for godaddy affiliates program on cj or click junction
    Best affiliate website is
    1. Click junction
    2. Click bank
    3. Sharesales
    Enjoy and never mind my grammar mistakes.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11322656].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author coupononbrands
      Originally Posted by steemseo View Post

      Frist go to click junction or cj website sign up and apply for affiliate programs for your various nicche, go to promotion tab and select coupon codes methods, copy your discount coupons code and paste it to your website.
      Now, go to adwords and invest 500₹ you get 2k free advertising coupons code, use this code to promote on google search adds, select keywords related to your coupon affiliate website.
      Ie. For domain discounts coupon codes you have to signup for godaddy affiliates program on cj or click junction
      Best affiliate website is
      1. Click junction
      2. Click bank
      3. Sharesales
      Enjoy and never mind my grammar mistakes.
      Is CJ website is good for Indian market ?
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  • Profile picture of the author steemseo
    Mailchips gives 2500 free email per month, but Google search ads is perfect for coupons web sites
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    • Profile picture of the author coupononbrands
      Originally Posted by steemseo View Post

      Mailchips gives 2500 free email per month, but Google search ads is perfect for coupons web sites
      Yes, but Mailchips don't allow to use there programs for affiliate marketing. They blocked my 3 different account because of this.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11322981].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Beginnersblog
    Simply you need to find the those people who are looking for the product that you are offering.

    Suppose your site is multi niche and offering various product's coupon code that means first you need to look for the people who want to purchase any of the product.

    For that you need to track the affiliate website to discover the source of traffic they are getting.
    you need to write the some articles that belong to your products. So that you can offer your coupon code.
    You can go to the specific facebook product buy and sell groups and promote your link.

    This type of website can drive traffic only if you can promote it to the right audience.

    You can Try...
    Facebook groups
    Create Facebook page
    One last thing you could do is, mention your site on other's comment section that are selling or recommending the same kind of product you are offering.

    I hope it could help you...
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  • Profile picture of the author YourGoToWriter
    Maximize the use of social networking sites, especially Facebook. What kinds of coupons are you trying to promote? Reel in people who are in need of the product you are offering. You can start by posting compelling marketing materials and stimulating engagement. Study your traffic, then you can launch Facebook ads with targeted demographics afterwards. -Micah
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  • Profile picture of the author pbshandilya
    By the social networking sites,artical submission,blogging,forum,directories submission,blog posting,classified submission etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author cybernext

    You have all options open. Go for SEO, PPC, SMO, Email Marketing, SMS marketing etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
    Originally Posted by coupononbrands View Post

    Hi all,

    I am planing to build Coupon Website. I know some of the website like, I am planing to build similar website. But after website development I just want to know how to do marketing for this kind of website. How to bring more traffic so that can earn some money by this.

    Is there any tips to promote on social media & any free email marketing software ?

    Any suggestion ?
    I'd go nuclear on social media with this type of site. Hit every network you can find with posts daily based on what each network will support. I would put social media at the center and maybe add in some content marketing to help support it.

    Benjamin Ehinger
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  • From Offpage SEO
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    • Profile picture of the author coupononbrands
      What exactly was that Off Page SEO? How to do that ?
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  • You are putting the cart before the horse.

    You first want to know if there really is a demand for the coupons you have on offer, and which traffic source will converted best with your offers.

    Now it seems that you have a website/product created, and no real concrete ideas of how to market and drive targeted traffic to your website.

    Your task now will be to do thorough research on traffic generation techniques. You may get some generic answers from some newbies, but none will be a detailed traffic generation strategy.

    So my advice to you will be to invest in buyers traffic generation course. You will get detailed current information on the traffic generation topics in the WSO section of the WF. WSO's are courses offered at discounted prices to Warrior Forum members. Check out the ones with the best testimonials and invest in those.
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  • Profile picture of the author imarketers
    first of all you need to find the prospects for your website and various ways to promote it,it also includes what are the better services that you can offer than the other persons in the market
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